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Freedom vs.Tyranny Page 13

  “I guess asking what everyone does is out of the question isn’t it?”

  “Not even in the book, so don’t bother even thinking about it.”


  Ex Commandant of the US Marines is sitting in his home office reading coded emails, his wife knocks and opens the door, “Rod, honey is everything OK, the news is filled with horrible stories about you. The person, their talking about, isn’t you. It’s as if there are two people with the same name, you, the man I’ve been married to for thirty years and this other man who’s the devil’s son. The feds are pouring tons of money into smearing you, are they that worried about you? Why? You’ve resigned. You retired. I know the liberal press; they attack and smear the people they fear the most. Right now your public enemy number one. Honey are they going to arrest you? Should we be bugging out of here?”

  “Sally, we’re safe here; we have people watching the house for us, no one can approach the house without being seen. There is a large squad guarding us. Very soon this is going to be a very busy home, I hope you don’t mind a little company.”

  “Never, as long as I don’t have to guard what I think and say. Should I make up the spare bedrooms?”

  “Might be a good idea. They’ll start arriving this afternoon.”


  The DHS has been given orders to lock down every US Military base and facility. No one is to enter or leave; use of deadly force has been authorized. A tense standoff begins at each base fence line. Both sides are armed; both sides are dedicated to their missions. At Fort Benning, the US Army Rangers decide they don’t like being kept captive on their own base. Ranger Colonel Redwing orders his people to draw live ammo load their LAVs, Hummers and Bradleys’ to convince the black Suburbans to leave their position blocking the base’s gates.

  The front gate opens; four LAVs move into a fighting position. They are met by five DHS and two TSA agents. The ranking DHS officer stands in front of the armored vehicles; he puts his hand up to stop the army vehicles, he puts a bullhorn to his mouth, “Attention US Army vehicles, this is DHS regional director Davis, you are ordered to remain on base until we have administrated the new oath of allegiance to every member.”

  “Agent Davis, this is US Army Ranger Colonel Redwing, please move your vehicles from blocking our gates, if you don’t move them within five minutes, we’ll move them for you.”

  “Colonel, you are ordered to return to your barracks and stand down.”

  “Agent, you are not in my chain of command, as such you can’t issue orders to me or my people.”

  “Colonel, if you’ve read your morning orders, you will have read that the US Military has been put under management of the US Department of Homeland Security.”

  “Agent, I read the message and tossed it into the circular file, the US Military takes orders from our Commander in Chief and the officers appointed over us. We do NOT report to or take orders from the Department of Homeland Zombies. Now I suggest you back you nice shiny Suburbans away from our gate before they become smoking wreaks.”

  “Colonel, if you fire on us or on our vehicles I will be forced to take you into custody.”

  “Agent, you can try, however you a better return with more firepower than you currently have.”

  “Colonel, this is your last chance before we arrest you and your people.”

  “Agent don’t say I didn’t warn you, sergeant, move those vehicles away from the front of our gate; you have permission to open fire.”

  Seconds later the LAVs open fire with their 25mm chain guns firing armor piercing rounds which shred the Suburbans, their gas tanks explode, two of the Suburbans leap into the sky from their exploding fuel tanks. The DHS agents open fire against the army vehicles with their 9mm side arms which bounce off the LAVs armor. The Army returns fire with 7.62 mm machine guns tearing the agents apart. Round one of the next civil war goes to the US Army.


  DHS regional director Roger Venkin addresses the 300 people sitting in the warehouse in front of him. “Ladies and Gentlemen, today is a unique day in our history. Today we are going to begin implementing the President’s policy. Today we are going to begin ensuring guns are removed from our streets forever. We are going to save the children of America from gunfire.”

  The room erupts in cheers.

  “We’ve matched up the records of those in our sector who own firearms and have not turned them in, we’re going to be paying these people a visit, be polite, be courteous, and say please and thank you. It’s very important we look like we’re doing our part to save the children. The press will be watching and recording these initial gun screenings. After the initial visits and the press has juicier stories then and only then will we step up our search tactics. Once the press leaves to cover other stories we’ll return and randomly select some of these homes to recheck, upon our return we’ll tear these homes apart brick by brick. Today, we’re going to remind these people of their civic duty, yes their duty to turn in their firearms so everyone can do their part in saving our, saving their children.

