Freedom vs.Tyranny Page 14
I blame the media for pushing us into the mess we’re in. In reality, the media selects the candidates they want by skewing their reports to favor the candidates who mirror the media’s false and immature view of the world. These candidates aren’t necessarily the ones the people want or the ones who are best for the office. It comes back to the media trying to make the news. Not just reporting it. They think they’re stars. I’m not sure how we correct this issue. In fact, in the short term, the media is going to be our biggest enemy. They will mobilize against us quicker than the Federal Government will. Does anyone have any thoughts?”
I respond, “Joshua, I’m not sure the media goes so far as selecting the candidates. However, I’ll agree with you they skew their reporting so that it’s almost impossible for someone, they don't like to be elected.”
Debra places her coffee down; she looks around before responding, “We created the media, we the people made them stars. The networks live by advertising, maybe we need to have the people finance the media’s news departments. Currently, people can donate $1 of their taxes to fund political campaigns, why not take $1 from every tax return to fund the media’s news programs, no outside advertising is allowed. We won’t get government control because the networks can’t go crying to DC to get more money; they each will get the same amount. Without advertising, companies won’t be able to sway the news, without ratings the reporters won’t become stars.”
Mary responds, “Debra, if we follow your suggestion then won’t the networks all be reading the same scripts as handed out from the government, won’t this be nothing more than a government run media news program?”
“The networks can spend their funds anyway they want. If they run bullshit news and just read, scripts people won’t tune in and the programs that follow the news will lose their built-in audiences.”
Joshua says; we don’t have to solve this now. However Apollo is correct, it has to be part of the end product, so we ensure we don’t end up here again. I asked for this breakfast meeting because yesterday the US Navy and the USCG fired the first shots in our new civil war. The USCG being under the DHS had orders to stop any navy ships from leaving their ports. The lead Navy ships fired on and sank the lightly armed Coast Guard ships. There are tens of thousands of military people resigning, they refuse to sign the new oath of allegiance to the president. Most of the Marines have tendered their resignation, including as we know their four-star commandant. DHS and TSA agents are guarding every military base; the military and so-called men in black are staring at each other across chain link fences. One of these bases is going to explode. When it does, it’s going to turn very nasty. Before it does we need to address a major problem, one that is closely related to Apollo’s comments. We need very positive press; we need to get a jump on the media, and we need to flood every social media site with favorable posts. We need to befriend some reporters. If we can’t befriend a couple of reporters; our technical people are going to have to figure out how to hack their feeds. If we go this route, we’re going to need pre-recorded messages to broadcast over the networks.”
I raise my hand, “I have a couple of friends who are in the public relations business I’ll meet with them, how do we befriend reporters who think anyone on the right is a demon from hell?”
Mary says, “We start with Wolf News Network, they tilt to the right; we prepare and send them stories; if they have re-prepared stories they may run with them.”
Joshua says, “Great ideas, let’s meet again in one week. Adam, can you close again?”
“Easy enough.”
The President and his security advisors are reviewing the day’s news and potential security threats to the country. “Mr. President, the military situation is very grave, in 24 hours 77% of the US Marines have requested to be released from their service contracts versus signing the new oath, this sir, is totally unacceptable.”
“No, it isn’t, this is great news. The Marines have always been too gung-ho if 77% of them want to resign, approve their requests, and then roll the remainder of the Marines into the Army. See how easy that was? We just got rid of one of the most conservative forces. And remember, ex-military personnel are deemed to be threats, so they have to report to their case officers once a week for two years. With so many military people resigning, we can hire additional case officers helping to lower the unemployment rate. We get a double bonus. I like it, push their paperwork through as fast as possible. I’ll contact the UN to announce American is further reducing our military. We’ll never again being a threat to any other country. What else do you have for me?”
“Mr. President, the Navy has broken out of their ports, the DHS sent Coast Guard ships to block the Navy from leaving port until the sailors signed the new oath, the Navy sank the Coast Guard ships for no reason.”
“Are you telling me the navy attacked those nice young men and women in the Coast Guard for no reason? The Coast Guard was carrying out a lawful order from the Secretary of the Homeland Security and the navy sank them?”
“Mr. President, that is correct.”
“I want the captains of those navy ships brought up on charges of murder, do you hear me, murder. I want them found guilty and put in jail with no possibly of parole.”
“Mr. President, they say they were operating under legal emergency mobilization orders which were confirmed. As such, maybe you should consider arresting the CNO and not the ship captains.”
“I like that idea even better; that damn Admiral Zander has been a pain in my ass for a long time, tell the AG to prepare a warrant for his arrest.”
“Mr. President, the military will say he is entitled to a court marshal versus a criminal trial because he was following your orders.”
