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Freedom vs.Tyranny Page 27
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Page 27
“Sir, the Pentagon is currently on lockdown, I will need to verify your orders with my commander, if you could please give me a copy of your orders and your ID I’ll contact my chain of command.”
“Sergeant, I just informed you, I am your chain of command, I am your new commanding general.”
“Sir, yes, you have so informed me, however as I’m sure you understand all orders have to be verified. If I were to allow you entry and you were not who you say, you are there would be many issues.”
“Sergeant, OPEN the gate, this is a direct order.”
“Sir, you cannot give me an order, you are not in my chain of command, and you are not an American officer. I don’t recognize your authority. If you would please wait, I’ll contact my officer.”
“Who is your commanding officer?”
“Sir, Major Grover, he has recently returned from a brief deployment with Admiral Zander.”
“Ah yes, the famous Admiral Zander, where is he? We’ve been looking for him for a while; we have a warrant for him for crimes against humanity.”
“Sir, I don’t know the Admiral’s location.”
“Don’t worry sergeant, we’ll locate all of these rebels, we’ll bring them to justice. Where is your Major Grover?”
“Sir, he’s on the way with our rapid response force.”
Coming around the right-hand side of the Pentagon are six Bradley fighting vehicles escorting six Abrams main battle tanks, the tank’s 120mm canons are pointing at the line of twenty white vehicles lined up at the Pentagon’s main gate. The UN troops look up, hearing the sound of helicopters, they see five American AH 64D attack helicopters flying directly towards them.
Major Grover steps out of the lead Humvee, he snaps to attention in front of the UN general, the major says, “General, what brings you to the Pentagon?”
“Ah Grover, I see you got yourself promoted, who did you kill to accomplish this? Major, I’d like to say it’s good to see you again, but it’s not. Who the hell put you in charge of security, you’re nothing more than a special ops assassin. Do you plan to use your force to kill me?”
“No General, I plan to show you its a very bad idea to visit us today, maybe if you had called ahead, we could have booked an appointment. I think the General has an opening in his calendar for July 30, 2029, do have your staff call his to confirm the appointment.”
“Major, I have valid orders, I am entering and following my orders.”
“General, one word from me, and none of you will live to have lunch. It’s your choice. If my troops open fire, it only means I have more forms to fill out, and I hate paperwork.”
“Yes, I heard that about you. I understand you only like wet work. (Assassinations) We have a little score to settle from one of your missions in Africa; your target was a close friend of mine.”
“General, I carry out my orders, I’m sorry if my mission was a friend of yours, I always accomplish my missions, my current mission is the security of the Pentagon, I will carry out my mission to the best of my ability.”
“Major, we’re leaving; however, we will return, and I will see you hang.”
“General have a good day, and make sure you have your staff confirm the appointment with the General.”
“Major, fuck you.”
“Admiral, the UN has tried to enter the Pentagon, they have orders to replace all of our officers above the grade of 06.”
“I think it’s time to empty the Pentagon and relocate to our backup headquarters. Move most of the staffs to the carriers, they’re much harder for the UN to attack. We should be able to empty the Pentagon and be gone before the blue helmets return, won’t they be surprised? Tell Major Grover to make sure he leaves a few welcome gifts for the UN in the Pentagon.”
The Admiral’s aide smiles, “Aye aye sir.
Lines had formed before dawn in front of the Citizen Defense Force recruiting offices, getting a job that encouraged getting even with the 1% and other racists were better than a dream come true. Every person who applied was accepted, “Sir, I gots me a record, I spent three years in jail.”
“No problem, know how to use a gun?”
“Sure dude, want to see mine?”
“No, just sign here.”
The President’s Citizen Defense Force grew overnight to over a hundred thousand, in a week the numbers reached six hundred thousand. The only issue that slowed down the growth of the citizen force is the shortage of the new black uniforms.
“Brad, what do you think?”
“Ron, this can’t be America. Citizen Defense Force, signing up inner city youth with no experience, declaring the attack on the Mall a domestic terrorist attack when the UN brought the General’s helicopter down? They started it. The President set up the entire thing. He did it to remove conservatives from the picture. He did it to ensure he and his party ruled forever. “
“Brad, look at how the people are eating it up, they believe him, they believe we attacked the people on the Mall, we didn’t do it, we were both there, we saw the UN fire the missile, we saw them fire into the crowd. What happened to the truth?”
“The winners always get to write their version of history, right now the President thinks he’s winning, he’s telling his version of the truth, he’ll have his version of history written, our children and their children will be taught the Tea Party and conservatives are demons. How does it feel to be a demon?”
“Damn, I must have left my claws at the front door. Why don’t the people see the truth? Millions must have seen the missile rise from the UN position.”
“No, they didn’t, those images never made it online. The administration will never allow that video to be seen. Anyone, who videotaped it on their phones, will lose their phones, anyone, who tries to post the real images, will find the NSA takes their images down, and they will get a visit from the FBI or DHS agents showing them the error of their ways.”
