Freedom vs.Tyranny Read online

Page 28

  The West Virginia police arrest the agents and UN troops, they are taken to a holding facility; the West Virginia Governor has signed a declaration stating the DHS agents and UN troops are domestic terrorists they are not allowed a phone call or outside contact.


  UN troops in Arlington Virginia watch the steady flow of helicopters shuttling the senior officers out of the Pentagon, the lower ranks are being taken by escorted bus to a destination where they will be provided transportation to one of the alternative military headquarters or to the fleet off the coast of Virginia.

  “General, can’t we do anything?”

  “Major, how? We don’t have any heavy weapons; they have main battle tanks watching us watch them, they are flying attack helicopters over the Pentagon, look up, see the fighters, there must be at least two of their carriers off the coast. Each can hold an air force of up to 72 warplanes. How do we fight that?”

  “Sir, we have missiles.”

  “I’d like to live another day, if we fire one missile or even pick one up, we’ll be dead, either by rockets from the attack helicopters or a bomb dropped by one of their fighters. There’s nothing we can do to stop or slow them down. I have a grand total of 2,000 people under my command; they’ve moved more than 5,000 in the past hour. Just one of their carriers has 5,000 sailors on it. One of their Marine transport ships carries 2,000 Marines. Do you want to fight 2,000 or more US Marines who are unhappy we’re even standing on their soil? They think we’re contaminating their land; they look at us like we’re a disease to be killed. I’ve seen the look of pure hate in the guard’s eyes. Major Grover is a cold-hearted assassin, one of their best; he’s a US Marine. If he’s given the mission to take one of us out, he will get us. We won’t be able to hide anywhere. I’ve seen his handiwork; I don’t want to be one of his trophies. I think we’ll sit here and watch, when they’re done we’ll comply with our orders and take control of the Pentagon after they leave. It’ll be empty and useless, but we’ll be able to say we completed our orders.”

  “Captain, we were told there are no more Marines.”

  “Yes you’re correct, the American President said he dissolved the Marines, would you like to tell those Marines sitting offshore they are no longer relevant? Would you like to tell the assassin Major Grover he’s no longer a Marine? If you do, tell me now, so I have some time to compose a nice letter to your wife. I’ve seen the American Marines fight; they think they are the world’s best fighters. In my opinion, they are most likely correct. Every one of them is a warrior; every one of them is a rifleman first. We won’t see tomorrow if we go to war against them. They have their own land warriors, air force, and armor. We are light troops; we won’t survive five minutes of contact with them. This mission isn’t worth my life, is it worth yours?”


  “Middle America” is thinking something is very wrong. The topic of conversation at local coffee shops, bars, and restaurants is, “Why did the President lie, what’s the real story, why did the troops fire on the people of the Mall? What’s going on? More and more people start to open their eyes seeing their government is a new light, they begin to realize their way of life is at risk.

  A few decide it’s time to seek out the grass roots anti-government protesters. Some start to post comments and questions on social network sites, they’re amazed to see their posts disappear, they type in new comments while they watch their comments are deleted from the sites. After four attempts, they get the message they are being blocked, their profile is blocked, their right to post comments is suspended due to hate speech and racist comments. They are also informed their posts have been forwarded to the US Department of Homeland Security for review. Accessing their email account, they discover their email accounts frozen with a screen that says they're online privileges have been suspended due to hate speech and potential seditious statements. Some try to access the web from different browsers; all are locked. Most sit in front of their computer screens with a shocked look on their faces. None of them believed they could be censored here in the middle of America. Many receive an automated phone call informing them they are being watched by the Department of Homeland Security for their seditious actions. They should not leave their city, and if they own a passport, it has been suspended. Their right and privilege to travel by air has been suspended, they learn they have been placed on the no-fly list until their case is closed. When trying to talk to a case officer, the people learn they can’t reach a live person; the government has the right to place anyone at any time on the no-fly list and doesn’t have to explain their reason for it, not do they have to even agree to have a hearing over the no-fly status.

  College students discover they can’t fly to their schools, business people learn they can’t fly to meetings. They learn they have been corralled and forced to remain in their towns. Those trying to leave by their cars learn the roads have been blocked; they are stopped and told to return to their homes.

  Suddenly messages start to appear all over America, “Fed up? Had enough? Think it’s time to fight back? Think you have what it takes to be a minute man? Call 888-555-5555, leave your email address. We’ll check you out and contact you.”

  Craigslist has messages asking, “Are you fed up? Had enough? Call 888-555-5555 leave your email.”

  Many think it’s the government trying to see who’s getting ready fight back, the next day Anonymous posts, “America this is Anonymous, we know who you are when you call 888-555-5555, don’t be afraid, we know you and your actions by your IP address, we’ll know who’s been naughty and who’s been nice, we’re watching everyone. We know whose heart is pure and whose heart is dark. DHS/NSA/FBI if you think you can trick us, come try. Go to the library, go to a web café, borrow a computer, there are ways you can get online, we’ll see you. We see everything. We are Anonymous.”


