Freedom vs.Tyranny Read online

Page 22

  The vans turn around and go home. “I guess we blew that one. It sounded so simple over a couple of beers.”

  “Yea, we’ve got to get some better advice on the forum, this plan sucked.”


  “Good morning Ron, nice to have you join us for breakfast. Coffee?”

  “Yes please.”

  “Last night you said you knew where we could get some training, did you mean it?”

  “Yes, I want to fight back too, but I want to live. As such we need to get trained. Untrained people fighting the National Guard or the Army, or for that matter, even if you attacked the Sheriffs, you would have your butt kicked and when it comes to bullets that's not what you want to happen. I know a group of people who have a camp in West Virginia; they train police officers and private security companies. They’re all ex-Marine Force Recon. They make the snake eaters look like boy scouts.”

  “Snake Eaters?”

  “Army special forces.”

  “By the way have you seen the news?”

  “No, what’s new?”

  “A bunch of stories about various small battles between the people and the feds.”

  “Brad, untrained people facing the DHS or others who are trained is going to end badly.”

  “Well, it kind of turned out OK in the revolution.”

  “Different times, different people, different weapons. Most people then knew how to hunt and live off the land. The British wore bright red uniforms; they marched in straight lines, right into the muzzles of the Minutemen. Don’t expect the DHS to do the same thing. Don’t expect the guard to do the same thing the guard’s practiced fighting urban guerillas. We need to become the most deadly insurgent army history has ever seen. We can’t take them on the head to head; we should take a page out of the insurgent's book, attack the feds along their supply lines, cut their communications, leave behind homemade IEDs. Make them pay in blood for what they’ve done to our country. If, on the other hand, the military comes out on the fed’s side, it’s all over.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because it’s true. The Army learned how to deal with insurgents; they have the firepower that will cut us down in seconds. We’re not talking about a Hollywood movie war. We’re talking about real blood and sweat. Once we’re trained, and team up with an experienced group, we can make our actions count.

  “How do we contact them?”

  “That’s the easy part. The hard part if proving we’re real and not government spies.”

  “What do they do to spies? Just asking?”

  “A spy won’t ever be found. Experienced operators have no sense of humor when it comes to spies. Brad anything you want to tell me?”

  “Ron, chill, just asking. Man, you know me, always curious.”

  Brad, not a good thing to joke about when we meet them. We’ll leave after breakfast.”

  Kathy, who’s been listening to the conversation, says, “Boys, women can fight too, you’re not leaving me here while you go learn how to make a difference.”


  “General, the initial blows have been exchanged.”

  “Damn, I was hoping it could be avoided. Set up a secure conference call with all of the base commanders, it’s time to put the master plan in effect; maybe just the threat will make the White House pause.”

  “General, do you believe the threat of action will give the White House pause?”

  “No, but it sounds good. If the current resident of the White House had any brains, he wouldn’t have pushed us this far. By the way, has anyone heard from Major Grover?”

  “Yes sir, he was able to smuggle Admiral Zander out of the Pentagon. The Admiral is on his way to sea. He took the Major with him; they should be landing on the Lincoln in 45 minutes.”

  “Excellent. People, I’m worried that the ordinary citizens are going to end up getting hurt. I want our people to support the citizens who stand up for freedom. I don’t want our people to turn away their help. I don’t want to hear stories that we turned the people away. We exist to protect our people. If we want to have a true representative government, we need the people to get involved. It’s a good thing the people want to get involved. Encourage them, train them but also keep eyes open for informers. Even Washington had to deal with informers. People, this is a very good sign that the people kicked off the party. Now we can move with their support. Next step is the press,”

  The staff nods, smiling at the plan the general has in mind for the press.

  Chapter 21

  Mysteriously social networks are flooded with the same post at the same time, “Freedom March” in Washington DC, July 4, 2015. No one knows who or even where the post started. It’s routed through different servers all over the world; the poster uses the name, ‘We the people’ the story spreads like a wildfire in Southern California; Wolf News makes it their web headline, they tweet it out to tens of millions of followers. The mainstream media picks up the story asking, “Who is we the people?”

  The Department of Parks issues a press release stating that the Washington DC Mall is closed on July 4 to ‘We the People’ without realizing how the release reads, they proudly display it on all of the government websites, including the White House site; which is picked up and mocked around the world. Almost every country leads off their evening news broadcast with the story, “America closes Washington DC on July 4th to ‘We the People’.” Even the left says the Department of Parks made a huge mistake. The country was founded by ‘We the people’, the countries parks should be open to the people of the country.

  Within four hours of the story breaking, 1,747,000 people have signed up on various Facebook pages to attend the now outlawed march of ‘We the People’. The President’s press secretary informs the President, “Sir; this is a social disaster. Who the hell put out a release closing the Washington DC Mall for ‘We the People’ on July 4th? It reads as if we, the Federal Government don’t care about our citizens; we look crass and uncaring to the world’s press. We’ve upset many voters.”