“General, we’re having problems trying to gain momentum, the administration controls the press, and the internet, they control what people see and hear. Blaming us for the attack was a brilliant plan by the administration, they turned the entire country against us they turned our neighbors against us. In one speech, the President won the PR battle. We’re fighting a retreating holding action. We need to get ahead of the press war, or we’ll lose the people once the people are lost, the country is lost.”
“Captain, the President pulled a fast one on us. He outmaneuvered us. Let’s go back to trying to sway some members of the press again, it had started to work, the three we scared the crap out of started to question some of what was going on, let’s go back and pay these three another visit, maybe they can help introduce us to some of their friends.”
“General, do you think they’ll find us here?”
“I'm sure they will; I’ve made plans with Admiral Zander to transfer us to one of his carriers, we’re leaving tomorrow at 0400. We’ll take helicopters to a small airstrip on the Virginia coast; we’ll refuel and fly to the carrier that is off the coast.”
“Yes sir, I’ll get the staff packing.”
Just as the two are finishing their conversation, the alarm sounds, a broadcast sounds through the entire bunker, “Now hear this, now hear this, DHS in depth is approaching the hotel, 20 plus vehicles, many MRAPs.”
The General says, “That didn’t take long, get the staff out the back door, anything, they can't carry, is to be destroyed. Hurry, this is no place to fight, there are innocents upstairs in the hotel.”
Chapter 27
Every television channel, broadcast and cable, every website, every cell phone is frozen, an alarm sounds from every device. A face wearing a Guy Fawkes mask appears on every device, screen saying, “America we are Anonymous. We have warned you that the Federal Government has lied to you. Let us show you what happened on July 4 on the Capital Mall. Watch and learn the truth.” The displays change t
o a view of the Capital Mall; the crowd is viewed from different angles and different viewpoints, images of hundreds of banners and signs are displayed. “America, these were not families on the Mall just waiting for the fireworks; these people were you, your neighbors, your brothers and sisters who flooded the Mall to protest the overreaching government and President. Look at these signs, most are handmade, look at the peacefulness of the people, now let’s look at the sidelines, do you see the lines of UN blue helmets? Do you see them standing on the sidelines dressed in riot gear? Do you see them holding assault rifles? Let’s zoom in and check these long black tubes the two people on the left are holding, America do you see them? These are shoulder-fired anti-air defense missiles. Who fired against whom? America do you see any weapons in the hands of the protesters? Do you see the weapons in the hands of the UN troops, now let’s look at the DC police, do you see what we’re zooming in on? Do you see the weapons? Do you see the riot gear? Do you see the tear gas launchers? America do you see the armored tank-like vehicles? The Federal Government, the President, wanted a riot; he wanted violence, he’s using the violence he created to become a dictator. America the President is censoring and making up stories through his friends in Hollywood. He’s creating false news stories. Do not believe what you see on the network broadcast programs. America do you know the Federal Government has censors in every newsroom? America do you know you’re about to lose your bill of rights? America, the helicopter, was shot down by the UN troops, the UN fired on the defenseless crowd. The UN killed your brothers and sisters. Think Rash and Glenn made up the story? Here are the images of the hotel they were kept in; here are images of the room they were locked in. Notice, there’s no TV, no telephones, notice their clothing is still in the closet. Notice the tags on the food trays, America do you see their names printed on the meal cards and menus? The DHS kidnaped and held them hostage. America open your eyes; America do you think you have a free press? America last year the country was ranked 47th in the world for having a free press. Why is the government arresting journalists who write a story not on their approved list? America, we are the only country in the world where freedom of the press is written into our bill of rights, and yet we are falling below 50th in the world for having a free press. America wake up before it’s too late. The Tea Party didn’t initiate violence; the Federal Government did. The President asked the UN to send troops to America to control you. Here is a copy of the agreement signed by the UN Secretary-General and our would-be king, the President. Read it here, download it read it yourself. The troops are here to control you. The President is planning to break America's back; the President is planning on the UN making our laws. He wants the UN to tax our people, to control our lives. America this isn’t who you elected. America the time is now to rise up and say NO MORE, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. America your time is running out. We are Anonymous. We now return the control of your broadcasts to the Federal Government.”
Every device returns to normal, the media “talking heads” are confused by the interruption of the countries communications networks by Anonymous. None of the news people can explain how this was done, some try to explain the images just shown were photoshopped images, some say the images and videos were computer generated, after all why would the peaceful UN shoot at Americans?”
On the other hand, many in Middle America start asking themselves what’s the real truth. Some question what’s going on in their country. Some think that the story, the media has been saying, isn’t logical. Many think Anonymous is starting to make sense. Why would they take over the entire broadcast network and make up lies, On the other hand, the local news broadcasts have changed recently. There are more stories about the right wing, showing anyone who disagrees with the administration in a bad light. The local media and press have destroyed various families for their outspoken opposition to the current administration. Many have heard stories of homes being broken into in the middle of the night. Children come home from school telling tales of children who aren’t in school anymore, stories about families that no longer live in the homes they used to. They appear to have just disappeared.
