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Freedom vs.Tyranny Page 26
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Page 26
A couple of minutes later, a Navy captain knocks on the Admiral’s door, “Admiral, you wanted to see me?”
“CAG, I’m concerned DHS will be flying armed drones over the crowd; I think they might turn tomorrow into a false flag event as an excuse to stop all such gatherings. What can we do to stop them from flying drones?”
“Sir, how much leeway so I have?”
“Captain, how much do you need?”
“Admiral, if we were to fly an F/A 18G electronic warfare fighter over the Mall, we can identify and jam all of their control signals.”
“I like it, what’s the problem?”
“We’re not supposed to fly military aircraft over the Mall unless a state of emergency has been declared.”
“You get your crews briefed; I’ll get the emergency order issued. I still have friends in the Pentagon.”
Smiling the CAG salutes and leaves the flag bridge, thinking, I hate being called up here, but this mission is going to be kickass, I’m going to fly it myself.
July 4th dawns clear, hot and very humid. Millions of US citizens have gathered on the Mall to express their displeasure with the Federal Government. 2,000 armed UN Peacekeepers are trying to ensure the crowd stays under control and also away of the White House. The UN troops are trying to remotely operate two drones over the crowd; the drones were launched to gather information and keep an eye on the large mass of people. The drones are armed in case the crowd turns violent.
In the communications van which controls the two drones, “Sarge, I’ve got problems, I can’t hold control of my drone. She keeps ignoring my signals, I think I have a clear channel, the next moment the channels jammed.”
“Sarge, mine too, something’s jamming my control signals.”
“Impossible, the crowd doesn’t have anything that can jam our signals, we’re using frequency hopping equipment; only the US or Russian militaries possess the technology to jam the signals, we know the American military is sitting on the sidelines.
Unseen by the UN troops a US Navy F/A 18G electronic warfare plane is flying circles 45,000 feet above the beltway, just outside of restricted airspace jamming the UN’s drone channels. The pilot of the F/A 18 is having fun with the UN troops. He flips on and off the jamming to keep the UN off balance. He has the two drones locked in his fire control radar, if the drones move towards the crowd, he’s going to blow them out of the air.
Speaker after speaker address the crowd from the podium set up in the mall. Each one brings the millions to their feet cheering. The Speaker of the House tries to take to the stage, as soon as he steps to the makeshift stage he’s booed by millions. He’s also drowned out by a Blackhawk helicopter which hovers over the stage. The multi-screen backdrop is hacked by the crew on the helicopter, one minute the American flag image is waving on the screens, the next are images of Rash and Glenn who address the millions;
“America, Happy July 4th! America happy independence day! The rumors of our deaths have been just that rumors and lies. As you can see, we’re alive. We were kidnaped by agents of the Federal Government. We were held in a closed hotel in West Virginia. We were rescued yesterday by Seal Team Two. Thank you to the brave men and women of the American military.”
Millions gathered on the Mall go wild. Cheering, yelling, and chants of “USA USA USA” reverberate off the Mall.
Glenn continues, “America, together we can overthrow the yoke of tyranny; together we can overthrow the yoke of federal enslavement the king in the White House is putting on all of us. Our forefathers warned us against administrations such as this one. Our rights come from God, not from these elected puppets. Our Constitution exists to limit the powers of the federal government, not we the people.”
The crowd screams and cheers.
Rash says, “America, rally to the core values of our country, the values our forefathers died to establish. America is unique in the world; we believe our freedoms comes from God, not from a king or emperor. Our forefathers fought against the very type of government we suffer under today. Will you give up your freedom for a free cell phone? Are you prepared to give up your freedom of speech or the right to bear arms for the lies spread by the would be king and morally repulsive press? America are you willing to become slaves to the government who is supposed to be a slave to you? America just say NO to tyranny, America just say NO to the taking of our rights; American stand together for liberty, stand together for freedom of religion, stand together for your right to assemble. America stand together…….”
The speech is never completed; a shoulder-fired missile rises up from the sidelines striking the helicopter. The missile came from where the United Nations troops are blocking access to the White House. The helicopter spins down to the ground, landing amid thousands of citizens who help pull the passengers out of the crashed bird just before it explodes throwing burning fuel over a large number in the crowd. People scream; they try to run, but can’t. The mass of the crowd forces everyone together. The United Nations Peace Keepers start to march into the crowd to disperse them. Fire hoses are turned on to move the people back however there’s no place for them to go. Thousands are trampled; thousands are injured by people trying to get out of the way of the flames and the United Nations troops.
Screaming sirens of ambulances and fire engines trying to get to the wreckage deafen everyone on the Mall. The rescuers are blocked by the mass of people trying to get away from the center of the Mall. Admiral Zander is watching images of the panic being sent to the carrier from the electronic warfare F/A 18s. He orders helicopters sent to bring help to the injured, he also orders the Marines on board to drop onto the United Nations troops to keep them away from the citizens. He tells the Marines, “Don’t kill them out of hand, just stop them from hurting the people, if any blue helmet takes hostile action, you’re permitted to so whatever is required to protect the people and yourselves.”
