Freedom vs.Tyranny Read online

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  Chapter 30

  Rash kicks off his return to his radio program with “Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for joining me on my first day back from my forced vacation. I got to spend a few weeks in an all expense paid resort in West Virginia. The nice people at the Department of Homeland Security provided Glenn and me with a partially furnished suite. We were locked in, of course, we were told it was all for our safety. We didn’t have a television because they didn’t want us to have a heart attack having to watch what the government says is news. I think if we had to watch the censored news we might have had a heart attack or worse, how do people watch these programs and accept the stories as truth? How can even the low information voter listen and watch these reports and not question what’s going on? How? Because their President is not causing these issues, he’s working 24/7 to correct the issues. He’s doing everything he can to fix the problems. The low information voters don’t spend any time looking into the full story; their information comes from 30 second sound bites. They think everything is great, they’ve got their free iPhones, their free health insurance, their free food stamps and their welfare checks. They don’t have to work; the President’s Full Employment Act didn’t turn out very good for anyone. All the people hired by the government got paid by you and me to do nothing. Many dug holes that others filled back in. Almost everything these new government workers touched turned to crap. Even the President realized his plan wasn’t going to work. He had to allow most of the managers to fire the new workers. Many of these people were happy to be sent home to sit in front of their televisions and get paid by us to do nothing, they’re happy to suck on the government tit. The government is happy to provide them with their benefits, so they always vote for the Democrats. Their news is censored, but they don’t care, just wait until next year when the government starts providing free marijuana, the young of our country will never work again, it will be the end of America as we know it.”


  Glenn returns to his internet program saying, “My friends; I’m back; we don’t have a lot of time ahead of us, our country is slipping away right in front of our eyes. We can’t stay home and hope this all will go away, when it does goes away; it’s going to take our bill of rights and Constitution with it. Is this what you want? Are we going to do nothing and allow the world’s last chance for freedom to slip away because we’re more interested in the goings and comings of the brainless Hollywood stars? Does it really matter who’s sleeping with whom? Does it really matter who tweeted what to whom compared to losing our bill of rights? When we started the 9/13 project it was to educate. Educate so this day never arrived, we failed; the President sent the Congress home; only a very few voices in Congress even spoke out about them being dissolved. How is it most of the members of Congress and Senators haven’t said a word about Congress being dissolved? How is it possible they went into the night without a whimper? Could it be because the NSA has collected so much information on these elected Congressmen and Senators they can’t speak out? Could it be if they speak out the IRS will audit them down to the last penny? Has the President turned the agencies under his control into a modern secret police? Are all of us next? Has the President won through the use of technology? I’m telling you; it doesn’t matter, if we don’t win this battle and restore our country, the DHS which is the new American SS troops will show up and invite us to move, of course for our safety to one of their FEMA camps. A camp we’ll never exit from, sort of like a new Hotel California, we can check in but never check out. I’m telling you; I’m not going, I’ll fight them any way I can, with a rock in my hand, with an axe, with anything, I’m not going to go silently into the night. The only way, the government, is going to silence me, is to kill me, and I know that’s an idea floating around a large number of people in the DHS. What a joke the Department for Homeland Security is. Homeland Security? Security for the President and his buddies, insecurity for the rest of us. I’m calling for another mass rally to surround Washington. I’m calling on millions of you, come join me to circle Washington DC, we’re going to stand on the shoulder of the 495 loop, we can stand next to each other, holding hands circling Washington, we can do this. We’ll pray and sing ‘we shall overcome’. I’m asking you to come on Labor Day, three weeks from now, join me in holding hands around our Capital. We’ll ring the capital with our strength; we’ll show the President we’re not going to allow him to steal our rights, we’re not accepting him as a dictator. Let’s do this as a nonviolent march. If millions of us show up and ring the Capital the entire world will have to sit up and take notice, the media won’t be able to ignore us. We’re going to stay on the shoulder, we’re not going to block traffic, and we’re not going to break any laws, don’t bring any weapons, and not even a pocket knife. Order and wear your 1776 T-shirts which are now available on our website, and we’ve priced them at only $5 so everyone can afford one. Remember Labor Day, we’ll show the President our voices can’t be silenced.”

  No matter the amount of government censoring, word spreads of the rally which spreads like wildfire. Social media experiences their highest number of posts in a single day, even with Facebook trying to censor posts; they are overwhelmed with the number of posts supporting the Hands-around-DC march. Hand painted billboards pop up all around the country, bumper stickers, T-shirts, flyers, and signs in store windows announcing they’re going to be closed so they can take part in the Hands-around-DC march. Everywhere people look they see the Hands-around-DC message. By August 20th, five million people have signed up for the march, tens of thousands sign up every day, so many signs up that the Hands-around-DC website crashes a few times a day. The NSA tries to flood the site, shutting it down; they fail to breach the sites firewalls, which were designed by ex-NSA employees.

