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Freedom vs.Tyranny Page 20

  On Monday morning, the international stock markets open to a major crash; each falls more than 10% before built in triggers slow trading so that there isn’t a 1929 type crash. At 8AM, the Quebec Prime Minister announces Quebec is leaving Canada. This sends the market to new lows. Quebec having shorted hundreds of millions of shares is now earning billions. By 9AM, the markets are down 20% and still falling. Most markets close early to limit the panic selling. The New York Stock Exchange closes at 1:30PM after the Dow Jones has fallen 935 points, making Monday the new Black Friday.

  North Korea sees the rest of the world going insane thinking this is the perfect time for them to complete their goal of a single Korea; they launch a massive surprise attack on the South. Ten Armor battalions, which had been stored in tunnels under the DMZ, arrive behind the Korean and American armies. The North attacks the South’s troops at the DMZ from their unprotected rear areas wiping out most of the troops. Over two hundred thousand North Korean troops flood over the border. A small 10KT nuclear weapon explodes over Seoul killing tens of millions.

  The world, without the American military “police force” wakes to the death of hundreds of millions. Upon hearing the reports of the various wars from his military advisor, the President says, “I said I would side with the Muslims if it comes to having to take sides, as such, don’t do anything to assist Israel or India, they got what they asked for. Tell the North Koreans we expect them to return to their border, or we’ll have to take action.”

  “Sir, what are your orders, re South Africa?”

  “Nothing, it doesn’t concern us. If they want to kill each other, that’s their decision.”

  “Sir, what about Quebec?”

  “Nothing, it’s a Canadian internal issue, there’s nothing and no reason for us to say or do anything. If Quebec seems to be gaining the upper hand, then I’ll make an announcement supporting them.”

  The President tells his military aide, “I’m finished with the daily brief, I can’t be bothered with other countries internal affairs that don’t pose any threat to America.”

  “Sir, this is very serious, nuclear weapons are being used.”

  “Major, none is being used here; all I see are people working out their differences. I’m sure in a couple of days the world will settle down. Vickie Jarrets told me there’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Sir we have treaties with many of these countries.”

  “Major, we can’t get to them in time to make a difference. Plus I’m going to need all of the military power I have available in case these crazy bible thumping, gun loving nuts in the middle southern sections of our country decide to do something stupid. All I’m trying to do, is bring some degree of equality to the country; you’d think the people would love me and worship me for it.”

  “Sir, if I may, people don’t want to be equal, they want to be able to have an equal opportunity, which is different from all being equal.”

  “Major, how long have you been my military aide?”

  “Sir, four months.”

  “Long enough, you’re fired.”

  Chapter 18

  The Secretary of Homeland Security stands to address the President’s monthly cabinet meeting, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we’ve had numerous reports of people shooting at DHS staff with muzzle loading rifles and shotguns. We’ve had over 50 vehicles shot by people hiding in the woods trying to hit my people. This is clearly an unacceptable practice. They hide until our agents are on a mission. Then they attack our offices and vehicles with Molotov Cocktails. In the previous three days, we’ve lost over 50 vehicles. We’ve had more than a dozen agents hit; the damn balls the black powder guns fire tear a man’s arm off. They’re using civil war rifles to shoot our people. Some of these crazies are even riding horses. They shoot at us and take off into the woods. We’re getting hit pretty hard. The attacks are growing every day. We are doing everything within our power to catch these people and bring them to justice.”

  The AG asks, “Mr. Secretary, who do you think, is behind these unprovoked attacks on our loyal federal staff?”

  “AG, we believe the Tea Party and their partners in crime, the various militias are behind the attacks.”

  “Mr. President, as the Attorney General, I propose that we, you classify the Tea Party and the militias as domestic terrorists. This will enable us to use armed drones over American soil and remotely take out these racist treasonous bastards. We can’t allow a small group of extreme right-wing people take pot shots at our people. Sir, I also suggest we expand the gun exclusion to ALL guns, muzzleloaders, shotguns, anything that uses any form of gunpowder to shoot projectiles.”

