Freedom vs.Tyranny Page 25
“Sir, there.” Pointing out of the window, the pilot sees the small plane heading towards them. Warn them off, call the control tower and warn them off, change course.”
Two men sitting in a small van ten miles away are smiling as they remotely control the piper cub which is loaded with explosives. It’s been coated in RAM (Radar Absorbing Material) paint to lower its signature from the airport’s radar. “We’re almost there, think he’ll turn right or left?”
“My bet is left.”
“You’re on, normal bet?”
“Let’s target the center of the plane.”
The explosive loaded piper cub hits the airliner in the middle just behind the wings blowing up both; bodies and supplies rain down on Virginia farm land.
The leader picks up a secure handheld radio saying, “mail delivered.”
“General the initial two UN flights ran into some very serious mechanical issues, both crashed. We understand the UN has stopped all flights until every plane can be checked.”
“Excellent, allow the next one to land, that ought to make them relax, we’ll treat the troops to a fine TSA style welcome. Are you sure our people have control of customs and immigration at Andrews?”
“Yes General, since Andrews isn’t a commercial airport, we’re using a hanger to check the people. We grabbed the entire TSA shift that was assigned. We have them under guard. Our people control the area.”
“Let’s see how the UN likes to be groped and stripped searched. You’re going to have to work quickly. You’re not going to have much time inspecting their weapons.”
“Yes sir.”
The President can’t believe two airliners crashed, he demands the UN continue the flights, he orders the Secretary of Homeland Security to lease planes and pilots from United to fly the UN troops to Andrews Air Force base. The third flight a fully loaded Boeing 777 is on final approach to Andrews, the two pilots are very nervous, one looks at the other saying, “I hope we don’t have any issues on our final.”
“Me, too, the last two crashes seem too suspicious, someone brought them down. The administration is just holding the news away from the press. I don’t think they’ll fire on a US flag plane.”
“I hope you’re correct. Because here we go.”
The plane lands without any issues, it follows a US Air Force jeep with a large “Follow me” sign into a hanger where the doors are open, the deplaning UN troops are met by six TSA agents wearing blue rubber gloves who show the troops where to go for immigration. There are signs printed in five languages telling the troops they will be strip searched. Since the TSA only sent a single team, the inspection takes six hours. Each trooper, male or female is made to strip; they are given a body cavity search. The troops are embarrassed and ashamed. When each troop is finished, they are led to a table where they find their clothing, they dress, male and female next to each other. They are then sent to collect their luggage where every bag is opened; the contents are dumped on the dirty hanger floor and searched by the TSA agents. When the search is completed, the troopers are told to pick up their belongings and board the buses out front. Of course, the buses have been sitting in the late June sun and humidly without the A/C turned on. In fact, none of the buses have working air conditioning, nor do their windows open. Walking onto the buses is like entering an oven. This after each UN trooper has flown nine hours and spent six hours in line to be welcomed to America. The UN troops don’t know that the inspectors have removed or damaged the firing pin in their weapons while they were getting welcomed to the country.
When the last UN trooper boards a bus, the phony TSA agents leave the airport laughing for hours. They change out of the TSA uniforms; they stop at the hanger where the real TSA agents are tied up. They release the naked agents into the woods twenty miles away from the airport. The Marines who pulled off the mission head to a local bar to enjoy a few cold ones. Many can’t stop laughing until they enter the bar.
The evening news sound bites are;
“The two planes, that crashed in the DC area, have been blamed on poor maintenance performed on the planes by non-union shops.”
“Two planes crash, Global Warming blamed for freak wind storm. Al Pore comments at 11.”
“Global warming or nonunion, you decide at 11.”
“The President sends condolences to the families of those lost in the crashes today, he also pushes for his carbon tax to reduce Global Warming freak accidents.”
The Secretary-General of the United Nations takes the podium in front of the Security Council. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I stand in front of you today with a heavy heart. We’ve lost two airplanes and 389 brave peacekeepers due to freak crosswinds caused by Global Warming. We must pass the international carbon reduction bill that’s been pending for two years. If we fail to reduce Global Warming, many more airplanes may run into these freak cross winds and crash. We might be on one of these planes, our families; our children might be on one of these airplanes. We can’t allow innocent lives to be lost because some refuse to accept the scientific facts of Global Warming. How many of the world’s children need die because we don’t believe what’s staring us in the face? I plead with you reconsider this bill and pass it within a fortnight.”
Chapter 25
“Sergeant, are you sure this is the right warehouse?”
“Private, just get the door open and remember don’t take your gloves off, no fingerprints. I’m sure this is the right warehouse. I checked the address twice.”
“Shouldn’t there be more guards here if this building is filled with firearms and ammo?”
“Nobody said the DHS were the sharpest tools in the shed; we knocked them out with the darts, which should keep them asleep for at least four more hours we have to be in and out within three.”
“I’m in.”
“Shine your light around the building.”
“Oh my God, Sarge, this place is filled with crates of weapons, if it ever caught fire it would blow a hole hundreds of yards deep.”
