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Freedom vs.Tyranny Page 31
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Page 31
“Jay, if we use force, they’ll respond with overwhelming force, we can’t win this type of battle. They have the National Guard and the military against us.”
“Glenn, there’s where you’re wrong. The police, the military all swore oaths; they’re not going to turn their weapons on us, they’re our brothers and sisters, and we’re all Americans.”
“Jay, the President can and most likely has already designated us as domestic terrorists, he will tell the police and military we present a clear and present danger to America. Once we’re so designated we’ve become the enemies of the country, as enemies of the country we’ll have targets painted on us, every law enforcement officer, and member of the military will be hunting us.”
“Glenn, there are too many of us for them to arrest.”
“Jay, many said the government couldn’t collect the 300 million guns in the people’s hands. They grabbed more than 90% of them. If you’d asked the average internet posting gun owner, prey from my dead hands, you’ll find most of them sold their weapons and ammo to the government, they took the tax-free money with the justification their families needed the money. How many people hid their firearms?”
r“Glenn, there are more of us than anyone in the government knows.”
“Jay, if you’re one of them or even know one, I don’t want to know about it. I don’t think you want to say anything on the internet, do you want the government to break down your door in the middle of the night, tearing your home and everything you own apart looking for the firearms, we both know you sold back to the government. A lot of people are very brave sitting behind a keyboard, only a very small number will stand on the line and say no more; only a very small number will risk everything they own and their very lives for what they believe. In the revolutionary war that very small number was 3%. Jay don’t respond, don’t tell me, you’re one of the new 3%, just keep my words close to your heart. Jay I assume you’re married?”
“Yes, for 20 years, her name is Patty.”
“Jay, if you want to see her every night think before you speak, remember once you type of say anything online, it’s out there forever, everything becomes real, as does the bullets and blood. I’m trying to save my listeners and patriots their blood. Jay, believe me, God is watching us, and he is on our side. He’s always on the side of the righteous. If you cross the line, God won’t support you, we need God to support every one of us.”
“Glenn, we’ve too far apart, half the country takes while we, the other half work to support them plus our families, my back is breaking paying all of the taxes, fees and other surcharges so my other family can sit home enjoying the fruits of my labor.”
“Jay, we’ve gone far, we can come together again, it’s not too late, and if it is too late, then I believe God will give us a sign to tell us which direction we should be going. Jay, take the hate out of your heart, leave the passion, it’s the passion that makes us what we are. We all love our country; we’re all thankful to God we were born here in America vs. being born someplace else. We are going to wake the administration up, we already have, if they didn’t fear us, they wouldn’t have called on their union buddies to form a counter-demonstration across the traffic lanes from us. They fear us, they fear our message will resonate with the average American. Jay, we’re winning before we even set one foot on the shoulder of the beltway. Believe me, we’re winning. Thank you for calling. I’m sorry, but this is all the time we have today, tune back tomorrow for more news about our Hands-around-DC march.”
The President calls his Chief of Staff into the Oval Office, “Did you hear him? Did you hear what he said? He just told millions that I’m afraid of him! Me? Afraid of him? I want him stopped, find the site that’s hosting his program, shut it down; he’s a domestic terrorist, I’m signing an executive order stating he presents a clear and present danger to the security of America.”
“Mr. President, we’ve searched, we can’t figure out where he’s being hosted.”
“All, I get from you, is excuses, enough, get me the Director of Homeland Security, he’ll find a way to stop this threat to us. Call the union’s I want double the number of people who he signs up for his march to show up on our side.”
“Mr. President, many of the union members aren’t happy about losing their holiday weekend.”
“Do you think I care? If it weren't for me, most of them wouldn’t have a job. They owe me this, and I’m going to address the nation reminding them they owe me. If it weren't for me, the nation would be in a depression. I want press releases issued reminding the nation I saved them from another global depression.”
“Yes sir.”
As Labor Day nears, hundreds of thousands start gathering in the Washington DC area. Many drive along the beltway placing name tags and folding chairs marking their spots. Entire families plan on attending the march to show their displeasure with the President’s decision to disband Congress.
One hundred and six Congressmen and women hold a press conference to announce they are joining the Hands-around-DC march, they’re going to attend with their families to show support for the average American and to tell the President he’s wrong and needs to change his decision.
Thirty minutes later 53 Senators hold a joint press conference to announce they're joining the Hands-around-DC march,
The President announces his cabinet will be joining the union’s march.”
Five Senator’s petition the Supreme Court asking the court to stop the President’s cabinet from joining the march, to do so would show they are performing political deeds while in office.
The President considers disbanding the Supreme Court; he calls the Chief Justice, “Jack if you vote against my cabinet joining the union march I’ll release the pictures and emails I have, should I remind you again what I have? It'd be a shame if your wife saw the pictures on the front page of the Washington Times. You voted as I asked you to on the health care bill and the pictures stayed in my safe; it was for the best for the country, you should vote for the future of the country, do you understand?”
“Mr. President, your call is very timely, the other judges and I were just discussing that you’ve gone too far when you sent Congress home. We think since Congress can’t impeach you; we may impeach you.”