  The President thinks over what he’s just heard, he looks up at his AG replying, “Yes prepare the document, I’ll sign an executive finding, stating that the Tea Party and militias pose a clear and present danger to the American people. I’ll approve the use of armed drones. I want each target identified by at least one senior member of the government. That is unless anyone has any other comments?”

  The Secretary of the Treasury stands, “Mr. President, frankly I don’t know why we’ve waited so long. These groups have been causing this administration problems since 2009. I don’t understand why some people consider the Tea Party a regular political party. Everyone knows they’re nothing but a gang of radicals who need to be stopped ASAP. As such, I applaud the use of armed drones. None of our brave first responders or DHS agents will be harmed trying to arrest these racist murders. Many of them hide in the woods to trap our agents. What concerns me the most is they could hit an innocent child walking home from school if they miss their target. Mr. President I plead with you to take the case to the people. The people of America are solidly behind you. Everyone knows that if Wolf News were off the internet no one would oppose you.”

  The Secretary of the Interior stands, “Mr. Director of Federal Communications, the Secretary of the Treasury has posed a very interesting question, why can’t you kick Wolf off of the internet?”

  The Secretary of the Federal Communications Commission stands, “Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s not easy to remove a company off of the internet. We didn’t renew their broadcast license; we arrested their Chairman for promoting hate speech. However, they are using an offshore server. We need international cooperation in pulling them off the web.”

  The President says, “I don’t understand, just send the FBI to wherever the servers are and cut their cables. I want these people silenced. AG, can I name Wolf as a domestic terrorist?”

  “Mr. President, they’re no longer domestic, they are operating out of countries that lack treaties with us. There’s nothing we can do,”

  “Yes, there is, maybe their server farm could have an accident, something like a 2,000 pound bomb falling off of one of our bombers, accidents do happen.”

  The cabinet laughs and nods their heads. The Secretary of Defense replies, “I’ll handle a tasking order for one of our B1 bombers.”

  The President says, “Good, I want Wolf, and the Tea Party gone ASAP. How can we launch our new agenda if they are protesting everything we do? They’re harming the country.”


  “Hi Ron, Brian and I are enjoying the end of the curfew by seeing if we can empty our local bar of beers. None of us has to drive; the bar is walking distance from our homes. Frankly it feels good to legally be out in the evening having a good time with good friends. My cell rings with the ring tone, “This girl’s on fire," Ron laughs saying, “Boss is on the line, better get it.”

  “Hi honey, how was work today?”

  “Where are you? Your car is here.”

  “Owen’s bar and grill, why?”

  “You better get here ASAP; our house is being torn apart. They won’t let me enter our house.”

  Hanging up, I look at my friends, “Trouble, someone, must be the damn DHS is tearing my home apart, they won’t even let Kathy into the house, want to come with?”

  The four of us pay our tab and start jogging to
my house. We see the flashing red and blue lights lighting up the sky. We’re stopped two houses before we reach mine. A DHS agent stops us, “Stop; you can’t go any closer to that house.”

  “Why not? I live there, where’s my wife?”

  “Do you have a photo ID?”

  “Here it is, look, what’s going on?”

  “We have information that you are hiding firearms, we have a valid search warrant to search your home, in fact until our search is completed, I’m taking you into custody to ensure you don’t go anywhere. You can wait in the van with your wife.”

  I’m handcuffed and shoved into the back of a black van where my wife is sitting also handcuffed. “Honey are you OK?”

  Kathy has tears in her eyes, “Yes, what’s going on, these people just grabbed me and threw me in here.”

  “The agent said someone said we had firearms in the house,”

  “Do we?”

  “Of course not, I sold them back to the government and put the money in the bank.”

  Kathy looks at me with a knowing grin; I’m sure you did. So why are we sitting in this van?”

  “I don’t know.”

  We hear voices outside the van, “Let them go, their clean, we didn’t find anything.”

