Freedom vs.Tyranny Page 23
“How do we explain you? A threesome?”
Laughing, Ron says, “You’re giving me a ride to see my brother-in-law.”
“Yes, and Brad, keep your weapons here. Everything, you need, will be supplied.”
“Can I ask where we’re going?”
“I’d thought you already knew that, we’re going to Quantico.”
“You said West Virginia, I didn’t think there were any more Marines?”
“There are bases, and there are bases, we have many friends in Quantico. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. I’m a Marine.”
“I thought you were a sheriff.”
“Once a Marine, always a Marine, there are no ex-Marines, even dead Marines are only gone from this plane, they’re in hell battling the forces of evil. They’re the best in the world to train you what you need to know before July 4th.”
“Why July 4th?”
“Because that’s when the war to retake America begins in earnest.”
Chapter 22
“Mr. President, the Canadian Prime Minister has sent an official note that they are closing their border with us. They have started building a wall across the entire 5,500 miles that separate our two countries.”
“They’re what? Why would they do this? The world should have open borders; people should be free to transit wherever and whenever they want.”
“Mr. President with our current economy and civil unrest, many of our citizens are looking for work in the Canadian oil fields. The Canadian’s have stated they are going to start requiring visas for US citizens entering Canada.”
“This is totally unacceptable; I won’t accept this. I want to punish the Canadians. Can we launch some cruise missiles at them?”
“Mr. President, no we can’t launch some cruise missiles at Canada. They are our largest trading partner.”
“I don’t care. They can’t do this. I want the army to tear down their wall as soon as they build it.”
“Mr. President, that means war, you’ll be declaring war on Canada, we’ll be invading them.”
“So what? It’s Canada! They can’t stop us. They don’t have any military.”
“Mr. President, you can’t, attacking Canada will piss off our base. Hell even the press might be upset.”
“They’ll get over it just come up with a story, say they’re blocking the natural expression and freedom of our people.”
“Sir, they’re another country!”
“Just come up with a story and make it a good one, and then tell General Brindly to attack Canada within 72 hours.”
“General Brindly, I want you to invade Canada, start off with hitting them with cruise missiles.”
“Mr. President, we can shoot a few cruise missiles in 72 hours, maybe make some bombing passes, but a full-scale invasion takes time to plan, we need logistical support, training, time to move the equipment and troops. I think we can be ready in maybe three months.”
“Three months? I’m the President; I’m ordering an attack now, not in three months. In three months, people will have forgotten about their damn wall. Bomb their wall to dust.”
“Sir, you can only wage this war for 30 days before you have to go to Congress for approval, the war powers act states…”
“Don’t tell me about the war powers act, I ignored it when I approved the attack on Libya, Congress is impotent. I’m the President; I can do anything I want, and I plan to do what I want. There’s no one who can or will stop me from transforming America.”
At 6PM EDT every broadcast is interrupted, every email account, every Twitter account, every social media network posting receives the same message, “We are Anonymous, heed our message, on July 4th 2015 ‘We the people’ will take back our country. American citizens come to Washington DC on July 4th, 2015 to take back our country. We are Anonymous. We are going to support the take back of our country. We stand with you, stand with us, together we can’t be defeated. July 4th, 2015 in Washington DC. We are Anonymous.” Television and internet displays return to normal. Twitter lit up like Christmas lights on Christmas Eve; everyone twittered about the upcoming march in Washington DC.
The President called the Secretary-General of the United Nations, “Listen Ki-Sun, this is getting very serious over here, I want the initial troops in DC by June 20th. Can you assure me this won’t be a problem?”
“Mr. President, assuming the initial payment of $500 million is received within 48 hours I’m sure the initial troops will arrive without any problems. Do you have a location set aside for our base of operations?”
“Yes, I’ve decided to use the parking lot of the Pentagon, they have a huge amount of space, since we’ve shrunk the military’s size, there’s much less demand for people to be working there. I’m going to force the military to reduce their civilian workforce by another 25% on June 30th; this will open up entire lots for the UN troops.”
“Mr. President, will our peacekeepers run into any issues with your military?”
“No, none at all. I’ll issue them a direct order as their Commander and Chief to stand down. Let me tell you, it’s good to have a Congress that fights among themselves, it leaves me alone to do anything I want. Even though the Republicans won control of both houses of Congress, their right wing and moderates fight among themselves more then they fight with me.”
“Mr. President, the initial flights will land at your Andrews joint operating base on the 20th.”
“Major, before we enter the ship’s captains meeting, I have an assignment for you, I want you to take over security for the battle force, any boat's officer or seaman, who tries to go against us, is to be stopped by you and your on board Marines and NCIS staff. I’ve already issued orders that you’re taking control of the fleet’s security. I don’t want to be surprised. We can’t afford one of the destroyers to attack the carrier or any other ship. Am I clear?”