  The President calls the Secretary of Homeland Security, “What’s with this Hands-around-DC bullshit?”

  “Mr. President, it’s another of Glenn’s harebrained ideas to give him some trash to talk about on his program.”

  “Can’t we get him off the internet?”

  “Mr. President, we’ve tried, he keeps changing his hosting locations. We haven’t been able to keep him from broadcasting for more than twenty minutes.”

  “I get it, ok, find out what country is hosting his program, offer them aid to shut his program down, if that doesn’t work, threaten them with a few cruise missiles, if that doesn’t work, freeze their assets until they shut down his program. Since this march is on Labor Day, I want millions of union members brought in to surpass his march. If he lines up five million people to stand around DC, I want ten million union members. It’s Labor Day so get labor to show their support. God knows we’ve supported them; we’ve handed them everything they’ve asked for. We’ve tripled their membership roles, their rolling in money. I want to see them return the support we’ve given them. If Glenn’s march is on the right-hand shoulder, the union members should be on the left-hand shoulder, I want all of our people wearing union T-shirts. Maybe we can convince some of Glenn’s people to switch to our side. Don’t stop the traffic, we don’t want the news to lead off with a story of how we blocked or shut down the beltway, heaven knows the beltway bandits will never forgive us, their wallets will close if we hurt their business.”

  “Sir, it’ll be Labor Day, none of the beltway bandits will be working.”

  “Some of them will be so they can charge us double rates for working on a holiday. Set up field kitchens and have some medical people standing by. I know, get the damn military to turn out, give them union T-shirts to wear, their federal employees, why aren’t they in the one of the Federal Government Unions? Get the military to join one of the unions. Change the Army’s orders, no one gets off for the holiday; they’re to show up for the march supporting this administration.”

  “Sir, I’m not sure the military should join a union?”

  “Why the fuck not?”

  “Mr. President, can you imagine us going to war or attacking someone and the sol
diers going on strike?”

  “You’re such an idiot, change the bylaws of their union so they can’t go on strike, see problem solved, we’ll control them through me being their commander and by us controlling the unions. I’ll own their souls. If Glenn has five million people show up, we’ll have 10, maybe 15 million, the media will show the world the country supports only me, and not that crazy big mouth who’s done nothing except host an internet show. Don’t forget I want him off the air.”


  “General, have you heard about the Hands-around-DC march?”

  “Captain, yes, I’ve also heard the President is sending his union thugs to double the number of people that Glenn’s rally plans on showing up.”

  “General, it gets much worse; the President has decided the military and National Guard should join a union.”

  Spitting out his coffee, the general says, “Unionize the military? I knew he was crazy, but this goes way over the transom. Can’t he see the problems this is going to cause?”

  “Sir, he’s very serious, he’s sending union reps to every base to sign up every service member. He plans to control the military from two fronts.”

  “I can just see the Army walking a protest line and striking for better working hours, Oh my God if this weren't so serious it'd be funny. Let’s hold a union vote to see if we should go to war. This is what we get when a community organizer gets elected.”

  “General, what should we do about it?”

  “Send word that I’d LIKE, keyword, LIKE not order as many Marines as possible join the Hands-around-DC march. If the President is going to use the Army and the unions to line up opposite Glenn’s marchers, then we’ll supply the Marines to provide support to the honest marchers. My bones tell me Labor Day is going to be a bad day.”

  “General, what if the President sends his Citizen Defense Force to the march too?”

  “He will. He’ll use them as thugs to control his marchers; we’ll protect the real American’s from the President’s thugs. Tell our people to be ready to protect the people. Even if there’s no longer any official Marine Corps, once a Marine, always a Marine. I’m going to ask Admiral Zander to have some air support on call in case things turn ugly,”


  “Hey Brad, have you heard about the Hands-around-DC event?”

  “Yes, Kathy and I are going, what about you?”

  “I’m going as are a number of my buddies, all who are “oath takers” who left various police and sheriff offices rather than accept the President’s orders. I’m estimating there will be over two thousand of us coming.”

  “Do you think the President will leave us alone to hold a protest?”

  “Brad, did you fall on your head this morning? Of course, he won’t. He can’t leave us alone, he’s tried to get the various websites shut down, there’s a rumor floating around he’s trying to find out where the sites are hosted. If he finds them, he’ll pressure them into closing the sites. He’s not going to give in easily. He’s going to fight for every inch of power he’s already stolen. I’m sure the two of you realize this isn’t going to be a 60’s peace march, no matter what Glenn says; the President will do something to incite violence so he can use it against us. I hope the two of you know the march; the entire area is going to be a very dangerous place to be on Labor Day.”

