Freedom vs.Tyranny Page 24
“You’re most likely correct. I’m worried about my family. They think I’m dead. They must be worried sick. This is cruel and inhuman punishment. We can’t leave; they bring us our food. We don’t have any idea where they’re even keeping us.”
Rash looks thoughtful saying, “I have a couple of ideas.”
“I’m all ears.”
“When they picked us up, we traveled for four hours. While we can’t see outside, the window is warm. There’s no city noise. There're no other sounds at all. My guess is we’re at some resort that’s been closed and taken over by the DHS or we’re in a separate wing they rented out to keep us away from everyone else.”
“So what’s your guess?”
Glenn looks at the rooms ceiling saying, “You mean the hotel in West Virginia that had the nuclear bunker hidden under it?”
“Yup, it’s a very large hotel; they closed up the bunker a couple of years ago; the hotel has a couple of wings, it would make it easy for the government to hide us away most likely with some low-level staff assigned to babysit us.”
“I think you may be correct if so there’s bound to be other people around the hotel.”
“Yes, if we could get out of the room and into one of the other wings.”
“Worth a try to put a plan together.”
“We’re going to have some interesting shows when we get out of here.”
“We need to ensure as much as we can this never happens again.”
“Glenn, there’s always a weakness, they have one we haven’t seen yet. We just have to find it. My biggest fear is the low information voters have bought everything the administration has said in the past couple of months. If they bought the complete bullshit story, we’ve lost the country.”
“Rash, I think the President will go to the UN to help hold the country together.”
“I hope he does, that would be the biggest mistake he ever makes.”
Admiral Zander meets with the staff of the fifth fleet, “Captain, we have thousands of loyal Marines stuck in the sandbox, I’d like you to dispatch a couple of amphibious ships with an escort of destroyers. Collect our people and as much of their supplies and equipment as possible, bring them home. We’re going to need them. Use your Harriers for local air control. Your LCACs can carry their heavy equipment. The Gulf can be very dangerous; do you want a couple of the subs to clear a path in front of you?”
“Admiral, yes, I think, I’ll take three amphibious ships, six DDG 51s, and two subs.”
“Just what I thought you’d ask for, here’s your orders. You can refuel when you arrive in the Gulf.”
“Admiral, what are my ROE for this mission?”
“Use your best judgment.”
“Admiral, those are the best ROEs I’ve ever had.”
“Captain make sure you bring everyone home. And return with all of your ships”
“Sir, what if we run into other American ships?”
“Warn them away, if that fails, revert to your ROE.”
“Aye Sir.”
The press questions the President’s ruling on cigarettes and marijuana, without age limits; something the President forgot about in his regulations, the press and many schools are concerned with the massive increase in students experimenting with other drugs from their use of marijuana. Many editors decide to not discuss their concerns on the air; many decide just to ignore the story completely. Many educators worry test scores fall very quickly, which will impact their income which has been tied to class test scores. First responders are concerned that highway accidents will increase 200% or more. The fast food industry is happy thinking they will see an increase to their sales making them one of the few industries that support the President’s ruling. The FAA has come out against allowing smoking marijuana on airplanes; many ignore the FAA and smoke it on airplanes, making all of the passengers high, causing the pilots to wear an oxygen mask for the entire flight.
Hundreds get sick eating marijuana-laced food. Hospitals are overrun with people who get into accidents or get ill. The drug dealers are very angry with the President for cutting into their profits. They decide to fund the fight against the President’s policy, hoping to get his regulations overturned.
It's strange bedfellows when drug dealers decide to join with patriots fighting for their country.
The President is meeting with his cabinet to discuss the upcoming events planned for July 4th. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the UN’s initial troops will arrive in a few days. I’ve decided to close most of the monuments starting in three days. This should hold down the number of visitors to the Capital. I’m also going to announce the cessation of White House and Congressional tours. I’d like each of you to also cease all tours, and close all government properties. There might be a few people upset. Since we “own” the press those stories, won’t make it to the air. I’m also announcing this evening the reduction of our military by 25% this year, and another 15% next year, in addition I see no reason for stockpiling weapons systems we’ll never use.”
The room explodes in cheers.
The President continues, “The money, we save, can be used to jump start new education programs. Even with our very low unemployment rate, I think we should offer education programs so our workers can stay current in their given fields. I’m also going to use the savings to fund universal preschool, and provide free community college for all who want to attend college. It’s about time every person in American had an equal chance of higher education and gets the best education we can provide.”
The room again explodes in clapping.
The Secretary of Education says, “Mr. President, this is wonderful news, we have draft regulations ready to release. We’re also going to make Common Core mandatory. It’ll no longer to be an option for local school districts.”