  Our cuffs are removed; we’re told we can enter our house, entering the front door, Kathy screams and starts crying, our house is torn apart. Even the walls have been ripped open, our furniture cushions have been cut open, everything in our kitchen is on the floor, our bedroom is trashed; every room looks like a tornado went through it. Ron knocks and enters; he’s shaking his head, “Man they trashed this place, I’m so sorry. Before you pick anything up, take pictures with one of your phones that date and time stamps the picture. Go room to room, take pictures from different points of view, I’ll help you. Then call your insurance agent.”

  I look at Ron, “Buddy, I’m going to sue those assholes that just destroyed thousands of dollars of our stuff.”

  I jog outside to catch one of the agents, “Hey, you guys trashed our house!”

  “Ah, there you are, here’s a card which says, we carried out a legal search, we did so based on the President’s SAFE Act, we’re not responsible for any damage, you can’t sue us, you can’t hold us liable for anything. In fact, there’s nothing you can do; your insurance won’t pay a penny of damages because the SAFE Act ensures insurance companies don’t reimburse the guilty.”

  “Man, I’m innocent, you didn’t find anything.”

  “Yup, but read the President’s executive order, there’s nothing you can do, frankly, you’re up a crap stream without a paddle. If I were you, I’d hang out with a better class of people. Ex-cops aren’t good people to pal around with. If you continue to pal around with an ex-cop, we may have to pay you another visit, next time, maybe in the middle of the night if so, we might have to give your wife a very special search and pat down. Now go home and behave yourself. Learn to follow the rules, and you’ll live a long life, remember you’re nothing but a very small cog in a very big wheel.”

  “What about all of the damage you caused?”

  “Prove it asshole.”

  Kathy is sitting on the floor of our bedroom crying, even our wedding pictures have been ripped apart, the frames broken, nothing, except for the washing machine was left untouched, the lids of the washer and dryer are open, but the metal cases weren’t touched. I’m not going to tell Kathy yet what’s hidden inside of them. I’ve decided when she’s at work I’m going to open the washer and reassemble the AR and shotgun, I’m going to get my revenge for my house being trashed one way or another. I might have been a lot of talk before, but tonight they made me a soldier, a soldier in the army for freedom. Ron looks at me shaking his head up and down; he points outside. I bend down to tell Kath, “Honey I’ll be right back, Ron wants to tell me something.”

  “Buddy, I know what you’re thinking; before you make your mind up 100% think of what’s at risk. If you go through with what I know you’re thinking, think about Kathy.”

  “Ron, I did. If we don’t come together and find a way to stop this, we’re no better then slaves. I’m not a slave. Here me? I’m NOT A SLAVE!”

  Before Ron can answer, we see a bright flash in the sky, a loud explosion that knocks us off our feet. Looking up, we see a drone flying away. Flames are licking at the sky. Ron looks through the trees, “MY HOUSE!”

  I follow Ron to his house that has collapsed upon itself, it’s burning out of control. Ron looks angrier than I am. We look at each other and nod yes. “Ron, stay in our spare room, come home with me.”

  “Thank you, I think tomorrow is going to be a new day; we’re going to fight the tyranny of our own government.”

  Chapter 19

  Sitting in the woods, just outside of Virginia Beach, Virginia, two ex-Marines, dressed in reproduction American Revolutionary War army uniforms are waiting. They’re waiting for an armed Predator drone to arrive, they know its course, and they know it’s going to be flying slowly over a small cul-de-sac. One man taps the other on his left shoulder, pointing up. The second man scans the sky with the thermal scope built into the STINGER shoulder-fired anti-air missile. He hears a tone in his ear telling him the missile seeker has locked onto the drone. He glances at his partner who nods yes. The man steadies himself, holds the launch tube at a 45-degree angle, he holds his breath as he pulls the trigger; the STINGER missile is pushed out of the launcher tube, 50 feet in front of the Marines the missile engine ignites sending the missile towards the drone.