  “Ron, Kathy and I have discussed our options; we can't sit here and so nothing; we don’t want our grandchildren never to know what freedom means, we don’t want them to grow up under a king or dictator. We may lose, or we may die, if we do at least our blood will join those of our forefathers and the founders of the country. We agree with Thomas Jefferson that the “tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” As such, we’re in all the way. Kathy has started selling our investments; we’re going to turn everything we own into gold and silver if a real civil war breaks out; paper money isn’t going to be worth the paper it’s printed on. We’re going to remove the firearms we stored inside the shell of our washer, Ron we’re going to be as ready as we can by the time Labor Day arrives.”

  Kathy walks into the family room saying, “Ron; we know it’s going to be a dangerous place to be. I think the entire country is going to go into labor on Labor Day, I think the beltway is going to run red with blood. There’s no way the President is going to allow millions of people to hold hands and pray for a change in Washington; he’s going to have his so-called Citizen Defense Force, there with thousands of his union thugs. I think it’s going to take God’s intervention to save America. The more of us acting peaceful and praying there are, the better chance we have of God hearing our prayers.”

  Chapter 31

  Glenn takes to the air on his internet radio program; he starts the program with, “WOW, I can’t believe it, our server for the Hands-around-DC march has crashed many times. Your response has been unbelievable. None of my staff can keep up with the demand for passes and hotel information. Let me give you a short update, every hotel we know of within 25 miles of the Washington DC beltway is sold out. Yes, every single hotel room is sold out. We think we ought to get a commission for selling out the entire Washington DC hotel inventory. There are hotels further west and east of the beltway that have rooms available; we’ll post these on our site within an hour. There are a couple of dos and don’ts we want to discuss. We’ve heard that the administration is going to hold a march in support of their decisions. The administration is planning on having the unions’ bus in hundreds of thousands of their members; the administration is ordering Federal Government workers and members of the military to attend the support march. We plan to stand along the right-hand shoulder of the beltway, holding hands in prayer completely around DC, the President plans to have his people stand on the left lane shoulder, which is very dangerous because, in some places on the beltway, there isn’t any left-hand lane shoulder. Also, they are going to have to cross three or in some cases five lanes of traffic to get to the left-hand shoulder. I know how excited everyone is, I understand how frustrated everyone listening is, however we need to discuss a few what I’m going to call good behavior practices, these are, 1) Thou shall do no harm, let me repeat this, thou shall do not harm. Do not damage the beltway, do not damage any parked cars. 2) Thou shall not harm any innocents; the people on the other shoulder are our brothers and sisters, when this is all over we have to live together, doing anything on Labor Day, which you’ll regret the next day is something you shouldn’t do. Pause before you lift a hand in anger, do you want them to remember us as peaceful people or as monsters? Act like adults, act responsible. 3.) Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you, don’t let the other side use words and lies to taunt you into actions you and we will regret. What are words? Vibrations in the air, let these words flow around and over you, let these vibrations flow away from you don’t give in their childish actions. The other side uses words designed to cause reactions. They want us to react so they can record our actions to use them against us. Don’t be fooled by and swayed by their words. They choose their words to get us to respond, they want to get under our skin to irritate us, and they want us to attack them. Their friends in the media want to see us attack first. They want to blame all of the violence on us. Remember what the lord said, turn the other cheek. It may hurt; it may burn, your blood may feel like it’s boiling, but I beg you, pause before you act. Every one of you, every single one of the millions of people who will hold Hands-around-DC is representing everything good about America, don’t allow the media to show us in the worst light possible. Remember the world is watching us, let’s show the world we can disagree with our government without destroying our ideals and morals. We’ll shouldn’t sink to their level. 4.) Do no harm to our infrastructure. I bet every one of you will want to go home and enjoy your air conditioned homes, have a cool drink, if you damage the infrastructure, you’re only harming yourself. If you damage the electrical network o
r water systems when you get home, you may not have any electrically or water. Remember we live here. The infrastructure you damage is yours also. We as a nation needs all of the infrastructures we have. We’re going to be a combined country again. Remember a smart man or woman doesn’t cut off their own nose to spite their face. Now I understand we have a caller from Northern Virginia, hello Jay, I understand you disagree with me?”

  “Glenn, thank you very much for taking my call. I’m sorry, I usually agree with you on everything, on this issue I have to disagree. I don’t think we can have a combined new America. I think we’ve drifted too far apart. The two sides of the political spectrum have become so polarized we have a hard time even talking to each other. I don’t see how we can overcome the build in distrust of each side has for the other side in order to work together on anything. How are they going to work together to correct the problems they helped create and made worse? I think our goal should be to force the administration to recognize two Americas. Let all of the progressives live and tax each other to their hearts content, let them ban everything from chewing gum to guns, let them live in a politically correct country where every day new words are deemed hate speech. The rest of us can move to the center of the country. We can live as our forefathers and founders wanted to in a free America. We’ll be free as we were supposed to be. I say; we use every means we need to force the administration to let us go; we stop paying taxes, we use force to get what we want, they’ve been using force against us for years. Look around the world, many countries have figured out they can’t live together, we should have done the same thing years ago.”