  “Screw them. There’s no way I want a million gun toting, bible quoting hicks crowding DC on the 4th. Find a way to shut this march down. Shut it down, without causing a bigger scene, just shutting it down and make them go away.”

  “Mr. President, guns are against the law, no one would carry a gun in Washington, and how can we refuse a permit to the people who elected us on the anniversary of the country’s independence?”

  “Why are you bothering me with the details? Can’t you find a way to refuse their permit? Say another group had requested a permit first.”

  The White House issues a press release saying, ‘Diversity for all’ has previously booked the Mall for a July 4th parade, the White House is sorry and hopes ‘We the People’ will select a different date to visit Washington DC.”

  Social Media ignites in an uproar, within an hour of the White House release an additional 300,000 people sign up to attend the now illegal march.

  The President calls the Secretary of Defense, Bruce if these people show up on July 4th to march without a permit; can the federalized Guard control them? Will we need the Army to patrol the streets of Washington on July 4th?’

  “Mr. President, the Army can’t patrol the streets of Washington, we are directly forbidden from doing so.”

  “I see. Then you leave me no choice.”

  “Mr. President, no choice in what?”

  “Since I can’t trust you to provide security for the people that live and work in our capital, I’m going to turn to a group I can count on.”

  “Sir, a group you can count on? Mr. President, please don’t send the DHS bullies into the streets against the people.”

  “Bruce, I have no intention of sending in the DHS agents, I don’t want them to be harmed. I have a much better idea. Thank you for your input.”

  The Secretary of Defense hangs up the phone thinking, who’s he going to use? What’s he up to?

  The President calls his sen
ior secret service agent into the Oval Office, “Please arrange a trip to New York City as soon as possible; I want to attend a meeting at the United Nations building.”

  “Yes, sir, how soon do you wish to leave?”

  “This afternoon, it will be a very quick meeting, in and out within a couple of hours.”

  “Sir, we leave in three hours if that works with your agenda.”

  “Thank you that will work.”

  Picking up the phone, the President places a call to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, “Hello Ki-Sun, are you available in four hours for a quick face to face meeting with me?”

  “Mr. President, always, sir, I’ll arrange flights to DC right away.”

  “No, I’ll come to New York; it’ll be a very quick trip, I want to meet with just you. I’ll be at the UN building at 4PM?”

  “Yes, of course, Mr. President.”

  The President takes Marine One to Andrews Joint Operating Base where Air Force One takes him to JFK. He boards another helicopter that takes the call sign Marine One for the short flight directly to the UN building. Bun Ki-Sun is waiting on the roof of the UN building to meet the President. The secret service agents exit first to check the roof for any threats. Satisfied there are none, the agents nod towards the door of the helicopter. The President walks down the stairs coming face to face with the Secretary-General. The President bows to the UN Secretary-General, the two leaders shake hands, while the Sec-Gen leads the President to his private elevator. The two ride to the Secretary-General’s private conference room.

  “Mr. Secretary General, thank you for agreeing to meet with me with on such short notice.”

  “Mr. President, it must be something very important for you to come to see me on such short notice, how can I and the United Nations be of service?”

  “Mr. Secretary-General, I find myself in a very unusual position. Have you heard the rumors about a people’s march to Washington DC on July 4th?”

  “Mr. President, I would not call it a rumor. There are people within this building who are planning on attending. We think it’s wonderful how the American people are responding to a call to support their government on your country’s birthday.”

  “Mr. Secretary-General, this is not a march of support, it’s a protest march. I find that I require additional security for our capital on the 4th. I am hoping that the United Nations will provide 10,000 international peacekeepers to keep the peace.”

  “Mr. President, you want me to authorize a UN deployment to Washington DC?”

  “Yes, that’s what I’m asking.”

  “Mr. President, many in America will see this as a conspiracy plot for what they call a new world order of a global government.”

  “You supply the manpower, leave the handling of the press and rumors to me. This is what I do best. I’ll have the people of DC waving small UN flags of support for your troops. Of course, we’ll cover all of the costs associated with the deployment and a service fee to you for arranging the deployment on such short notice.”

  “Very well, Mr. President, I’ll arrange a deployment of 10,000 United Nations Peace Keepers to be in Washington DC from July 1 to July 10th, the cost will be invoiced to America. I also assume you’ll cover all of their living expenses and support costs?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then sir, it’s agreed. It’s a pleasure being able to support the people of America from these racist anarchists.”

  “Mr. Secretary-General, I’ll have my Chief of Staff work out the agreements with your chief, I’m going to return to DC, thank you for your support of all freedom-loving Americans.”

  The President returns to the White House making plans to blunt the people's parade on July 4th, he thought, I hope my dumb as a box of nails press secretary remembered to get some diversity group lined up to march, so the Tea Bag nuts see I didn’t lie.


  General Brownstone tells his aide, “It’s time to scare the crap out of the press, are we ready?”

