Freedom vs.Tyranny Read online

Page 7

  “I didn’t appoint you to AG to pick the wrong side; I don’t care what a damn agreement made a hundred years says, find a way to break it, or find enough state people to bribe to stall their movement.”

  “Mr. President, they have already left the union, they have started to call themselves the Republic of Texas. I can’t stop the horse from leaving the barn if he’s already gone.”

  “Get with the program, if you cause enough trouble for their citizens, they’ll come running home for protection. You gave enough assault weapons to those Mexican drug lords; have them start attacking the towns along the border. Kill a few, rape a few, burn a small town to the ground, and then their people will beg us to protect them. I want to see reports in tomorrow’s papers about the attacks; in fact, I’ll have a couple reporters sent to South Texas to be ready to report the attack on the poor defenseless people of South Texas.”


  “General Brownstone, do you think we can get away with the killing of the TSA agents?”

  “Admiral Zander, what DHS agents? We were attacked by domestic terrorists dressed as TSA agents, who else would be dumb enough to demand to enter the Pentagon dressed as a TSA agent? Who else would try to run down a US Marine Captain on the Pentagon grounds? Didn’t you hear me tell the President it was domestic terrorists? Captain Grover allowed the vehicles to burn so that nothing remained except for melted metal and plastic. The bodies are burnt beyond recognition.”

  “What about their teeth?”

  “What teeth, Captain Grover reported that all of their teeth were missing, as were their fingertips, we may never know who they were.”

  “General, you’re a hard man.”

  “Admiral, we have to be. Do you want to be dragged in front of the Commander in Chief and given a direct order to resign or fight our fellow Americans? As long as we don’t answer his summons we can play this little game. We have to convince Bracken to agree with us. If the Air Force sides with the President, we’re going to have a difficult time forcing him to reverse his executive orders. The Air Force can force the country to accept every whim of the President; they still control the strategic weapons except for your Trident boats. Which, by the way, how are you doing flushing all of them out to sea?”

  “General, we have a total of 14 Trident boats; 2 are in dry dock for repairs and upgrades; 3 are in port being worked on, the other nine will be at sea under emergency war orders by 2400 hours this evening.”

  “Admiral, what about the missiles in the 5 being worked on?”

  “General, when the boats enter port for repair or dry dock, the missiles are removed and put in storage.”

  “Good, I’m going to send some Force Recon Marines to take control of the missiles in storage.”

  “General, what’s the worst case if Bracken doesn’t go along?”

  “Admiral, better if you don’t ask, there are still a few, “Don’t ask, don’t tell” rules floating around, it would be best for everyone if he decides to join us. One way or another I can’t let the President destroy what so much blood has been spilled to build. I personally won’t allow it. No Marine will allow it.”

  “General, be careful with talk like that, even our walls have ears, ears that report back to the SOB in the Oval Office.”

  Chapter 6

  On Thursday evening, the rioting in Baltimore reached a boiling point. The mobs and gangs realize they have very little locally left to loot and burn; most of their neighborhoods are already burnt and smoking ruins. All of the local stores have been looted to their bare shelves, then set on fire until the only thing remaining are burnt shells. The local leaders decide it’s time to move into the suburbs. At 10:00 PM the Baltimore mob move into the bedroom communities surrounding the city. The rioting mob burns everything in their path. They kill anyone in front of them who doesn’t join them; every woman, they encounter, is gang raped until she passes out, every store has their front windows smashed their inventory looted, and the balance of the store trashed, usually the store is set on fire. The Baltimore African American police officers refused to use deadly force against the mob. The fire department is told to use their fire hoses on the growing crowd. The high-pressure water proves to be enough to disperse the mob for the evening. The mobs return to their homes, on their way home most make plans to return tomorrow night since the area around the city is just too rich to pass up. They know they are entitled to their share. It isn’t fair others have so much and they have so little. Friday evening the mob, now double in numbers leaves Baltimore to attack the bedroom communities again, only this time they are prepared for the fire department. Many in the mob’s front row brought homemade shields to protect them from the water. The second row brought Molotov Cocktails to throw at the fire department trucks; many of the gasoline bombs find their targets, setting the fire engines ablaze. The fire department withdraws calling for help from the suburban police departments. When the police arrive, the mob rushes them before they have a chance to get organized or in some cases even exit their cars, many of the police cars are set on fire from the gasoline bombs. The police are surprised when they learn many in the crowd are armed, the mob fires at the police cars before they even come to a stop. The mob continues to grow in numbers, getting more violent with each attempt to slow them down. The mob covers another half a mile when they run into a barricade manned by armed civilians who are hiding behind trees, cars and trucks. Most of the civilians are armed with hunting rifles, shotguns, and AR 15s, the mob is armed primarily with handguns, the mob while armed, lacks firearms training. They fire on the run, holding their guns sideways like in the movies, most of their bullets go high or wide missing their targets. The armed civilians have training and experience with their weapons. The civilians heard about the rioting on the internet, most decided they were going to stop the mob before they could reach their homes. The citizens wait for the mob to get close when one of them yells, “Wait till you see the whites of their eyes.” They wait until the mob is only 50 yards from the barricade. Someone else yells FIRE! A hundred citizens open fire, most with semi-automatic rifles. Maryland’s anti-gun laws outlawed 30 round magazines, yet almost everyone showed up with pockets full of them. The aimed fire stops the mob in mid-step; the mob ran into a wall of bullets tearing them apart. The citizens were soon joined by more people; even a few of the local police officers decided to add their firepower in support of the citizens. The mob’s momentum was broken at the barricade; they turned around and ran back towards Baltimore.


