Freedom vs.Tyranny Page 21
The next day dawns bright and warm; the NSA is alive early because eight of the people on their top ten Tea Party leader hit list have broken cover; they are all making a run for it, and they’re trying to hide in local woodlands. Eight armed drones are sent to take out these enemies of the state. The drones fire Hellfire missiles into the woods targeted on the cell phones that are moving in the woods. All eight missiles hit their targets. One day someone will wander into the woods and wonder why rabbits had cell phones taped to them and were blown up. Until that day comes, the NSA leadership celebrates being able to remove eight of their top ten targets in one op. Over the next three days, five additional targets appear on their tracking screens. Within two hours, all are destroyed When PETA finds out what’s happened, they’re going to file a major lawsuit against the NSA for killing rabbits and cats with Hellfire missiles.
Under the Greenbrier Inn in West Virginia, the top fifty Tea Party leaders and 120 militia leaders assemble for a meeting that’s going to change the future of the United States of America.
General Brownstone stands welcoming everyone, “Good morning, thank you all for making your way here. I know that many of you have taken a very curious path to get here. I would also like to welcome the ten people sitting in the front row, Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present the first Zombies, real walking dead of the second American Revolution. A friend got us word the NSA was going to target these people, once we learned of their plan; we developed a counterplan that led the NSA to believe they got our friends. I propose we start our discussions with a moment of silence for the rabbits that gave up their lives so that we may meet here. When someone said the rabbit died, today they really meant it, the rabbits died so that a new nation can be born. The room exploded in laughter, which broke the tension.
The Director of the NSA asks his staff, “Where are they getting these weapons? STINGERs? Clearly a military weapon system. Who’s helping them?”
“Mr. Director, we’ve been monitoring calls that seem to say that the militias are being armed by the National Guard.”
“Why would the Guard do that?”
“Sir, because the guard’s local, they’re most likely friends and neighbors with the militias.”
“We should have suggested to the President that he send each state’s National Guard to another state to avoid this issue. We’re seeing history repeat itself. We have neighbors standing across the lines in the same areas staring at each other eyeball to eyeball. We have to defuse this situation quickly. I’m betting the local guardsmen are selling or just handing modern weapons to the militias. They’re both from the same area; most likely they know each other. Most likely they have beers together.”
“Sir, isn’t there a law that the Guard can’t do this?”
“Get out, you’re an idiot. Of course, there’s a law, but where else are these Tea Baggers getting the weapons.”
“Sir, I think a more important question is, how do they know where our drones are? Someone inside must be tipping them off.”
“You’re correct. Pause the program. Search every analysis’s locker, phone, and computer; someone’s getting the information out. I want to know who it is. I want to watch their face when they’re burned alive.”
The Canadian Parliament has decided to allow Quebec to leave; the only way, to stop it, would be by using the army. The Canadian Parliament informs the Quebec Prime Minister that any Quebecois will require a visa to enter or leave Canada. All trade with Quebec will be stopped pending government review. All government benefits to people living in Quebec will cease. The Prime Minster laughs, accepting the Parliament’s conditions. Very few people know that Quebec shorted the stock markets; the new country has a national treasury exceeding five hundred billion dollars. The Quebec Prime Minister laughs at the Canadian Parliament telling them, “We are OK with this; we expected this to be your reaction. We have started to print our own currency; we’ve heard that soon the western provinces will leave and join the US. Canada will be left with only one or two of the Northeast provinces. We have all of the money we’re going to need.”
“Have you been printing money for long?”
“Let’s just say, we’ve been waiting for this day for a very long time. We’ve prepared in secret. We’re ready.”
“The Leader of Parliament tells the Prime Minster, “Sir, we wish you well, we wish you a good day. To be very frank and honest with you, Canada won’t miss you. “
“Please tell your citizens we welcome them to come visit, spend their vacations and dollars with us, however our official language as of tomorrow is French. All English signs are being removed as we speak.”
“Brad listen to me, please calm down and listen. Kath, make him listen.”
“Ron, what are you trying to tell us?”
“Brad, you’re not a warrior, if you take your AR and try to battle the DHS agents, you’ll come home in a box. Please don’t do it this way.”
“If not this way, then how?”
“Join a group, one that can train you to be a warrior, not Sunday warriors, but real warriors. There’s a lot of Marines around. They can train us. I’ll join you. You may know how to shoot, but shooting is a very small part of being a warrior. Brad, you don’t even take orders well, you’ll end up getting yourself and others killed if you’re not careful. Come with me. I know where we can find a group that will train us and equip us so we’ll know how to fight for freedom and be around afterward to enjoy it. Do you want Kathy to have to bury you?”
”Ron, I’m not going to be a water boy. I want to fight. I want to see them bleed for what they’ve done to us.”