“Yes sir. Sir, how far can I go to achieve my orders?”
“Major, I understand you’re an officer who understands how to carry out his orders, I was told I didn’t have to explain every little detail to you.”
Smiling, Major Grover says, “Yes Sir.”
“Good, let’s enter the meeting.”
“Admiral, Captain, Ladies, and Gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to turn the podium over to Admiral Zander our CNO, Admiral.”
“Thank you, ladies and Gentlemen, I’m sure that you’re all very concerned with the current situation of our nation. The Joint Chiefs debated and thought long and hard about our role in the upcoming events. We have decided that the existing situation is not acceptable. The current administration, while duly elected, there is evidence there was massive voter fraud in the election. The President’s used his executive powers which are not in the Constitution to rule as a dictator. American’s fought for independence from the United Kingdom because the King of the England didn’t listen to us; we didn’t have any rights, and we lacked a voice in our government. Our forefathers risked everything they had, including their lives. Our forefathers were charged with treason; there was a reward on their heads. Many died penniless. They tried to protect us against presidents who would try to be a king. Congress hasn’t listened, nor have they done anything to reign in the President. The American people don’t want a king, no matter the political party; no one wants an American Monocracy. The President has done away with the US Marines. The Marines have been faithful for over 235 years; the nation has depended on the Marines in every battle, with a stroke of his famous pen he closed them down. Well, I and others say, NO.”
The room explodes in NOs and cheers.
“We the people have had enough, we don’t want a king, we don’t want to be a communist country, we want to be the country our forefathers died for.”
Again the room explodes in cheers.
“The United States Navy has always stood for freedom, freedom of the seas and freedom for all. We’r
e not going to take orders to fire upon American citizens. We'll never accept such orders nor will we ever abandon the citizens of America."
The officers in the room stand cheering and pumping their right fists in the air.
“Don’t misunderstand me, we are going to see battle, the President has invited the United Nations to send peacekeepers to Washington DC.”
The reaction in the room was similar to having been told their homes had been bombed.
An LT Commander yelled out, “Sink them before they arrive, shoot down their planes before they land, no blue helmets in America.”
The room rocked to the chants of USA USA USA.
“Please, please let me continue. Not only has our Commander in Chief invited 10,000 UN troops here, he’s about to declare war on Canada. He plans to use some mash-up with our best friend to the north to keep the focus off of what he’s doing. He’s issued orders to the Air Force to begin bombing and to the Navy to prepare to fire Tomahawk missiles. One last thing, the President has issued an order for me to resign and for me to be arrested on a charge of murder for the brief battle between our ships and those of the Coast Guard, who were blocking our breakout to sea.”
The Captain of the Lincoln stands, “Admiral, if I may?”
“Of course Captain.”
“Admiral, you’re standing on 100,000 tons of muscle, surrounded by fourteen warships and four SSNs, if the President wants you, he’d better bring a bigger knife because we’re the baddest boys in the hood.”
The room cheers in support.
“Admiral, this ship and I dare say; this Navy will follow your orders.”
“Captain, thank you, as you may know, we’ve had some ships decide they couldn’t disobey a direct order from the CIC. They have returned to port; we may end up having to face our own brothers and sisters in a battle on the open seas, this is the nightmare that keeps me up at night.”
The Captain asks, “Sir, how many ships turned back to port?”
“Twenty-two, all surface ships, none of the carriers, none of the submarines. We did lose five supply ships and two oilers; these were manned mostly by civilians who didn’t want any part of what’s coming.”
“Sir, we need those supplies and fuel.”
“I know, as soon as they dock, Seal Teams and Marines are going to board the ships, telling their crew, they’re relieved. The Seals and the Marines are going to try to break the ships out of port and join up with us. The only weapons, they'll have, are those on board and those carried on by the Seals and Marines. Once we know they’re going to break out, I want five destroyers to take up position at the breakout point protecting them; the destroyers ROE are to protect the support ships. I will be asking you ship captains for volunteers for this mission.”
Every Destroyer’s Captain’s hand jumped into the air
“Ron, it’s good to see you again, my brother from another mother, I assume this is your friend Brad and his wife, Kathy?”
“Yes, are we ready?”
“Don’t tell me you don’t see your welcoming committee?”
“I know you have at least twelve people hidden watching us.”
“Very good, only there are fourteen.”
Brad, Kathy, and of course, you too Ron, we the US Marines welcome you. 239 years ago it was the average people who stood up and told the King of England to go to hell. It was people like the three of you who made America possible. Today many of our citizens wants to fight for freedom. Fighting is more than knowing how to shoot a firearm; we’ve come a long way from when a few people dressed in buckskin can hide behind some trees and take down the redcoats. Today’s military has become experts in battling insurgents. The Army has spent ten years fighting in the sandbox; they know what you’re going to do before you do it. Our mission is to instill enough knowledge in you to, hopefully, stay alive and enjoy the fruits of your labor and sacrifice. We have a group of your brothers and sisters here. We’re expecting twenty more people who are due tomorrow. We’re then going to train you how to fight, how to survive on the battlefield. Your training is going to be;
• Very realistic, so realistic, you may think the battle has already started
• How to operate at night, the Army and police think they own the night, we’re going to prove them wrong.