“People, just swap out the boxes with those in the trucks. We’re going to leave crates filled with bricks behind for the ones filled with weapons. Hurry people, hurry, we have a timetable to meet.”
Across the country, similar raids are taking place at different unmarked warehouses. Millions of weapons, the DHS purchased from private citizens, are being stolen with the intent of being returned to the citizens when they’ll need them the most.
A week later the DHS arrives at one of the warehouses to move the crates filled with weapons to be destroyed, a crate is accidently dropped, instead of firearms they see the crate is filled with bricks. The DHS agents decide to keep their mouths shut out of fear they’ll be accused of stealing the weapons. They do recommend increasing the security at the other warehouses containing firearms.
Only 2,000 of the originally committed 10,000 UN troops make it to Washington DC by July 3rd most of these had to fly to Toronto Canada. Where they had to clear Canadian and American customs. From Toronto, they ride a bus to Washington DC. When the UN Peacekeepers finally arrive they are tired, and shocked to see what waits for them. As the troops ride through the countryside, they see hand painted signs saying, “UN GO HOME.” And “Pretty blue helmets make good targets.” What shocks them the most is a bumper sticker they see on thousands of cars, it’s a blue UN helmet with bullet holes in it. A few whisper among themselves, a German sergeant asks the officer, “Sir, I thought the American government disarmed the population.”
“Sergeant, according to our intel, the Americans have been disarmed, we have nothing to fear” Just then two bullets hit the bus sending most of the UN troops diving to the floor of the bus.
“Sir, what do you call that?”
“Sergeant, I call that trouble with a capital T, I think we’re getting into a hotter si
tuation then our senior officers briefed us on.”
“Do you think we’re going to have to fight the people?”
“Sergeant, we’re going to follow our orders.”
“Sir, some of my people are not going to fire on unarmed citizens regardless of our orders. Many of our grandfathers fought in the Second World War, we heard the stories. No sir, many of us are not going to fire on unarmed citizens. We’re not going to face murder charges.”
“Sergeant, if you and/or your people don’t follow legal orders, I’ll have you arrested. Do you understand?”
“Sir, an order, to fire on unarmed people, isn’t a legal order, my people won’t follow illegal orders.”
“Sergeant, I have no idea how you ever became an NCO, but you are, and until you refuse to follow my orders, I’ll let you manage your people, if you refuse to follow my or any other order, I’ll court marshal you, if I have to, I’ll shoot you myself.”
“Sir, that is your option, of course, it’s a shame that sometimes officers catch rounds that ricochet. Just facts on a battlefield.”
“Sergeant, we’ve never served together, I’m looking forward to enjoying this mission, meeting some nice young women, so don’t piss me off.”
“Yes sir.”
Everyone on the bus overheard the exchange; none wants to break the silence. The bus continues to Washington DC in silence.
July 1 dawns over the Capital Mall, which is covered in tents as far as the eye can see. Anywhere there is a patch of grass there’s a sleeping bag and or a tent. People have moved the barricades that closed the national monuments so that people can camp in them. Thousands of people have been put up in the 8th Street Marine barracks, more in the Navy Yard, thousands are staying at the National War College. The US Military opens the gates of every base in Washington to support the people they are pledged to protect. The military provides water, hot food and medical support to any who require it. While at the same time, the Parks Department is trying to tell everyone, they have to leave because they don’t have a permit. Parks officers are poking their heads into people’s tents saying, “The Mall is closed, the monuments are closed, it’s against the law to move the barricades.” After annoying everyone, they come in contact with a few Vietnam War veterans who grab the Parks officers, tie them up and place duct tape over their mouths, dragging them inside a rainbow colored tent. One vet says to the other, “That ought to quiet them down for a while, that tent is the meeting spot for the gay and lesbian transgender group, I’m sure they won’t be lonely.”
1.25 million people gather on the Mall on the morning of July 2nd; the numbers increase hourly, at 3PM on July 3rd, there are 5.3 million people surrounding the Mall. Walking is impossible; traffic is impossible. For all intents and purposes, Washington DC is closed; no one can get in or out of the city, at 5PM on July 3rd thousands of people are trying to walk over the bridges from Virginia and Maryland into DC. The Washington DC police have given up trying to force people out of the city, every government agency closed on July 1, the approaches from Maryland and Virginia were closed for all consumer vehicles on July 2nd Thousands have stormed the Capital building going office to office demanding impeachment. The Speaker of the House is discovered locked in his office, the crowd breaks down his door, grabbing him as he's trying to explain he's on the people's side of the issue. He’s dragged out of the building to face the American people. When they reach the front door of the Capital building, millions start shouting “IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH.”
The Speaker tries to speak, he can’t hear himself think, the ground vibrates with the shouting and stamping of millions demanding impeachment. After twenty minutes, the Speaker can finally say something, he holds up a megaphone someone placed in his hands, “Americans” the crowd breaks into shouts of “USA, USA, USA, USA.”
“Please let me get a word in, please.”