  “Yes sir, our people have selected three members of the press. Our people will be dressed in the TSA uniforms we stole, tonight at 0330 we’ll kick in their home front door, grab them, handcuff them while others in the teams will tear their homes apart looking for their notes. The press always has notes at home; we’ll take their notes, trash their homes and scare the hell out of their families. One agent in each team will accidently drop the names of the other reporters the teams are visiting tonight. This way the three will be able to chat about it. We’re going to bug their phones and homes, audio and video. We should then own these three if it doesn’t provide the desired effect; we’ll repeat it with another three. Sooner or later, and we think sooner, since the press thinks they’re in a special class above the rest of us, one or more will go on air and question the tactics the administration is using. We’re sure at least one if not all of them will scream about their first amendment rights.”

  “Very good, I can’t wait to see the video of the poor little reporters. How did you select the teams?”

  “Ex Marines who performed interrogation in the sandbox, I might add, none too gently either.”

  “Thank you, I can’t wait.”


  “Abram, I agree with you, we should cast our support with their people.”

  “David, are you sure? Most of the people don’t like us; most of them would like to do away with us.”

  “Abram, we have no choice, if the tyrant wins, we’ll be next to be picked on. We promised, “Never Again.” We promised we would do everything possible to stop anything like the Holocaust from ever repeating itself.”

  “How do we make contact? Who do we contact?”

  “I’ll handle it.”

  “General Brownstone, you have an outside call on the secure phone.”

  “From the outside? Who knows that number?”

  “Sir, less than a dozen and sir, it’s not one of ours.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Sir, we suggest you take the call.”

  “Hello, this is General Brownstone, US Marines retired. Who am I speaking with?”

  “General, this is Abraham Silverstone representing the Jewish Defense League. We met once, five years ago when you visited Israel.”

  “Mr. Silverstone,”

  “General, Abram will do.”

  “Abram, how did you get this number?”

  “From a mutual friend of ours, Joshua said to tell you, you should call him this evening.”

  “I see, what can I do for you?”

  “It’s not what can you do for us, but what we can do for you. We have people in most cities; we have hidden arms, and we’re trained and have been trained to train others who’ve never fired a firearm before. We are offering our support to you in helping train American Citizens.”

  “Who said anything about us training American citizens with outlawed firearms?”

  “General, don’t fool with me, we both know you’re planning to provoke a change of the current administration, hopefully peacefully and if not through leading the largest uprising the world has seen since 1917.”

  “Can you tell me how many of you there are?”

  “More than enough, we have been supported by our friends in the Mossad and the IDF.”

  “Why would you support our efforts?”

  “General, because we’re Americans too. And if the American government shifts much more to the left, then Israel will be in danger. We won’t allow another Holocaust, we mean Never Again. General, it’s in our benefit to support you so the right side comes out victorious in the upcoming battle.”

  “Abram, may I ask where you’re calling from?”

  “Not at all, I’m upstairs in room 236.”

  Laughing, the General replies, “Stay there, a young man wearing black jeans, desert boots and a black T-shirt will knock on your door in 15 minutes.”

  “General, until later.”

  “General, do you believe him?”

�Captain, one way to find out, is to text my old friend in Israel, he’ll tell me the truth.”

  The text comes back almost instantly, “He is real and trustworthy.”

  The General shows the text to his aide saying, “Go get him, room 236, blindfold him when you get around the corner from our elevator.”

  “Yes sir.”


  “Admiral welcome to the Lincoln battle group.” Says, Rear Admiral Robert Sanders, commander of the fifth fleet.

  “Thank you, Admiral Sanders, I promise not to get in your way.”

  “Admiral, you’re the CNO, I’m going to move to the visiting officer quarters and give you my cabin.”

  “No, please stay in your cabin, the Major, and I will use the quest quarters, I’d like to meet with you and the Captain in an hour.”

  “Yes, sir, I’ll have a Marine escort you to your quarters and then to the flag bridge.”

  “Robert, it may have been a few years since I commanded a battle group, but I assure you I can find the flag bridge. Any seaman on board will tell me, just to get me away from them.”

  The two old friends laugh, two Marines pick up the Admiral’s and Major’s overnight bag escorting them to their cabins.

  “Robert, may I ask for one small favor?”

  “Admiral Zander, Sir, what can I do for you?”

  “The Major broke me out of the basement of the Pentagon rather quickly; he didn’t get a chance to pack much of anything, I assume there’s a couple of spare uniforms aboard that’ll fit him?”

  “Sir, your Marine escort will take care of the Major.”

  “Robert, thanks, it feels good to smell the sea again. I’ve been cooped up in the Pentagon to long. I’d forgotten how good being at sea feels.”


  “Brad, Kathy, I’ve made contact, we move in an hour, please pack an overnight bag for three days, a reservation has been made for you in a Hampton Motel, you’ll never stay there, however, the bag will look good if we’re stopped and your story is checked.”