  “Ron, look at these posts, do think we should call?”

  “Why? When Joshua wants us, he’ll contact us.”

  “What if he’s been captured? What if he can’t contact us? What do we have to lose?”

  “Talked me into it, anyway, I’m not here, I was never here, I don’t exist. Laughing, I pick up the phone and dial 1-888-555-5555 a voice answers saying, “Hello, we are Anonymous, America we are here to help you overthrow tyranny, if you think you have what it takes to be a new minute man, speak your email. Now.”

  “I say, [email protected].”

  “Thank you, please hold one minute, we hope you enjoy the music we have selected for your enjoyment.”

  My favorite song starts playing. A moment later a voice says, “Brad thank you for calling, someone will be in touch with you within 48 hours, by the way, Joshua has a message for you, he says, the minutes are counting down. Goodbye Brad.” Click. Anyone trying to listen to the phone calls only hears static.

  Chapter 28

  The President flies to Detroit so he can meet with the local Muslim leaders who claim control of 70% of the inner city. The local leaders have close ties to the international Muslim Brotherhood whom the President has provided both verbal and financial support in addition to weapons in his previous five years in office.

  The President decides to make the trip into a major PR event, he informs the networks he’ll be giving a national address at 4:00PM EDT, timed to ensure the evening national news broadcasts carry his remarks.

  “I’m here today in central Detroit; many have said that the city of Detroit went bankrupt because of the policies of the Democrat party, this is a total lie. Look around this city, the city that used to be the worldwide leader of the automotive industry. Look at it now, Detroit looks like a war zone, why? Because the 1% that controls the automotive industry shipped jobs overseas, they closed factories rather than pay these good and decent people a living wage. They left this city empty; they killed the very soul of Detroit and moved it out of the country. America how can we trust industrial leaders who strip our cities, how can we trust industrial le
aders who only care about their profits? They don’t care one penny about the people they left behind. They’ve broken families; they’ve left these people hungry, homeless and without hope. Why would they do this? They did it for an additional dollar on their bottom line. The people of Detroit have suffered due to the greed of the 1% racist class. How many of the leaders of the automotive industry are minorities? How many of their board members are minorities? Who in these companies that have revenues in the tens of billions of dollars is looking out for the people they enslave to build their products? Look at the latest news, a major international automotive company opened a new factory in one of our southern states, this is very good news, they decided to bring the jobs here, building the cars our people buy, to be made by our people here. Sounds great doesn’t it? But wait, the UAW tries to help these poor workers; they tried to bring union protection and security to the factory’s workers, what happened? The 1% managing class threatened the poor enslaved workers that if they voted for the union, they would be fired for cause without any benefits. The racist 1% forced these poor workers to lose the benefits the union was ready to bestow on the poor overworked people. This must end! I’m going to sign an executive order mandating that every factory, every company that employees more than 50 people are going to have to hold a union vote, a vote overseen by our friends from the United Nations who will ensure it's a fair vote.

  “Let’s come back to Detroit. This poor city was left without hope, without support, without even sufficient first responders to support the people who were left behind here. Did anyone come forward to provide support for these poor people? YES, who is this group who came here to provide comfort, provide food for both the people’s bodies and souls, provide housing, these people are the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. They are the ONLY group who’s come forward to provide the help these poor people required after the 1% left them behind like one leave trash on the curb for someone else to pick up.

  “I’m here today to provide the local Muslim Brotherhood with a check for $50 million. I’m also here to provide them with a certificate empowering them to carry side arms like our regular first responders do. This group is here protecting the lives of those left behind. We as a charitable country will never allow our people to be left behind like yesterday's trash. I’m reaching out to all of the other local chapters of the peace loving and charitable Muslim Brotherhood, do the same in the cities they live in, the Federal Government will do the same for you as we’re doing here in Detroit.

  “I’m also ordering the IRS to ensure companies that employ more than 100 people don’t shift jobs out of the country, if you shift the jobs; the IRS will penalize you. We need you to look after the very people who enabled you to build your companies. You didn’t build your companies by yourself; you couldn’t have built your company if it hadn’t been for the government providing you with support, and the infrastructure you use to run your companies. You will pay the people back for the expense of using the resources they paid for.

  “My fellow American’s we must come together and work together improving all of our lives, not just enrich the 1%. We can’t be swayed by phony PR broadcasts and web announcements, I beg you to look at the group that calls themselves Anonymous as a group of criminals, these criminals have illegally taken over our broadcasts and hacked the internet we all require for our daily lives. I know who I can trust, why would you give half a seconds thought to someone wearing a Halloween mask in July? If this Anonymous was serious wouldn’t they want you to know who they are? Why do they hide? What are they afraid of?”