  All of you remember, today, the press is recording our every action, we WILL be on our best behavior. Think of today as a dress rehearsal for when we return and really tear these criminal’s a new asshole. I assume everyone has studied our manual and the sheriff’s manual on where to search for firearms. Follow the manuals, go step by step. Any weapon found is to be tagged and removed from the home. The owner is to be given a Federal DHS official warning; we’re not going to arrest anyone while the press is with us. If someone gives you a hard time, be polite, call for backup. Remember, we are the face of the Federal Government, the entire country is watching us. Don’t even pick your nose. No off-color jokes. I want everyone to stand, everyone turn to their right, Barnes your other right, inspect that person, is their uniform correct? Are all their patches correct, is the uniform dirty? Is the agent next to you clean? Are their boots polished? Everyone inspect everyone else. We leave in thirty minutes.”


  Admiral Zander issues an emergency alert mobilization order, no drill. Every ship and submarine in the US Navy inventory that can put to sea is to do so within 24 hours. The emergency mobilization order requires the immediate recall of all ships personnel who may have been on leave; the ship’s captain is to put to sea within the time specified even if the entire crew isn’t on board. All ships are to put to sea fully armed. Every US Navy base is bursting with people rushing to ready ships for the emergency war deployment, weapons and supplies, food, and spare parts are being loaded onto the ships decks quicker than the crews can take them below and store them. One aircraft carrier that recently entered dry dock is reloading recently unloaded supplies even as the dry dock is being filled with water to float the 100,000 ton ship out of the dry dock so it can return to sea. The US Navy has two strategic submarine bases. One at Kings Bay, Georgia the other in Kitsap, Washington state. At each base nuclear-armed Trident D5 missiles are being loaded into each of the submarine’s 24 launch tubes, food, and spare parts are being ‘bucket brigade’ carried from the dock into the boats. Of the fourteen SSBNs, (Ship, Submersible, Ballistic, Nuclear) five are on patrol. These receive the same orders which inform their captain' to increase their readiness, four were in dry dock; one is being quickly readied to return to sea, the remaining three are rushing to return to sea within the 24-hour window or as soon after as possible. The US Navy has ten nuclear-powered aircraft carriers; one is usually in dry dock undergoing a midlife refit which lasts three years. One is usually getting ready to enter dry dock where all work stops, the recently removed supplies, weapons and jet fuel are being reloaded onto the huge ship. One carrier is usually being worked on at its base that is being readied for sea only partially finished. She may leave with workmen still on board. The other seven are either stopping their return to their bases or moving at breakneck speed to get to sea.

  Every ship captain receives coded orders to be opened when their ship is safely at sea; all of the
orders are to be opened at 2400 GMT in two days. The sailors on the ships are of a mixed mind, many watched the interview on “Meet the Press.” They are shocked at how the Commandant of the Marine Corp was treated. Others have read the new oath and decided not to sign, a small handful have decided they have no problem signing the new oath, these don’t trust the sailors who have refused to sign the oath. Mistrust is building inside many of the Navy’s ships. Admiral Zander decided it was safer to send his ships to sea where he might be able to hold some control over their actions. He worried about turning strategic weapons over to the current administration. He knew he was committing mutiny and treason by issuing his orders. He felt he was serving a higher power; he was helping to save the United States of America.

  The US Navy ships begin leaving their ports fully armed, with confused crews. The crews are wondering if the alert is the start of WW 3. It’s very unusual for ships to leave port at ‘general quarters’ with the crew manning battle stations. The initial leaving ships’ passage is blocked by boats belonging to the US Coast Guard. The USCG isn’t part of the US Military, in times of war, they report to the US Navy, in peace they are part of the Department of Homeland Security. The Coast Guard ships have received orders directly from the Secretary of Homeland Security to stop any of the Navy’s ships from leaving port. The first interaction between the two forces is in Norfolk Virginia, which is the US Navy’s largest base. Leading the Navy exodus from their base are four US Navy destroyers, all are at General Quarters, (set for war) when their lookouts report the exit to the harbor is blocked by six USCG boats. The USS Buleley DDG, 84 is the lead ship, the executive officer (XO) who is the second in command, informs the captain, “Captain; the harbor is being blocked by six USCG boats.”