The President nods in approval. He turns to the Secretary of the Treasury saying, “I have a new idea which I think will also help us; we have to refund too much money to the taxpayers. The average taxpayer wastes their tax refund; I’m going to mandate that all tax refunds go directly into a new government retirement program this way we’ll have the use of the funds. “
“A wonderful idea Mr. President, I’ll get right on drafting the new regulations.”
The Director of the EPA says, “Mr. President, here are the new regulations you suggested outlawing all coal mining and coal burning in the country within 12 months. This should make a major improvement in the countries air quality.”
“Excellent, people we’re making real progress here, keep up the good work. If we work together, we can have a great July 4th and also ensure the country is moving forward for the next 50 years. I expect that every one of your departments will do everything possible to support our guests, the UN troops. To show respect for the UN, I suggest we start flying their flag above ours. I want to have the flags flying on June 20th when the initial troops arrive.”
The AG says, “Mr. President; it’s against the law to fly the UN flag above ours.”
“Honestly Herder, just change the damn law, we don’t have time for these stupid laws.”
“Very good Mr. President. I’ll have the new regulations issued tomorrow.”
“People, you’re dirty, you’re sore, you’re tired, and you’re almost ready. However, our time is up. You’re all going to start going home this evening. You can’t all leave at the same time. We’ve arranged for all of you to be home within the next three days. When you leave, do NOT take your weapons with you. We’ve arranged for them to be stripped, broken down and will have them shipped in triple boxes to your homes. They will come from various sources, when you get them, close the blinds and make sure no one is on your street when you reassemble them.” Your initial ammo will be delivered in small packages; most of it will be buried where we showed you. You all memorized the locations, don’t forget them and don’t tell
anyone where the packages are buried. The same locations will hold other material you’ll need. Now go with God and be safe. The entire country is counting on you. The UN troops arrive in four days, the battle to reclaim America begins on the fourth.”
Chapter 24
“General Dempsey, we have received an official notice from the White House ordering us to begin a draw down to accomplish a 25% reduction of our manpower by September 30.”
“By September 30? I thought we were going to have until next September 30. He’s giving us 90 days to reduce our forces by 25%? What are our people going to do? The real unemployment rate is over 10%. His total employment program was a total bust; millions were hired, and they’re just sitting around getting paid to do nothing. Congress cut the welfare and unemployment benefits, we’re screwed. We’ll be dumping our people onto the streets to become homeless and dependent on government welfare, which as veterans they get a reduced amount. What a bad deal. I want a meeting soonest in the War Room with the other service chiefs. Send back an official notice to the White House from me, comment, and Order received, nothing more. If someone over there asks for details or anything else, just say I’m in a secure meeting and can’t be disturbed.”
“General, Admiral Zander is on secure line one from the Lincoln.”
“Admiral, how’s it feel to be out to sea again?”
“General, it makes me feel 30 years younger. I just saw the official order for a reduction of people. The Navy has been ordered to retire 6 of our 11 carriers and 100 of our warships.”
“Yes, the order has been issued to every service officer above 06 (Colonel) what are you going to do?”
“I’m in a unique position I’m no longer the CNO; he fired me and forgot to appoint a new one. I’m still the senior ranking officer; the Navy is behind me. I decided to keep the Navy’s ships at sea doing what we do best. I have no intention of retiring any of our ships. I am working on something that may stall him; if it works I’ll give you a heads up.”
“Waiting to hear. Having to start issuing orders RIFing people right now will be a disaster. One we can’t afford. By the way, I seem to be missing one of my officers; do you happen to know where I can find one Major Grover?”
“General, I thought you loaned him to me for the duration.”
“Admiral don’t get greedy; loan yes, for the duration? No.”
“Well, you know what they say about possession being 110% of something or other.”
“Just make sure I get him back safe and sound. I think we may have some tasks that are made for his unique abilities.”
“I’m using those unique abilities to so a security search of my fleet, when he’s finished, I’ll fly him back to you.”
“Thanks, be safe out there old friend.”
“You too.”
“General, the President has ordered a 25% reduction in the military, he wants it done by the end of the fiscal year, September 30.”
“Please get me General Dempsey on the secure line.”
“Rod how are you doing hiding under one of the best golf courses around?”
“Doing well, except we can’t venture outside to use it. No one knows we’re even here. One of my people told me that the DHS has secured a wing of the hotel, it’s blocked off from the normal hotel staff and the guests. Very strange. I’d like to know what they’re doing over there, but we don’t want to risk giving our position away. I had an interesting visitor a couple of days ago. One of the leaders of the JDL, he knew where I was, before you worry, he’s also friends with Joshua, he’s offered us manpower and supplies. The JDL has people spread all over the country. He has a direct line to Mossad and the IDF, which has warehouses full of weapons. Many are a generation old. However, all are in excellent shape.”