  Within four days, the Muslim Brotherhood in Detroit starts forcing non-Muslims out of Detroit. They fly the Muslim Brotherhood flag on all of the buildings in the area they control. They outlaw flying the American flag; they storm and burn every Catholic Church and Jewish Synagogue. Every Jewish owned business is burned; every Jewish owned home and business is burned, every Jewish person, who remained in Detroit, is forced out of the city at gunpoint. The Jewish Defense League arrives in Detroit to protect the Jewish families; they are armed with weapons smuggled in from the Israeli embassy. The JDL sets up a barricade closing off a part of Detroit; the Muslim Brotherhood rushes the barricade, only to be cut down by automatic rifle fire. The Muslim Brotherhood regroups and rushes the barricade armed with their weapons. The battle rages for hours; Molotov Cocktails fly from both groups. The barricade catches fire which spreads to nearby buildings. The fire department refuses to respond in the middle of a firefight. Local families call and email the Governor’s office for help. She decides this is a local event, which the local police should be able to handle. That is until the media picks up the story; they start reporting the lines of bodies, rows of buildings burning out of control. The media reports the poor Muslims who are just trying to improve the local families who were attacked by the racists 1% Jewish families and outside help provided by the Israeli Army, the press screams Detroit has been invaded by a foreign military. The President orders the Federalized National Guard to break up the battle and arrest the members of the JDL.

  The images of the battle are carried across the country, the mainstream media reports the JDL attacked the Muslims, the internet and Wolf News reports the JDL came to protect the Jews left in Detroit from another Holocaust, which the mainstream media reports never happened, it was all made up by the Zionists who control the world’s financial networks.


  The evening news programs report the battle in Detroit and also battles in Atlantic City, New Jersey where the local President’s Citizen Defense Forces, made up mostly of the inner city youth decide the casino’s that line the boardwalk are loaded with the racist 1%. Their call for taking over the casinos has been broadcast for days, the Jersey Shore Patriotic militia decides they’re not going to allow the casinos be burned down. Hundreds of patriots from the South Jersey Shore and Eastern Pennsylvania jump into their cars and trucks to defend Atlantic City. The two groups meet three blocks from the boardwalk. Both sides are armed with outlawed weapons; the patriots built barricades of schools buses and trucks to block the CDF from reaching the boardwalk and casinos. The battle rages for hours; the CDF rushes the barricade again and again. The patriots hold them off. That is until the CDF figures out they can use side streets to get around the patriots; three hundred manage to slip in behind the barricade, attacking the patriots from their rear. The patriots weren’t watching their rear; they are quickly overwhelmed with 85% of them killed. The CDF storm the casinos, they drag out the people in the gambling areas, where everyone is beaten. The hotel rooms are ransacked; then the hotels are set on fire. The flames of the burning casinos can be seen by ships traveling as far as the horizon. Many call the Coast Guard to report what appears to be a large ship on fire. The Coast Guard dispatches two C 130 search planes to look for the burning ships. They don’t locate a burning ship, the USCG sees the boardwalk casinos and stores along the boardwalk burning out of control. The Coast Guard calls the Atlantic City fire department, who informs the Coasties about the two groups fighting it out. The Mayor of Atlantic City ordered the fire department not to respond to calls for help. The mayor justified his decision by saying on national news the next day; his city is out of money they can’t afford to have any of the fire department trucks damaged or lost since the city doesn’t have the funds to replace them. He publically blamed the battle and fires on the so-called patriots. He calls for them to be arrested and their personal assets to be seized to be applied to the loss of the hotels. The press picks up the demand for the patriot’s personal assets to be seized. It’s a story they know will resonate with the country, they push the story, they demand the President act.

  At 9:00PM EDT three days after the Atlantic City battle, the President takes to the airwaves to announce he’s signed an executive order whereby any so-called patriot, which causes loss of property or revenue to a city, will lose their personal assets which will be used to compensate the property owners and the cities where the d
amage was caused. He announces the assets will be turned over to the local mayors who will distribute them.

  Half of the country realizes this means the government can now take anyone’s personal assets if the government claims the person is a patriot or is deemed to be a member of any patriotic organization by the government, this scares many into protesting the President’s regulations. Local militias see their membership grow, the Tea Party’s membership swells overnight, as does the size of the Citizen Defense Force who’s getting ready to fight for the President.

  The Tea Party’s lawyers prepare to file an emergency stay case with the United States Supreme Court to stop the President or any local, state or Federal Government agency from seizing the assets of people the government deems are a member of a patriot or dissenting group.

  Before the Supreme Court can discuss if they’ll take the case under review the President makes the case the Supreme Court shouldn’t review the case since the Tea Party by itself hasn’t been harmed. Hence, it has no standing to make the case. The President claims the court has to wait until assets are taken, and then the harmed person or persons will have cause to bring a suit, however they should bring it to the local federal court, and then the federal appeals court before the Supreme Court decides if they’re going to review it. The Supreme Court agrees with the President, turning the Tea Party’s request down.


  The President calls the United Nations Secretary-General, “Mr. Secretary-General, I’m calling to request additional peacekeepers. America is on the edge, we require many more people to ensure peace. Our first responders are overwhelmed. My Citizen Defense Force isn't fully trained yet. I required an additional 50,000 troops as soon as you can send them.”