“What orders, I didn’t give him any orders.”
“Sir, when you declared Martial Law, you put the military on full alert. You did give him the order to mobilize. At the same time, the Secretary of Homeland Security said you ordered him to stop the military from leaving their bases as such both groups were following your orders.”
“I know what to do, I’ll fire the Admiral, and then he can be arrested as a civilian, prepare the papers firing him as CNO. I want the papers delivered to the Pentagon today,”
“Yes Mr. President.”
“I want the IRS to crack down on these right wing-nuts, stop them from attacking my policies, I want the IRS to audit anyone who posts or makes derogatory statements about my policies or me. Everyone, who is making such posts, are racist and as racist, they are an enemy of the people.”
The heads of the three largest drug cartels meet in Cancun, they took over the Isla Mujeres, where they could both be secure and also enjoy their time off. Carlos stood to address his two friends and competitors, “We have a rare opportunity, the gringos are reducing their military, and their DHS is running around collecting all of their citizen’s firearms. We won’t have to worry about their crazy citizens shooting at us. Their people are occupied with the fool in the White House. I suggest we combine our armies to attack and absorb part of southern Arizona, once we control it we can’t be denied access into Norte America, we’ll have our freeway, hell we can build a six-lane bridge and freeway, we’ll charge the gringos to drive on our freeway. They’ll end up paying for our express route into their country. Their border patrol has been reduced. The fool in the White House is planning on granting amnesty to all of our people who live in the Norte. We can hire many of them to distribute for us in their towns. Think about our good luck, no US Military or border patrols to block us. We have to move quickly or others will do it.”
Juan stands, saying, “How do I know if I merge my armed men with yours, you won’t kill my men and steal their weapons? How do I know my drugs will have free access across this so called freeway you want to build? How long will it take to build this freeway?”
“Juan, all good questions, we can use the peasants who won’t have any choice in the matter.
They can build the bridge and freeway in eight months. Manpower isn’t a problem, there are millions of starving peasants in Northern Mexico, we’ll draft them to work for us. We’ll work them to death. To prove my good intent, I pledge to put $100 million into an escrow account, if you don’t have free access over our bridge and freeway, you can have the $100 million.”
The three drug lords agree to move ahead with the plan to annex part of southern Arizona, Carlos suggested if the plan succeed they do the same in New Mexico and California, who’s going to stop them?
In a week, four thousand heavily armed ex Mexican Special Forces troops move into southern Arizona where they protect the twenty thousand enslaved workers who start building the drug lord’s freeway and bridge. The Governor of Arizona begs Washington DC for help. Since the National Guard has been federalized, the governor has only the state police to send south. Five hundred state police officers meet four thousand Mexican troops with heavy weapons; only forty-eight officers survive to return to Phoenix. They report that the Mexicans are building a six-lane road and bridge, complete with toll booths. The President dispatches his Secretary of State to the area. John Cerry arrives to meet with the drug cartel leaders, after two days of discussions and parties; Cerry returns to Washington DC with great news for the President. The President and the Secretary of State meet over dinner in the White House, “John how was your trip south?”
“Mr. President, I reached an agreement with the Mexicans. It turns out the Mexicans are building a new six-lane highway from south Arizona into Mexico. They are connecting the freeway with our interstate highway system; they are building a new bridge. Here’s the good news, they are absorbing the total cost of the project, and are willing to share the tolls with us, 30% for us and 70% for them. I agreed since we didn’t provide any of the working Capital to build the project.”
“Do they want anything from us?”
“Yes Mr. President, they asked for some transportation engineers. They want to ensure their design for the bridge is correct. I offered to send some workers; we can claim we’re creating jobs by sending unemployed construction crews to the site, if we send 2,000 people, they promise to have a bridge built in four months. They are planning on working 24/7.”
“John, you’re correct, you worked out a great comprise. You have my full support. I’ll issue a press release stating the plan you worked out will create many thousands of much-needed jobs in southern Arizona. Arizona shouldn’t have such high unemployment; we gave them two years notice before I stopped all of the fracking, how much more time did they require to retool their industries. Seriously, fracking? The 1% dream up new ways to get richer while they destroy the environment. John, make sure you hold your press conference and point out the new freeway and bridge will be no cost for hybrids; that was another great idea. The base is going to love it, a new zero cost infrastructure project. Why not ask your new friends if they can be convinced to build other connections between our two countries, we can provide tens of thousands of workers to help build additional bridges and freeways. Moving the workers to wherever your new friends want them will cost less than keeping them on welfare.”
Sally says, “Rod, there are a number of cars coming up the driveway; they said you were expecting them?”
“Honey, remember I told you we were going to be having some company? Looks like the first guests are arriving.”