  In a shielded room inside the NSA building at Fort Mead Maryland, two pilots, jump in their seats when their missile launch detection alert sounds. They never expected to see this alarm when flying missions in America. They steer the Predator drone around; they see the two men hiding in the woods, when they zoom in on their uniforms the Predator operators sit up in surprise they pause giving the Stinger enough time to blow the Predator out of the sky.

  The two men who launched the STINGER nod, the take apart the STINGER and disappear into the night.

  Another Predator is blown out of the sky when it tries to cross the border with Texas, F15s flying combat air patrol pick up the drone on their radar. After confirming there’s no friendly aircraft in their area, an F15 pilot fires an AIM 9X infrared advanced anti-air missile. The drone is blown out of the sky. Three more Predators are destroyed in Southern California by men firing shoulder held anti-air missiles.

  In North Carolina an armed drone is searching for its target, a townhouse two blocks from a local shopping mall, their target lives in the townhouse, the pilots sitting in the NSA are waiting for him to arrive home. The target usually arrives home between 6 and 6:25PM on Thursdays, his every move has been tracked; his every call has been recorded. Every web search, their target has performed, has been recorded, tonight the drone flies lazy figure eights over the townhouse’s neighborhood. The pilot and weapons officer sit at their terminals sipping hot coffee, “its 6:45, where is he tonight? I thought he was a creature of habit?”

  “His records don’t show any deviation from his normal schedule.”

  “So where is he?”

  “Damn if I know, expand the search, send the bird into a larger circle, maybe he’d got a new girlfriend.”

  “It’s a shame he lost the last one. I hear someone hacked his phone and sent his girlfriend some really nasty pictures that showed they came from his phone. Same thing happened at his job that he lost within minutes of a certain text message arriving at his manager’s phone. Someone has it in for this asshole.”

  Both laugh at the poor man’s problems that were caused by the NSA in order to force him out into the open more often. They didn’t want to risk hitting the building with a Hellfire since there are children living in the two units next to their target.

  The pilot says, “Hey, look there, thermals picked up something, three guys in the woods, wonder if one is our target, I’m going to move the bird a little closer so I can get a good lo
ok. If it’s him can you take him out while he’s under those trees?”

  “If you move the bird so I can get a clear shot from the left, I can take out all three of them.”

  “Whoa, what’s that? Flashes of light from the target, damn it they're shooting at us, bird has been hit. Bird has been hit. Losing pressure, they must have hit a line, losing rudder control, losing power, we’re going to crash, damn it that’s the fifth one this week, pretty soon they’re going to dock my pay for the lost birds.”


  The Director of the NSA reviews the recent reports; he calls his senior staff together. “People, we’ve had five Predators shot down this week. Three with MANPADs and one by three people firing muzzle loading rifles at the bird, they must have gotten a lucky shot. We are not using the data available to us. I want each group to search the records of the Tea Party and militia leaders. We have their metadata; we know where they’ve been and who they are. People, these are enemies of the state; they are using violence against us. Once you have them tracked, send the special teams to collect them. I want this part of the plan over within the next two weeks. The President is planning a major announcement in three weeks; I want a week buffer so we have time to deal with any opposition leaders we missed.”

  Unknown to the senior management of the NSA, one of the staff doesn’t agree with the President’s plans. He leaks the NSA’s plans to a friend of his. The informer goes to lunch; he stops to get his hair cut, while paying, he’s marked a message on the bills he hands the barber. The barber takes the bills and buys a cup of coffee at a local Starbucks. The cashier puts the bill under the cash drawer. When the shifts change the manager lifts the cash drawer out, he picks up the coded bills. Taking them to his office, he decodes the message. That evening he places a collect call to a friend for himself, since he’s not there; the other party doesn’t accept the charges. This signals the other party to attend a face to face meeting in a local bar. The two men share a pitcher of beer. The Starbucks manager hands the other party a business card with a code written on it; it’s a verse from the Bible. The man takes the card home where he decodes it. He smiles thinking he has the perfect plan for the NSA.