“Brad, you can’t go to war filled with rage. You’ll get yourself killed in the first day, Remember what Patton said," “The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other guy die for his.”
“Ron, that takes time. They tore our home apart; they destroyed yours, and they’re enslaving us. It’s not right. We have to fight back.”
“Brad, yes we will fight back, but we can’t rush into it. If you go against them tonight, you’ll be home before dawn in a body bag,
Chapter 20
Ten DHS vehicles are traveling south on Interstate five between Orange County and San Diego at 0300, they pass a disabled car parked on the shoulder of the road, nothing unusual given the economy and number of undocumented workers. The lead hummer, which contains the DHS security team, didn’t even think about calling it in, just another abandoned car someone will soon come by and strip down to its frame. When the fourth vehicle pulls even with the abandoned car, it explodes. The junked car has been filled with homemade explosives. Nails and BBs have been glued on the cars fenders, hood and trunk. When the explosion goes off, the nails and BBs fly out cutting down any of the DHS agents who survived the initial blast. Surviving agents stumble out of their vehicles, all of which had been flipped onto their sides, gunshots ring out from the sides of the road. Every agent is cut down. After ensuring all of the DHS agents are dead, the militia members run to the DHS vehicles scooping up their weapons, ammo, and supplies. After cleaning out the DHS vehicles, the militia sets them on fire before they disappear into the dark.
Fifteen miles outside Denver Colorado a convoy of DEA and DHS agents crested a hill on Interstate 70 where they see a roadblock. The convoy slows to a stop to determine who set up the roadblock. Fifteen agents approached the barricade when barrels filled with homemade explosives lined up behind the barricade detonate. The junk cars and trucks are turned into fragments that cut the agents apart. The explosion creates a huge hole in the freeway. People dressed in combinations of different camo run to the DEA and DHS vehicles turning them around and driving off in them.
Outside of Bend Oregon a group of eighteen town’s people who’d had enough, some who’ve hidden their weapons attack a state police office. The town’s people have the advantage of surprise; the police’s ad
vantage is training and better weapons. Fifteen minutes after the attack started, sixteen of the town’s people lay dead or seriously wounded. Two run into the woods to escape being killed by the police.
In Chicago Illinois, thirty gang members decide if they don’t fight back they’ll lose their territory and end up in jail or dead. They planned a trap for the Chicago police. They got some cinder blocks, paint, and cement. The built a wall at the end of the street; they painted the wall to match the street, including the center divider line which they painted up the wall. Next they shot all of the street lights with pellet guns. When the wall is finished, they call 911 reporting a shooting at the end of the street. Two of Chicago’s finest race down the street, they don’t notice the street in front of them isn’t a street, but a solid wall which they run into at 45 MPH. Destroying both of their cars. As soon as the cars hit the wall, the gang members run to the cars stripping the officers of their weapons, radios, and their uniforms.
In New York’s JFK airport, TSA reports that someone broke into their storeroom stealing forty sets of uniforms. The New York Transit Police record the details, they file a report, which given the number of recent crimes and a limited number of detectives, will sit in someone’s in the basket until it becomes a cold case and is filed and forgotten about.
Boston’s Logan airport is very quiet at 5:20 AM on a warm Saturday morning. TSA agents clock in for their shift that officially starts at 5:30AM. They check the day’s updates for any special news items, grab a cup of coffee before reporting to their screening positions. One of the Boston airport police looks at the agents saying, “You guys change shifts or people again? You’re not the normal Saturday morning crew.”
“Hey, Officer Wilson, yes, we used to be up in New Hampshire, you know how bureaucrats are once you make friends and get to know the people in an airport, they decide it’s a good time to shift everyone around.”
“Yea, damn Army did the same thing to me when I served. One of the main reasons I got out. Every couple of years sent me to a new base. You guys going to be here every Saturday?”
“Saturday, Sunday, holidays and sometimes the midnight shift. They’d never allow us to work 40 hours; they keep us part-timers, that way they can avoid giving us benefits.”
“Good to meet you, have a nice shift, see you next week.”
The TSA agents look down and smile thinking, no we won’t. The agents use their stolen ID cards to gain access to the locker room where they find additional uniforms and blank ID cards. They report to the screening stations where they break the scanners, stopping all of the travelers in their tracks. Logan airport is closed for hours. Two TSA agents place small smoke bombs in the restrooms. These explode filling the restrooms with smoke, setting off the airport's fire alarms. Logan is evacuated while the fire department goes area to area checking for fires. No one flies out of Logan for the entire day. When the smoke clears the fire department finds a painted message on the main terminal wall, “We, the people say, enough.”