The Marines and Seals supporting General Brownstone watch in shock as the General’s helicopter is shot down, the Marine Major yells, “Sound the alert, get as many people into planes and helicopters to DC ASAP. Stop the blue helmets from killing our people, find the General, if he’s been taken alive or if they have his body, get him back from them. I want our first people on the ground in less than an hour.”
The President’s watching the events on a new large screen TV in the Oval Office is shocked when the helicopter is shot down, he’s frozen in place watching it land among the people he wanted off of the Mall. “What the fuck are they doing? What’s going on out there?”
The head of the President’s secret service details runs into the Oval Office, yelling, Mr. President, it’s not safe here, hundreds of thousands of people are coming this way. Sir, please come with us, we’re taking you to the bunker under the White House. They can’t access the elevator.”
“Stop them, they are radical racists who have to be stopped.”
“Mr. President our first objective is your safety. The Park Police, DC Police, Capital Police, and the FBI can handle the crowds. “
The crowd starts throwing everything they can get their hands on at the United Nations Peace Keepers, many yell, “Death to the UN.”
“Kill the UN troops, they killed Rash and Glenn.”
"The UN declared war on America."
“The young UN troopers are scared. They’re not used to be attacked by such a large crowd, the United Nations officer is afraid for his life, he orders, “Fire into the crowd, they’re rioting out of control, we must stop them from reaching the White House. FIRE.”
Many UN troopers refuse the order, some turn and try to get away from the ongoing mob, others fire into the mob. Given the wall of scared humanity in front of the UN troops, they can’t miss. Hundreds of people fall before the crowd grabs the UN troopers, some are gunned down with their own weapons while others are torn apart by the crowd. The Navy helicopters arrive; Seals and Marines drop down to help guide the people, twenty minutes later the general
’s troops arrive to do the same. Major Grover, who's leading the Navy Seals and Marines, looks at the bodies of the dead UN troops. He turns to an LT Commander Seal saying, “I think they’ve done it this time, the UN is going to use this as an excuse to land more troops and help the President maintain total control. We can’t allow this to happen.”
“Major, are the people ready to rise up, not the million here, but the average John and Jane?”
“Commander, that's the real question, isn’t it?”
Chapter 26
6:00 PM EDT the time when most of America watches one of the network news programs, the thirty minutes when the majority of Americans are programmed for the next 24 hours. The White House provides the media with the day’s talking points. Tonight every news program opens with an image showing 5,724 American flags flying at half mast, images of bodies lying on the Capital Mall, images of the smoking crashed helicopter, images of a little girl trying to wake up her mother who died from a UN bullet. The newscasters all wear black armbands on their right arms, many have had tears sprayed on their faces. They look into the camera’s lens and say, “American, today is our saddest day, today domestic terrorists have killed 5,724 of our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and children. Yes, children. These monsters didn’t care about crushing the life out of the small hearts of our children, look at the images from the Capital Mall, see the bodies, see the destruction, see the broken bodies. Look at the lines of volunteers helping our heroic first responders (all of the images of the US Military assisting have either been altered to change their uniforms or the military has been completely cut from the images and videos). Even the United Nations sent over a thousand support workers to help establish order. The United Nations have offered the President assistance to hunt down these domestic terrorists. The President, who will shortly address the grieving nation, has accepted the United Nations selfless act of assistance. America, today racist domestic terrorists have struck on our day of celebration; they struck the peaceful families who gather in Washington DC every year to celebrate our independence day. America, in 1941 just under 3,000 people were lost when Pear Harbor was attacked, on 9/11/2001, just over 3,000 people died when we were attacked, today we lost 5,724 innocents. Today our country has been given the largest black eye in our history. Join with us in a moment of silent prayer for the families of the 5,724 who were murdered today, Yes, they were murdered, America, the President of the United States;
Sitting behind his desk, wearing a black armband the President looks into the cameras saying, “My fellow American’s, today, on our independence day, domestic terrorists struck the peaceful crowds on the Mall here is Washington DC. Today is the darkest day in our long history. Today these domestic terrorists killed more of our brothers, sisters and children than died on 9/11. Today, 5,274 of our fellow American’s gave up their lives. Why? Why would anyone attack families who came to Washington DC to join the celebration? What kind of animals would do this on July 4th? What kind of demons would ascend from hell and murder innocents? I’ll tell you what we’ve found out about these murdering demons so far, the investigation has just started; in the days, to come we’ll have much more information. I’m coming to you and asking for your help in helping us catch these evil murders. We know who their leader is; it breaks my heart to say that one of bravest, one of most loyal, one of the military officers who’s served this country for 30 years led the attack. It’s clear now that when we dissolved the US Marines, because we don’t need 180,000 trained killers representing America. General Rodney Brownstone, the last Commandant of the Marine Corps, masterminded the attack on the Capital Mall. We don’t know who else supported him, but we do know that he has been hiding in a secret base where he’s been plotting to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States. My fellow Americans, this administration was legally elected. I am the legally elected President of these United States. My administration has done so much good for our people; I increased the minimum wage; I brought affordable health care to everyone. I’ve made it possible for every family to have free preschool. I’ve made it possible that everyone, who wants to go to college, can do so without cost to them. I’ve taken guns off the streets, for the first time in our 236-year history our streets are SAFE. I did this by buying back the firearms and ammo; we’ve paid out $1.74 billion in cash, cash, to buy back these unnecessary firearms. I’ve cleaned up the air and water; we’ve stopped the fracking from polluting our water supplies. I’ve passed regulations to increase fuel efficiently in cars to 65 MPG. I’ve increased the standards for large trucks from 4 or 5 to 15MPG, I’ve cut carbon dioxide pollution. I’m stopping the tides from rising due to slowing Global Warming. I’ve cut taxes on the poor while making the 1% pay their fair share. I’ve forced the 1% to share their wealth with the neediest. I’ve done all of this for the country, for all of you, yet these racist terrorists attack and kill our peaceful families because they can’t accept a black man sitting in the White House.