The crowd starts to settle down, “I hear you, the Congress hears you. I’m calling Congress back into session. All members who are watching, all who hear this in any manner, come back, we have to vote to handle. I want Congress to return so we can vote on impeachment of the President.”
The crowd goes wild, watching on television, the President, throws a heavy crystal ashtray into the 60” HD television shattering the screen that spreads small pieces of glass all over the Oval Office. “Damn him, damn them. I want this crowd broken up right now. I want the Mall cleared; I want the entire city clear of this riff raft; they have to go now. I don’t care how; just get them out of my city. They’re an embarrassment to the country.”
The aide says, “Mr. President, this is their city…”
He never finishes as the President looks at him saying, “Secret Service! This man threatened me, arrest him.” Five agents run into the Oval office arresting the aide who’s screaming, “I didn’t threaten him, I didn’t.”
“General, you’re not going to believe what we have to tell you.”
Closing his laptop, General Brownstone looks up smiling, he says, “OK, this sounds like it’s going to be good. What’s up?”
“One of the Seal Teams had time on their hands, they decided to break into the closed hotel wing; you won’t believe who was being held there.”
“OK, I’m game, did DHS arrest Santa? Or the Easter Bunny because he left chocolate and not salads?”
The staff laughs, the Captain, says, “General, if you don’t mind, may I show you who was being held there?”
“Sure, I’m up for any good surprise right about now, however if you jokers dressed up some Seal as the Easter bunny, I promise you, you’ll be eating old MRE crackers and water for a week.”
The door opens, in walks Rash and Glenn, the general stands up so quickly his chair falls over backward, “Oh my God, I thought you two were dead. You mean you’ve been held in the hotel above our heads this entire time?”
Rash laughs saying, “General, Glenn and I are very much alive, and yes we were kidnaped and held in the hotel, no outside communications, no TV, nothing. We lost track of the days.”
“The three men hug each other, the general says, “Medic get in here ASAP, I want these two men checked out ASAP. Rash, Glenn we have a fully staffed small hospital down here.”
Glenn says, “General, we’re fine, how is it possible you’re sitting right under the DHS, and they don’t even know you’re here. Just before we were grabbed, we heard that the DHS was going crazy looking for you.”
“This bunker was closed and sealed years ago; it was my people who did the sealing; we come and go via the back door which exits in the woods. What can I do for you Gentlemen?”
“Both men say, “Would you happen to have internet access?”
Laughing, the general says, “Internet, hell, we have a full television studio here.”
The two are led off to be medically checked, get a hot meal and check the internet. They learn of the march in Washington DC, when the General joins them in the mess hall, Rash asks, “General is there a way you can get Glenn and I to DC?”
“You mean like a helicopter?”
“You have one?”
“Glenn, more than one, I think we can arrange that, first get some rest, we’ll leave at 0600, I have the perfect bird, it’s rigged up for Psy-ops, it has a loud speaker system installed, you can broadcast right from the bird, we can hover right over the Mall.”
“General, what about the UN troops?”
“You guys do what you do best, leave them to me. We’ve prepared for tomorrow, the fourth for a very long time.”
Both men look at the General, “Sir, can you share so we can use the information in our broadcasts?”
“In fact, that’s a very good idea. Let’s start in the beginning.”
“Admiral, there are more than five million people in the Mall with more trying to enter the city. They need food, water, and medical supplies.”
“What’s the parks department doing?”r />
“Sir, they’re trying to get people to go home.”
Laughing, the Admiral says, “Turn the battle group North towards DC, load up helicopters with supplies, we’ll make some vertical supply drops.”
“Admiral, what about the UN troops?”
“I’d like them to take a shot at us; I’m sure the Seals and Rangers would love to grab some blue helmets for souvenirs. Let’s go to DC. Let’s go support our people!”
“Admiral, we just got a message from the General, you’ll never guess who he’s hosting.”
“I have no idea, but if you tell me that General Sherman has returned, I’m tossing you overboard.”
“Would you believe, Rash Linebacker and Glenn Backer? They were being held in a closed wing of the hotel the DHS took over. A SEAL practiced breaking into the hotel rescuing a kidnaped captive, boy were they surprised when they broke into a locked hotel room to find the two of them playing chess.”
“I’d write those seals up, whoever heard of a seal team with time on their hands. “ Laughing, the Admiral continued, I guess the General is going to bring them with him to the Mall tomorrow?”
“Yes, sir, he didn’t tell his guests the plans, I think he assumes they’ll broadcast the truth that will excite the crowd even more than they already are,”
“That’s for sure.”
Picking up the internal phone, the Admiral says, “Captain take the reactors to 100%, you have permission to leave the escorts behind if they can’t keep up. The subs can keep up with the Lincoln. Fly four Hornets as CAP providing protective cover for the Lincoln.”
“Yes sir, the subs can, but not much else except for the four LCS ships.”
“Son don’t call the LCS a ship, they are a waste of good money. However, they have large flight decks and can travel at over 45 knots, send them with us. Ask the CAG to see me.”