“Jack, you can’t do that, the Constitution doesn’t provide for the court to impeach me.”
“Who the hell are you to talk to me or anyone else about the Constitution? You should have been impeached a long time ago; you’ve gone too far. I don’t care about the pictures. I’ve talked with my wife about them. Go ahead and release the pictures, go ahead. You’re offering me my reputation or the country I choose the country. You’re not going to succeed; the people are rising up against you.”
“Jack, you are so wrong, the people believe what we tell them to believe, as long as I provide them with welfare and free phones and healthcare they’ll side with me.”
“Mr. President, not all, you’ll see in a few days when the people show up along the beltway. I plan to hold a press conference tomorrow to announce you're blackmailing me. We’ll see what the media says about you tomorrow.”
The President calls his Director of Homeland Security, “I think it’s time the Chief Justice retire; tonight would be the right time, make it look like an accident, say a hit and run.”
“Yes sir.”
The morning news programs lead off with the story of the horrible hit and run accident which killed the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Every news program runs his life story.
Glenn starts his 9:00AM program with the statement, “The President had the Chief Justice murdered last night. He had something on the Chief Justice he used to blackmail him to force him to change his vote on the health care act; the Supreme Court was getting ready to bust the President, so he had him taken out. I’m betting I’m next or at least on his top five of his hit list.”
/> @@@@@
Labor Day dawns warm without a cloud in the sky, as the sun rises above the horizon; there are already six million people lining the right-hand side of Beltway holding hands and talking. Media camera people are leaning out of car and van windows as they’re driven around the beltway recording the protest. At 8AM the union buses start arriving, the buses are lined up for five miles; hundreds, thousands, in total a million union members and the President’s Citizen Defense Force punks line up on the left-hand shoulder of the beltway. Traffic is backed up for ten miles. At first the two sides just nod at each other; each side tries to ignore the other. By noon, the tempers of both groups rise with the humidly and heat. The two sides stare at each other, some of the union members start walking across the beltway to taunt the Hands-around-DC protesters. Union thugs start to cross the three traffic lanes with clubs and baseball bats.
The union reps are nothing more than glorified henchmen; they’re bullies who are used to using violence to get what they want. They taunt the marchers to get them to cross the Beltway and make the first move against the union, no matter how much the union thugs taunt the marchers, they refuse to take the bait and cross the Beltway to mix it up with the union members. Any, who start to cross the traffic lanes, are pulled back by others in the march, they remind everyone to stay cool, the union wants the marchers to make the first move, they want to record the Tea Party turned violent first. The President wants the media filled with images of the marchers attacking the union’s line. They want to fill the airwaves to push those in the middle across the line The President has offered the unions a bonus to incite the marchers into making the first violent moves. Five hours into the protest, the union is getting worried the marchers aren’t going to cross the traffic lanes, they decide to dress a few of their thugs and organizers in clothing similar to what the marchers are wearing, they don freedom shirts and jeans, thus dressed, they walk on an angle towards the right-hand shoulder where the marchers are; they mingle with the marchers, pretending to be late comers, before three of them get into a mock fight daring the marchers to get involved. Other union members have worked their way into the marcher’s lines; they too start small fights with others. Once the fights get going, lots of pushing and shoving, the first punch lands, breaking a marcher’s jaw, counter punches land, small groups start fighting each other.
As the fighting increases, some of the union members start running across the three lanes crashing into the marchers, several are hit and knocked out, at first the hands across DC marchers don’t respond, when the union thugs hit a teenage girl with a bat, the marchers respond, the two groups meet in the middle of the freeway. The police arrive trying to separate the two sides which don’t want to be separated. In the middle of the melee gunshots ring out, a ten-year-old boy cries out falling to the street, the two sides pause as heads turn towards the scream, seeing it’s a child, the marchers tear into the union thugs. Another gunshot is heard; another marcher goes down; two union reps go down with crossbow bolts in their chests. All along the beltway the two sides are fighting. All of Glenn’s warning messages are forgotten. Thirty fire departments show up to the hose down both sides in the initial battle for America. Both sides look at the dead and wounded; they shake their heads while they start walking off the exit ramps leaving the Beltway. A father picks up his dead ten-year-old son; his eyes are filled with tears as he carries the body of his son home.
End of Book 1
The Civil war erupts in Book 2
Other books by the author available on Amazon Kindle
37 Miles (Revised Edition)
37 Miles, Book 2, Patty’s Journey
My Story
A History Lesson (Short story)
2015 Second American Civil War, Book 1
2015 Second American Civil War, Book 2
2015 Second American Civil War, Book 3
2015 Second American Civil War, Book 4
2015 Second American Civil War, Book 5
By the Light of the Moon, Book 1
By the Light of the Moon Book 2
By the Light of the Moon Book 3
By the Light of the Moon Book 4 (December 2015)
Christmas Eve
The Shelter, Book 1, The Beginning
The Shelter, Book 2, A Long Day’s Night
The Shelter, Book 3, (coming soon)
In the Year 2050, America’s Religious Civil War
In the Year 2050, Book 2, The world Burns, (coming soon)
Silent Death (Coming October 2015)
Feel free to contact me at [email protected]