“My fellow American’s, I need your help. I need your eyes and ears. These racist domestic terrorists are hiding among us. I need you to help us find them. If you see them, if you see an ex-Marine we want to speak with them, everyone knows that Marines are an unusual group of people, they live by the saying, “once a Marine always a Marine.” These people pledge their allegiance to each other and not to me, their Commander in Chief. They place themselves above the rest of us because we weren’t one of them. I ask you, is this, right? We as a people should never have allowed an organization like the Marines to have been established. The nation made a mistake, a mistake the country paid for today. Help me find them, help me bring these animals to justice. Help me make sure an attack like this never happens again.
I’m announcing the formation of a Citizen Defense Force to help defeat domestic terrorism. The Citizen Defense Force will be led by the Department of Homeland Security; it’s open to everyone above the age of 18. Remember unlike most right-wing organizations, my citizen force is open to all races; I encourage our African American inner city young to apply, help us, help you. We have to overturn every rock to find these terrorists, I come before you tonight to pledge, I will find these terrorists and I’ll bring them to justice. I’ll find them guilty of mass murder. I will break the back of these right wing racist murderers. Let me say, not every Republican or member of the Tea Baggers is a murderer. However I know that they are all capable of turning against the greater good. Help me root these demons out of their dark holes, help me force them to stand in the light and accept the punishment for the murdering of the innocents. Our friends around the world have shed tears with us; they stand with us shoulder to shoulder. The Secretary-General of the United Nations has pledged to help us in the hunt for these criminals. Our friends in the UN will be easy to see, they will be driving bright white vehicles with the blue UN painted on their sides, their peaceful support staff will be wearing blue helmets. They wear these, so they are easy to see. If you see someone suspicious, if you know of a group hiding who may be a part of a right-wing terrorists group report them to our friends from the United Nations. They are here to help us. Don’t fear these new visitors, they are our friends. They’re here to help our first responders until our Citizen Defense Force is up to full strength to help patrol our neighborhoods. I’m asking every one of you to help us in our country's time of need. America, I pledge to you such attacks are going to end. America, I thank you for your support. I’m ordering the normal fireworks displays that celebrate the 4th of July to be suspended this year in memory of the 5,724 who died today.”
Headlines flash across every television screen and internet pages:
“5,724 souls killed by right wing Marine four-star general.”
“The President asks for our help.”
Pictures of the general and pictures of ex-US Marine senior officers who the President knows support the general are shown on every channel. Wanted posters offering millions in reward for information are posted on buildings wal
ls, post offices, telephone poles and the internet. Anchors on the World News Network take to the air saying, “Did you see Rash and Glenn fly into the Mall with the terrorists today? Did you believe they were killed? These two charlatans are partners hand in hand with General Brownstone and the attack on the Mall. The entire story of their being kidnaped was so much bullshit, they made up the entire story so when they returned their ratings would skyrocket. Their attack helicopter crashed in a bombing run on the families on the Mall; no one has seen these two rebels since their attack. We as a reliable news organization have to ask you, our viewers, why would these two national radio and television hosts partner with criminal elements who murdered 5,724 Americans on the 4th of July? We should force their programs off the air; their programs have stayed on the air with guest hosts while these two demons have been collecting the profits while others performed the work. What other proof does anyone need that these two are members of the dreaded 1% and are stealing from all of us, then they partner with the murderers? We must come together to demand their shows be taken off the air. Call the FCC today to demand their programs be blocked. This isn’t a freedom of speech issue; watching or listening to these two programs supporting the demons that helped kill 5,724 of us.”
Twenty bright white vehicles with the blue UN symbol painted on their sides pull up to the main front gate of the Pentagon. “Guard, I am UN General Vladimir Pushkin, my orders come directly from the United Nations Secretary-General and your President, your Commander and Chief to allow us entry. My orders are to take over as the temporary commanding general for the remaining United States Military. I have a signed order from your President for the termination of all US Military officers above the rank of 06. I’m to present myself to your General Dempsey, who is ordered to assist me the transfer of command. You will now open the gate and grant us access.”