• How to use your built in “Spidey sense” Many times your gut will tell you something is wrong, you need to learn how to listen to your gut, your sixth sense.
• How to approach any mission from the eyes of the other side
• How to function beyond your normal level, if you fight at your lowest common denominator you’ll lose and you’ll die
• We’re going to develop your mental and physical abilities to go further than you ever thought possible
• I promise you, you’re going to hate us before the end of the first day, it’s not personal, it's to ensure that as many of you stay alive as possible.
The President is bringing in the UN to fight against American citizens. The UN peacekeepers have never fought against a force as determined as the American Citizens and military. We will use their pretty blue helmets as targets. You will learn how they fight, their strengths and weakness. Remember, war is more than two armies standing across a field and shooting at each other, if it comes to that, run, run like hell, because you’re losing. Winning wars begins here, (pointing to his head) I suggest you all read the Art of War, in fact, there’s a copy on every bunk, read it, learn it, live it and it’ll save your lives. This is our country; we are going to fight side by side to take it back and keep it safe from tyrants. Now follow the corporeal who walked up behind you without you even noticing him, in two days he won’t be able to do that to you.”
Turning around, we’re shocked to see a smiling young man standing behind us holding an M16 rifle.
“Kathy, Brad, Ron, I’m Corporal, Jason Wilson, please follow me to your barracks.”
I ask, “Corp are we going through basic training? I’m a little old and overweight for basic.”
“We don’t have time for regular basic, you’ll be getting an advanced course. Time is very short before the blue helmets arrive. The march on July 4th is going to be the turning point.”
Sound bites on the 11:00 PM News;
“The internet is alive with stories of the march on July 4th; the Department of Homeland Security reminds anyone thinking of attending, the Mall is already booked, and you won’t be allowed to enter.”
“The President claims the economy is poised to grow next quarter.”
“Four drones fail from sun storm actively, crash in the Republic of Texas.”
“The Department of Labor says the number of undocumented workers is declining, many are leaving the country due to the poor economy.”
“Thousands of people are missing. Reports have been coming in from all parts of the country that tens of thousands of people are missing. There are reports that these people just up and disappeared. A mystery we’ll be watching for you.”
“Where is the US Navy? Reports are filtering in that over a hundred US Navy ships left port and haven’t been heard from since, where’s our Navy?’
The President tells his Chief of Staff, “It’s time for the next phase. I’m going to announce tonight that Health and Human Services has issued a new regulation outlawing cigarettes, we lose too many people to a variety of illness’ cigarettes cause.”
“Sir, the tobacco industry is going to fight this tooth and nail. The American people are going to be very upset.”
“You don’t understand; we’re outlawing cigarettes and legalizing marijuana, the tobacco companies will be making marijuana from now on. The public will be a little easier to deal with since many will be high all of the time, plus we now own the youth vote.”
Chapter 23
A man walks into the barracks, “Rise and shine, dawns due in two hours, rise and shine.”
“Good morning
everyone. We hope you had a restful two hours of sleep, first rule of combat is sleep when you can, eat when you can, pee when you can. You never know when you’ll have the opportunity again. We’re not going to bother with the marching or saluting, we don’t have a lot of time. The UN Peacekeepers are due to start arriving in ten days. That’s nowhere enough time to teach what you need to know, so we’re going to concentrate on tactics and surprise and evasion. How to set traps and how to melt away when the odds have turned against you. Always remember, hit the enemy hard, hit them quick then fade away. Never go toe to toe with them. Our forefathers were the first insurgents; it’s time to relearn what was forgotten. We have weapons and ammo for those who need them. None of these weapons are automatic, none. You will get semi-auto or burst fire only. We don’t have enough time to teach you how to control full automatic weapons. No matter what you think you know, semi-auto is more accurate. You people are today’s Minutemen; we’re proud of you; you are today’s 3%. Never forget what freedom means.
The good news for you is we’ve developed an app for your smart phones which will help you remember some of what we’re trying to teach you.
Everyone laughs at the joke. The ice is broken; we know we’re in for a long few days.
The world thinks Rash Linebacker and Glenn Backs were killed in an explosion at the studio; the reality is they were arrested by the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Department for Sedition and treason. Both are sharing a two bedroom suite in a hotel. The problem is neither has any idea where they are. The windows are blacked out; they have no outside communications or a television. “Rash, why are they keeping us in this semi-luxury?”
“Glenn, honestly no idea. They think they may need us for something. My gut’s telling me; they’re going to hide us away and try to make us their mouthpieces after the country is completely changed.”