  “Ask them what they want.”

  “Attention USCG boats this is the US Navy destroyer USS Buleley operating under emergency alert mobilization orders. We are operating as the lead escort ship. You are blocking the harbor exit, please stand aside.”

  “USS Buleley this is USCG (US Coast Guard Cutter) Bear (WMEC-901) we are under orders from SecDHS not allow any Navy ships from leaving port. Please turnaround and return to your pier, we will board your ships to administer the new oath of service, any ship’s crew, who refuses to sign, will be removed from your ship. Please acknowledge.”

  “Bear this is Buleley actual, move your boat or suffer the consequences. We are at General Quarters; we are fully armed and will follow our emergency alert order, blocking our exit is a violation of the USCG mandate, once an emergency alert is issued, your ships shift from DHS to US Navy control. I’m a Navy Captain, which means I outrank you, follow my orders and move aside and no one will be hurt.”

  The captain picks up his handset, “Weapons, main battery, track the lead USCG boat, when I give the order, fire one round across her bow, if she doesn’t turn away, sink her. I repeat if she doesn’t turn aside, sink her. This is not a drill. Captain out.”

  The destroyer’s 5 inch main canon shifts position to lock onto the USCG boat. The Bear sees the canon move she calls the Buleley. “Buleley, this is the Bear actual, why is your main gun targeting us? We’re both on the same side.”

  “Bear, Buleley actual, I warned you, if you don’t move aside in two minutes we will open fire, we are outside your range; we out range and outgun you, please don’t make me do this.”

  “Buleley, I have my orders, we are to block the exit of all US Navy warships. Do you really want to kill fellow US sailors?”

  “Bear, we too have our orders, ours order a state of emergency, if you continue to block us, I will have no choice but to open fire. You have less than one minute to move.”

  “Buleley, I guess God will sort out who’s right and who’s wrong. I’m sorry, but I can’t follow your orders.”

  “Weaps, open fire, one round, wait two minutes, if she doesn’t turn, sink her.”

  Two seconds after giving the order the Buleley’s front cannon fires a single round which lands in the water forty yards in front of the Bear’s bow. The Bear turns towards the Buleley returning fire with her 76mm canon, which lacks the range to reach the Buleley. “Weaps, sink her, may God have mercy on all of our souls.”

  The 5 inch cannon fires five quick rounds, which strike the Bear amidships, setting the smaller boat on fire. People start jumping overboard; the fire reaches the Bear’s armory causing a massive explosion which tears the Coast Guard boat apart. 23 out of a crew of 100 people are picked up from the water between the two ships. The 23 stunned Coast Guard sailors are locked in a cargo compartment until the captain can figure out what to do with them.

  “Sparks, contact base and copy the Admiral, inform them our access is blocked by USCG boats, we warned the Bear, who refused to allow us exit, we fired a warning shot; they returned fire; we sank the Bear with canon fire, we rescued 23 of her crew.”

  While the captain is dictating his report he hears canon fire to his port and starboard, he decides that the other destroyers met similar treatment from the Coast Guard boats. The Captain decides the second shot in a new American civil war have been fired. This civil war isn’t going to between North and South or over States rights, this war is between freedom and tyranny.

  Chapter 11

  Joshua is correct; these are some of the best pancakes I’ve ever had, these are not the iHOP standard, after the owner serves us he pulls out a chair joining us in the discussion. “Adam, these are the best pancakes I’ve ever had, these are not regular iHOP pancakes.”

  “Aaron, nope they aren’t, they’re my special recipe; they’re one of the reasons this little iHOP in the middle of nowhere generates so much revenue. We’ve been in the top twenty iHOPs for five years, when the suits show up, I change the recipe back to theirs, when they leave I use mine. But back to business, a friend of mine just sent me a draft of the President’s address he plans to make this evening. I printed it out for everyone, at this point, it’s in outline form, his speechwriters will take his notes and build a speech around it, and then they’ll put it on his teleprompter for him to read.”