“That’s very good news. We’ve received an offer from Israel to refuel and provide shore leave for our people. I’m looking into taking them up on the offer. By the way, how are you resupplying your people?”
“We’re using the backup entrance which is a couple of miles behind the hotel. It exits in the woods that are behind a small hill. We can come and go without anyone seeing us. If they find us, it’s going to cost them dearly to dig us out.”
“I’m sure an old Marine like you has a few tricks up your sleeve.”
“Which is why I’m calling. I saw the orders from his royal majesty. I have an idea.”
“I’m all ears.”
“Generate a list of thousands of people’s names and ranks and offices; list most of them as homosexual or transgender send it to the White House marked as the list of people you will be retiring as of September 30. Ask them to confirm the list name by name. If they send back a blanket OK, send it back pointing out a couple of these positions and the impact the loss of these people will cause. Also, point out to the White House the protests the gay community will make against the Administration this will cause them to research each position and program. Use our abbreviations. They don’t understand them; this should burn up months while they try to figure out the impact. You’ll drive them crazy going in circles.”
“I always knew you Marines were sneaky bastards, thanks, great idea, while we’re at it, we’ll make up some abbreviations just to add to their fun.”
“See you understand and to think my old DI (drill instructor) used to say you can’t teach the Army anything new.”
Laughing, “They told us the same about you guys.”
“General, we’ve intercepted communications that the UN is due very soon, are you going to allow them to land?”
“Oh yes, we’re going to allow them to land at Andrews, then our people who stole various DHS uniforms are going to stand in for the customs and immigration. We’re planning on having the UN troops submit to full body cavity searches and a through weapons security check. Maybe we’ll remove their firing pins. Or jam their triggers.”
“And you call us sneaky? I love it. If there’s anything we can do to support you, let me know.”
“How is the training of the Minute Men coming?”
“Completed or as far as we can take them in the time we had, we’ll be ready for the fourth. Will you?”
“We’re ready.”
“God bless”
“Brad, Kathy how do you feel?”
Kathy looks at Ron saying, “I’m sore and bruised in places I didn’t know I had. I could sleep for a year.”
“Kathy, there’s an old saying, you can get all of the sleep you want when they lower you into the ground. For now, we have tasks to complete.”
“Ron, we have two days until the UN troops arrive is there anything we’re going to do to properly welcome our saviors?”
“I’ll check with Joshua; he’ll know.”
“We are a very charitable society; we need to provide a special welcome to the UN, it wouldn’t be right for them to visit us without us offering them a welcome gift.”
“Brad don’t worry about it; I’m sure someone has arranged a warm welcome for our new blue-helmeted friends.”
June 20th dawns misty, hot and humid. The airplane approach to Andrews is well known to the United Nations pilots, the most vulnerable time for any commercial airplane is take off and landing. This morning there are four teams hiding in the woodlands just outside of the airport. One member of each team has a small high-definition video camera, the team members are dressed in jeans and long sleeve T-shirts, each is wearing a full facial mask of the President. One team member in each of the four teams holds a shoulder-fired Stinger anti-air missile. The team looks into the camera saying, “We the people hereby announce to the world that we’ve had enough. We announce to the world that we’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore. We say to the world the words Tomas Jefferson once said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” As such, let the first blood now flow.” With that two sti
nger missiles, leap from their launch tubes towards the initial approaching United Nations flights from Poland and Germany. The Stinger missiles are heat seekers; they lock onto the hot exhaust of the plane’s engines. Both missiles fly into the large engines mounted under the airliner’s wings. Both engines explode when the small Stinger warheads destroy the jet engines turbines. The airplane noses down and crashes short of the runway; it flips over four times exploding in flames, none aboard survive.
The welcoming committee chairman picks up a secure handheld radio, transmitting the words, “warm welcome." The men move to their second hide position; they enjoy a break while they wait for the second flight.
The President is having breakfast when an aide rushes in to tell him the first UN plane crashed on landing.
“What do you mean it crashed?”
“Sir, it was flying one minute, the next it hit the ground, rolling over in flames, no one survived.”
“Why did it crash?”
“So far no one knows. There are rumors it was shot down, and another rumor that the pilots didn’t speak English very well, some say they confused the landing instructions, some say they came in too low and crashed.”
“It couldn’t have been a missile, no one on would dare harm the UN; they are our friends. The people of America are waiting to welcome our friends in the UN. It had to be pilot error. Tell that idiot in New York to use better pilots. When is the next plane due?”
“Sir, it’s been diverted to Reagan Airport.”
“Call it NATIONAL airport, I hate when people call it Reagan.”
“Yes sir, it’s due to land to land at National in twenty minutes.”
“Keep me informed.”
UN Flight 002 is 75 miles from Reagan Airport, the flight has been a total bore. The Copilot yells, “Captain, 2 o’clock, a small single engine plane, heading right toward us!”