  The 11:00 PM sound bites on the national news programs are;

  “Armed mob attacks African American youth expressing their first amendment rights.”

  “Hundreds killed in a premeditated attack on African American youths.”

  “Baltimore police report roving bands of armed Tea Partiers’ are shooting innocent youths who were only looking to visit the suburbs.”

  “The horror of tonight’s shooting proves the President is correct, all firearms must be taken off of our streets.”

  “Race war erupts in Baltimore.”


  Both sides spend Saturday tending to their wounded and reviewing what happened. The fire department ensures the fires are completely out while both sides plan their next moves. Many churches in Baltimore call for a Sunday march for peace and understanding between the races. Reverend Sackson flies into Baltimore to lead the peace and anti-race parade. At noon, Sunday, Reverend Sackson leads thousands of singing and chanting people in a parade out of Baltimore. The citizens are ready for anything that might happen. Their numbers have been reinforced by local militias who’ve come to support the locals. The armed citizens built a larger barricade blocking the three freeway exits to their town. As the parade continues their forward progress, the militias and citizens are waiting for them. A bus arrives in the middle of the two groups, exiting the bus are preachers, Rabbi’s, and the Deacon of Baltimore. The holy men hold their Bibles above their heads praying for pe
ace and understanding. Some of the preachers also hold large crosses in the air. The oncoming mob stops when they see the preachers. Many of the women in the front line of the mob stop, falling to their knees praying with the holy men. The militia and armed civilians start to relax thinking the holy men will be able to stop the mob and turn them around. They lower their alertness and relax when from the back of the mob, and a voice is heard yelling; “Allah Akbar” wildly firing at the holy men. All fall being hit from the shooters embedded in the mob.

  Both sides pause when they hear the shooting. Each side thinks the other opened fire, causing both to fire. Before the shooting ends, over 300 are killed or seriously wounded.

  Sunday afternoon churches all over the country are filled with people singing John Lennon’s song, “Give Peace a Chance.” Preachers tell their flocks to pray for divine guidance. People take to the streets chanting “Give Peace a Chance.”

  The President addresses the nation at 5:00 PM Sunday afternoon saying, “My fellow Americans, today hundreds of mothers cry over the loss of their children. Children who’ll never come home again. Hundreds of the very best and brightest of our youth will never come home. Today hundreds of our young were cut down without reason by racist wealthy people who took out their frustrations on our loved young men and women. Many died in cold blood cut down in the middle of the street while expressing their first amendment rights in a peaceful parade. This senseless killing has gone on long enough. When I was elected in 2008, I promised to end senseless violence and senseless racial fighting, what took place today outside of Baltimore reverses the progress we’ve jointly made in the past six years. Congress in their inaction has forced me to act via executive orders. Congress has refused to protect our youth; Congress has refused to remove deadly firearms from our streets. A week ago I offered a 60-day firearm buyback program. The dual goals of this program are to remove firearms from our streets while at the same time providing many families with much-needed additional funds in tax-free cash. We’ve all seen the videos of the many happy firearm owners who have sold their weapons back to the government. One of these people walked out of his local police station with $30,000 in crisp new hundred dollar bills. Can you imagine the look of pure joy on that man’s family’s faces when he walked in the door with $30,000 in tax-free dollars? Thousands of firearm owners have already taken advantage of the generous buyback program; I thank every one of these brave people who have helped us remove deadly weapons off of our streets. Today’s horrible event, which made the first lady cry for thirty minutes, clearly shows we can’t wait 60 days. We can’t allow another senseless killing of our children ever to happen again. As such, I’m announcing that the firearm gun buyback program is now mandatory and is being accelerated from 60 to 30 days. I know you’re thinking how can 300 million firearms be collected within 30 days; the answer is, we can do it by working together, we can clean our streets and ensure such senseless violence never happens again. We have to do everything we can do save the life of every single child. The Department of Homeland Security is going to set up collection locations with the assistance of our local police and National Guard, who are your neighbors, your friends helping us save our children. These new collection sites will take place in the short-term parking lots of every airport. Airports have firearm trained TSA agents on site, I say to every gun owner, bring your firearm to your nearest airport short term parking lot, there you’ll see TSA vans waiting to help you help all of us. While the buyback program is in effect, the short-term parking lots will be closed for regular airport parking. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Any cars currently in the short term parking lots have to be moved within 12 hours, or the TSA will have them towed at the owner’s expense. I’m also announcing this evening that by executive order I’m making it illegal to be a member or join or form a local, state, or regional militia. It’s very clear from today’s unfortunate event that a local militia went out of control which led to the deaths of many of our children. Any militia that doesn't disband within 48 hours will be tracked down by agents of the TSA and Department of Home Land Security. You WILL be found; you WILL be taken into custody. You WILL not get away with any more senseless violence. Goodnight my fellow Americans.”