  I smile a wicked grin while responding, “I think we need to find a way to hack his teleprompter, he’ll sit there reading the words we flow across his screen he won’t know a damn thing. I bet we could get him to renounce everything by just hacking the screen.”

  Everyone at the table laughs, Adam, says, “Very good idea, I’ll check with a few of our tech people.”

  Joshua reads the outline, “Oh my God, is he serious? He’s going to say that the bill of rights shouldn’t cover everyone; he’s saying that there are limits to the bill of rights, not across the board limits, but limits and waivers depending on what you think and say. He uses the example of freedom of speech that doesn’t cover yelling “FIRE” in a movie theater, he’s going to say, freedom of speech won’t cover hate speech, and hate speech will be defined by him! He’s going to formalize censorship. Not just in print or broadcast but in our homes, in our thoughts. He’s going to say that due process should be limited in order to save lives; he’s going to propose neighbor's spy on each other, he’s going to offer rewards for turning in people who hide firearms and use hate speech. He’s going down the same road as the Russian communists. This is much worse than I feared he’d attempt. Since he’s been able to get away with everything else, I guess he figures he can get away with everything he wants. I guess he might even try to postpone the next election, even though he announced the first lady would run, want to bet he finds a way to postpone the election, so he doesn’t have to turn over power, even if he planned to turn it over only as a trick.”

  Luke asks, “Joshua, how is he going to frame the spy on your neighbor bullshit?”

  “He’s going to say we need to spy on our neighbors and family members in order to save lives, anyone could be an enemy of the people undermining the government. He’s going to brand any discussion against his policies as racist and hate speech. Therefore, any debate against him has effectively ended. He en
ds up with total control of the media, the internet and even between people. Worse even than it was in Russia where each apartment had a political officer whose job it was to listen and spy on their neighbors, so too will we. His damned DHS and NSA will focus their spying on every man woman and child in America. He’s going to turn us into a closed society, one where it’s going to be illegal for groups of people to gather and meet. Soon it’ll be illegal for us to meet like this. It’s a brilliant plan; the low information voter doesn’t care, and they’ll never bite the hand that feeds them. They’re very willing to sell their freedoms, which they really don’t understand for a 30 pieces of silver or a free iPhone. They are selling their children’s futures down the river to hell. If the low information voter cared as much about their freedom as they do about their sports teams, they would have revolted already. The sit in uncomfortable stadium seats in the rain or freezing cold to root for their favorite teams, however they won’t spend a few minutes voting. They got the government they deserve; unfortunately, we get the same government as they who don’t care. When this President ran for election he said he was going to transform the country, he’s most likely the only politician that is actually going to fulfill one of his campaign promises.”

  The table is silent for a long four minutes; we turn our attention back to our breakfast when Ron/Apollo asks, “Do we think the average citizen is going to support us if we bring force against the current administration? And if we do bring force against the administration, how do we ensure no future administration can get close to pulling our freedoms out from under us again?”

  Joshua looks at the table, “Apollo that’s just like you to cut right to the meat of the matter, these are the two key questions aren’t they? If the people don’t support us, we run the risk of fighting in an environment where everyone except for us is our enemy; we’ll have no safe havens. We’ll be taking a chance any time we walk down a street or go into a store. Our neighbors might turn us in for the reward. It’s essential that some of them support what we’re trying to accomplish. We’re going to shed blood, a lot of blood for the future generations of all Americans. The other question is a bit more complicated. How do we ensure we don’t have to fight this same war every generation? The first answer, that comes to my mind, is term limits. If we don’t have a political/ruling class, the Congress will remember they represent the people and not the other way around. We need to improve our education system, so the real history is taught to every student. We need to ensure very thorough background checks are run on anyone who runs for office and lastly we must have a free and independent press. We used to have one, somewhere along the line they decided to make or being the news was more important than reporting it. They got the idea they were the stars, and we really cared or should care what they thought. Maybe we should have a robot sit in front of the camera reading the news or just run it across the screen set to music.