Not all agree that Anonymous is telling the truth, most of the minorities, who got the President elected, know their savior wouldn’t, couldn’t do any of the things Anonymous has accused him of. They “know” the UN is here to protect them from the racists, they “know” the 1% has been enslaving them, they “know” the President found a mess when he took office. He’s been spending every waking moment working to improve the average person’s life. He’s trying to correct the wrongs the previous racist Presidents put in place to hold the minorities down. Their President is working for them every minute of the day. They decide to not accept some clown wearing a mask vs. their President, who's always sided with them.
Three reporters wake up to find a hand being held over their mouths. “Good morning, how are you this fine morning? We’d like to remind you we had an agreement. We had what we considered a deal, if we think the deal was broken, we’re going to have to ensure we move ahead with what we promised would happen to you. Do you remember what we discussed? If you do, blink your eyes twice. Good for you. Now, I’m going to leave an outline of the story we want you to report on your night stand if you don’t report this story in a good light within 48 hours we’ll be back, only next time we won’t be so friendly. You don’t want that do you? If you don’t want us to return blink twice. Good we’re in agreement. Now I’m sure we’re going to enjoy watching your news program. Oh and please don’t try any of that censor bullshit crap, we don’t buy it, you’ll find a way to slip this into your reports. If we do have to return, you won’t like it, it will be, shall we say, very painful for you. I have a friend who likes to deliver pain, lots of pain, think about having certain parts of your body slowly removed. What’s that? Are you getting sick thinking about the cost of not doing what we’re asking? Very good, we’re going to leave you now, remember, 48 hours, or we’ll be back with my friend.”
Hundreds of DHS and UN troops arrive at the Greenbrier Resort and Hotel. Some surround the buildings; some run into the building searching for the elevator to the bunker. What the agents and UN troops don’t know is the hotel walled over the elevators when the bunker was sealed and closed. No one remains at the hotel who remembers where the elevators were. The DHS agents and UN troops have to use metal scanners looking for metal behind the walls of the hotel lobby. Of course, there is a small problem with this plan, that problem is the hotel is built of steel, behind every wall are steel frames. The UN Captain suggests to the DHS lead agent they start tearing the walls apart to see what’s behind them, the DHS agent agrees when a lawyer appears with a court order informing the agents that they are on private property, they require a search warrant to be on the hotel premises, and they require probable cause to do anything to the building. The lawyer hands them a document stating without proper court ordered documents they have to leave the hotel. Two local television crews are filming the entire interaction between the agents and lawyer. They have also recorded the agents using metal wands over the lobby walls while at the same time refusing to answer the hotel General Manager’s questions. The news crews record the interaction between the agents and the hotel guests who are ordered to leave the lobby and not ask any questions; they record the TSA agents trying to search every hotel guest. This continues for an hour, when ten West Virginia State Police cars arrive; the cars are followed by four West Virginia SWAT MRAP vehicles. The state police surround the agents and UN troops saying, “I’m West Virginia State Police Captain Lewis Andrews, who are you? What are you doing here? And why haven’t you left when the General Manager of this facility politely requested you leave the facility. We’ve received complainants stating you’re stopping guests without probable cause; you’re searching the guests’ bodies, and you’re damaging private property.”
“Listen, Captain Andrews, we’re here as representatives of the Federal
Government, we’re here searching for domestic terrorists, we have every right to be here. I want you to leave, you’re interfering with a federal investigation.”
“Agent Browns if I don’t have proper court signed documents in my hand in one minute my people will place your people under arrest.”
“Captain, if your people take one step forward, I’ll order mine to open fire.”
“Agent, did you just tell me you were going to order your people to open fire on my officers?”
“You got it, Captain redneck, now leave us alone.”
“Agent, you have made a threat against West Virginia State Police officers, you and all of your people are hereby under arrest. SWAT, disarm these people and place them under arrest for threatening us.”
“Listen Captain crap for brains, you can’t touch us, we’re federal police officers, and we’re here with United Nations troops.”
“First of all agent, none of you are police officers, you're paper pushing government workers who've been given a phony badge, secondly the United Nations has no authority in America and none at all in West Virginia. Lower your weapons and put your hands over your head.”
“Captain, just go away, this is none of your business.”
The State police captain says, “Arrest them, use of force is authorized.”
The two groups aim weapons at each other, the UN captain says, “Captain we have more people, lower your weapons and leave us.”
A voice is heard behind the UN captain, “Look behind you; I have forty heavily armed SWAT people surrounding you, we will open fire if we have to. Lower your weapons and raise your hands before I count to five. Otherwise, you will all die here. One, two, three, four...”
The UN commander says, “Wait! Men, lower your weapons, put your hands up.”