  The talking heads took to the air as soon as the President ended his speech. They were, of course, all supportive of the President. Their sound bites are;

  “The President calls on the entire nation to save every child by turning in firearms early.”

  “The President accuses militias of killing hundreds of our best and brightest young; he outlaws the out of control, lawless militias.”

  “The end of useless and racist militias.”

  “Mr. President, THANK YOU, It’s about time you got rid of these evil racist militias.”


  My phone rang as soon as the President completed his speech. “Hello, Brad here.”

  “Brad, it’s Ron, can I come over?”

  “Sure, but it’s after curfew, are you going to be OK?”

  “Don’t worry about me, I have some information I need to tell you. Turn your outside lights off; I don’t want anyone seeing me at your house. Unlock your door in 15 minutes, I’ll let myself in.”

  “OK, see you soon.”

  Hanging up, I wonder what the fuck is so urgent Ron can’t wait till morning or tell me over the phone. I turn off my outside lights and unlock the door. I wonder, isn’t Ron’s car going to be seen coming here? What difference does having my outside lights on make?

  Twenty minutes later, my front door opens, I didn’t even hear Ron’s car. Ron says, “Hi Brad, got a beer for a thirsty friend?”

  “I didn’t hear your car, how did you get here?”

  “Don’t ask, you don’t need to know some things right now. Brad, I’m being watched, I think you are too. I got a note in a blank envelope saying that the sheriffs are watching anyone who has at least five firearms and anyone who failed to support the President’s buyback program. Of all of my friends, you have the most firearms.”

  “Ron, I have only a few; maybe six bought through an FFL dealer, you know what I have, why aren’t they looking for people who have ten or twenty?”

  “Brad, they’re looking to bust a few people to make a big splash about people owning illegal or ghost guns. They’re using drones to find people who are trying to bury their guns; by the way, the President signed a secret executive order that if a person is caught hiding firearms or is caught in possession of illegal firearms, the government can confiscate all of their property. Brad, think about that, if we turn our weapons over to Jake, and Jake gets caught, not only will Jake lose everything, but everyone, whose guns are hidden at Jakes, will also lose everything, Brad that’s us. As an ex-Sheriff, I’ll make a perfect example for them. I can’t afford to be made an example of, nor can I afford to lose everything I own, can you?”

  “Ron, you mean like they take cars from drug dealers?”

  “No, like they’ll take your home, everything you own, all of your funds, everything. You’ll be tossed into jail or onto the street penniless.”

  “Can they really do this to us?”

  “The President signed an executive order which makes it legal; so far Congress hasn’t said a peep about stopping or even slowing him down. Can you imagine the impact when a couple of people get busted and lose everything they own on national television?”

  “Crap, what are we going to do?”

  “Give me another beer.”


  Rash Linebacker and Glenn Backs have the number one and number three highest rated talk radio programs on the air, which now have to broadcast on the internet. The government has tried for a week to find where they are broadcasting from and shut them down. Neither host had previously met each other, even though both had been on the air for twenty plus years. Tonight they both came together to do a joint broadcast. They agreed to do a special combined program in the evening because they had to try and get the message o
ut that the President is leading the country into total ruin, and he’s running the country as a dictator. Freedom is dead. They began their special program with the playing of Taps; the 24 haunting notes that once heard are never forgotten, they’re played by a US Army bugler live in their studio followed by a minute of silence. Rash and Glenn began their special joint program explaining the truth behind the day’s events. They explained the youths weren’t innocent; they caused millions of dollars of damage in downtown Baltimore. They destroyed the stadium where the Ravens played. They destroyed hotels and restaurants. They beat up, raped and killed every White or Asian in their path. Their militia didn’t shoot first. The President made up the story and changed it around to make the people trying to save their homes the villains. They explain the secret executive order whereby anyone caught not turning in their firearms could lose everything they owned. They posted cell phone video of the day’s battle outside Baltimore proving the President was lying about the entire story. The videos are date stamped as additional proof. The internet and Twitter light up with comments, many not believing the President would lie, many others demanding the President be impeached. Some say the mob was right to attack the suburbs since they had stolen everything from the inner cities. The discussions become very heated; many times Twitter posts fight with each other, pro and con, the two show hosts are pleased they can wake some people up, their lines are jammed with hundreds of thousands of people calling, emailing, instant messaging and tweeting, more than 90% supporting the program’s hosts. The two hosts keep the heat up by posting eyewitness stories pictures and hundreds of videos. They start doing Skype calls with their followers when they suddenly go offline. Federal Marshals break down their studio door, arresting them for high treason. People are shocked the next day when it’s announced that a gas line exploded under the illegal internet studio killing the two famous talk show hosts and their staffs.