“Honey, your friends are all wearing jeans and leather or ski jackets, but I can recognize Marines when I see them.”
“Yes dear.”
The General opens the front door; each guest snaps to attention and salutes the General and his wife as they enter the house.”
The General says, “You don’t salute me, I’m no longer in uniform and none of you are wearing the uniform.”
Their leader says, “General, we’re not saluting you; we’re saluting Mrs. Brownstone, she’s put up with you for thirty years, with you retired, we’re showing her our respect for having to put up with an old war horse like you all the time. Sir.”
“Colonel, please cut the bullshit and come on in, we have to be quick, the bird will overfly us in ten minutes. My staff will put your vehicles in the barn do the bird doesn’t see them.”
“Thank you for sir, we can help, by the way, our last vehicle dragged a bunch of tree limbs behind us to mask our tire prints coming up your unpaved driveway.”
“Colonel, you don’t forget much do you?”
“Sir, it’s only been 48 hours, still feels funny not putting on the uniform every day.”
“Don’t worry about it; if we’re successful, you’re be wearing the uniform again. No matter how you view it, once a Marine, always a Marine. Would your men like something to drink?”
“Yes sir, coffee would be welcome.”
With that Mrs. Brownstone pushes a cart of freshly made coffee, sugar, creamer and freshly baked cookies. I know you men, you may be all grown up, but you’re all little boys on the inside.”
The men get conformable in the General’s study, the Colonel says, “General, I’ll get right to the point, we’ve spoken to many people; many first responders, many of the surviving militias and I have personally spoken to Joshua. We’ve come to ask you for your help, we want you to be the defacto leader of the people’s party, no more Democrat, or Republican. We want to return the government to ‘We the People.' Sir, Joshua sends his best, he said to tell you, you’re too young to retire, you hate golf and the last time you went fishing the fish laughed and spit at you, by the way, we’re all interested in hearing that story. Joshua is correct; you’re the only person who is well known enough to pull all of the independent groups together. Everyone knows you’ve never been political. You’re the perfect person, you’re well respected, you’ve destroyed and built countries. Sir, you know what’s going on better than we do. Sir we the people need you.”
“Colonel, you’re asking me to put my families lives at risk.”
“Sir, less risk then when there was a Fatwa against you and your family. Sir, we protected your family before we can do it now.”
“Frankly, you do not surprise me; I expected this when you asked permission to stop by with a few friends. I assume these friends are part of my new protection detail. Let me chat with Sally.”
Before the General can stand, Sally enters the study, “Rod, you old war dog, you know damn well, you’re going to say yes, do you want our country to be more communist than Russia? If the SOB in the White House gets away with his transformation, Puten will be laughing his butt off. Do you want your grandchildren to grow up in a communist country? Do you want your name to be associated with evil? You spent thirty years defending this country, how can you say no?”
“Honey, I can say no because I’m not a politician, I say what’s on my mind, I say it straight and usually filled with four letter words.”
“So leave out most of the four letter words. I think the country needs someone to tell them the truth, if you don’t agree, who else will?”
The Colonel, says, “Sir, before you say Joshua, he said to tell you, the following, “You first, you old warhorse,” He said he’s too old, he’ll help, and he’ll do anything he can for us, with the exception of leading.”
“Colonel, it’s already started, how can I take over the operation in process.”
“Sir, you know most of the influential people. Sir, you should know that Admiral Zander gave the DHS a real black eye.”
“I heard, one of his aides happened to stop by with my morning newspaper, I have to say, I never had a full navy captain deliver my newspaper before, it was kind of nice.”
“Sir, the Admiral said, “Don’t get used to it.”
“OK, what are the next steps?”
“First we will deploy my team for your family’s protection, and then we would like to move you. Your home is too well known. The President would cry if a drone happened to fall on your house. We have the perfect place to make our new headquarters, safe,
secure and almost impossible to destroy. Sir, we’re ready to leave when you are.”
Sally walks into the study wheeling two suitcases, “He’s ready to go now, do you think after thirty years I want you under foot all of the time, Rod, go save our country. I love you.”
Chapter 12
Just before one of the rare Presidential press conferences, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) releases a report reviewing the result of the President’s policies. The Affordable Care Act, (Obamacare), Safety Act (Gun buyback), Safe Children Act, (Curfew) and higher taxes is 15 million additional people are going to lose their jobs. The President replies that this is a good thing; people shouldn’t be working in dangerous industries such as firearms and it’s not safe for people to work in the middle of the night. He says people get tired at night; they should sleep, it’s the natural order of things. He tells the press no one should worry because he’s going to use the tax increase on the 1% to provide additional benefits to the unemployed.