A woman arrives for work at the New York City DHS cafeteria; she looks around making sure no one is looking in her direction. She removes a small vial of clear liquid from her pocket. She pours it into the soup. She leaves at the end of her shift smiling all the way home. Hours later everyone who ate the soup comes down with diarrhea. Over 70% of the DHS staff call in sick the next day. The cafeteria worker brings in a different container the next day. She holds her breath something she’d practiced many times. She uncaps the vial pouring its contents on the floor on her way to the kitchen. The next day 50% of those who make it into work came down with a high fever, chills, and vomiting. The same thing happens in ten other government buildings in the Northeast.
The Secretary of Homeland Security reviews the reports, “These actions have to stop. Someone is using our policies against us. Someone knows how we operate. The President is taking a lot of heat for Logan being closed for an entire day. Even the press is starting to ask questions. This attack inside our buildings is most troubling; someone used a weapon of mass destruction against us inside one of our office building.”
“Mr. Secretary we’re fighting insurgents.”
“Insurgents? We’re not fighting in Iraq.”
“Mr. Secretary, we’ll never get away with proving we were attacked with a WMD.”
“Look, someone used a biological weapon on us; biological weapons are weapons of mass destruction. I want every employee rechecked. Run additional background checks on everyone.”
“Sir, that’ll take a long time, we have over 200,000 employees!”
“I don’t care, run background checks on every one of them. If any have a family member who’ve ever made any negative statements on any social media site about the administration gets pulled in for questioning. These attacks have to stop.”
“Yes sir, I’ll get right on it. Should we allow people to report to work before their backgrounds are run?”
“We have to, or we won’t have anyone to do any tasks.”
Newark and Dulles airports are closed due to smoke and stink bombs exploding in the terminal.
Traffic is gridlocked in New York City when all of the traffic lights turn red. They stay red for hours. The city’s traffic department can’t figure out how to get the traffic lights back to normal. New York City is shut down for 12 hours before the city and transit police are able to manually direct traffic.
Ten TSA agents enter the small police department in Melbourne Florida; their captain tells the desk officer, “We’re here for a firearm inspection. Please take us to your weapons lockers.”
“Sir, may I please see some paperwork?”
“No, you may not, I’m TSA Captain John Bradford, these people with me are my staff, and are employees of the US Department of Homeland Security, Department of the Transportation Security Administration. We don’t need any paperwork; you will now direct us to your weapons locker or we’ll arrest you and everyone else in this station.”
The desk officer leads the agents to the weapons locker which is filled with 24 M16s, 12 shotguns, 12 tear gas guns and twenty thousand rounds of ammunition. “Officer we have to confiscate these weapons, they are a violation of the President’s SAFE Act.”
“Wait a minute, we’re the police.”
“So what, the SAFE Act doesn’t discriminate between police and citizens, these weapons have been deemed dangerous by the President. Staff, collect these weapons and ammo. Give the officer a receipt. Officer if your department files the receipt with the DHS field office you’ll be compensated for the weapons value.”
“Yes sir, thank you sir.”
The agents carry the weapons out to TSA marked black Suburbans.
Twenty minutes later the local police Captain arrives, “Officer, how’s your day?”
“Fine Captain, fine, the TSA was just here, they confiscated our weapons because we were in violation of the SAFE Act. We were lucky the agents came before we were fined for the weapons.”
“Officer, what are talking about? Police departments are excluded from the SAFE Act; did they show you any paperwork to take our weapons?”
“Captain, they gave us a receipt.”
“Let me see it.”
“Asshole, did you read this? Officer Daffy Duck signed it. You gave all of our weapons to some impersonators.”
“Captain, they were wearing TSA uniforms, they had DHS ID cards.”
“Something’s wrong here; I’m going to check with DC.”
Brownsville, Indiana is a small town that refused to be pushed around by the DHS, fourteen people meet in a little league baseball field where they dug up their buried weapons, they checked and loaded them. They made their way to the Federal building in Indianapolis. They were everyday average people who’d just had enough bullshit from the government. They’re mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore. They approached the front door of the building, when an Indianapolis police offic
er stopped their van. “What are you people doing out here?”
“Just going for a ride, can’t we do that anymore? Did someone pass a new law forbidding us from going for a ride?”
“Your passenger has face paint on, you’re both wearing urban camo, why don’t you tell me the real story. That way no one gets hurt. If your story sounds reasonable I, won’t even look in the back of the van, where I’d guess I’m going to find a few more of your friends and some outlawed weapons.”
“Officer, we don’t want any problems.”
“Then turn around and go home, whatever you were planning should stop right now. Just exit at the next street, turn around and go home, go back to bed, hug your wives and forget this playing soldier crap. If you continue to go forward, none of you is going to live to see tomorrow. By the way, next time you want to play games, try Xbox. No one in their right mind drives into a major city wearing urban camo and face paint. I don’t like all of these new laws and regulations either; however, I’m sworn to protect the population of this city. If you try to harm them, I’m going to have to stop you, many of you will be hurt. Now please go home.”