Freedom vs.Tyranny Read online

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  “Damn it, unless he or someone comes to their senses, we’re going to enter the twilight zone.”

  “Yea, where’s Rod Sterling when we really need him?”

  “Bet he’s in the outer limits, seriously what are you guys going to do?”

  “I’m going on vacation, so are many of the Diplomatic Security people.”

  “Let’s try to figure out what our options are and meet back here in three nights.”

  “Agreed, chill my friend, things are getting real strange.”

  “In my 25 years, this is the strangest shit I’ve ever seen.”


  People sitting in the pews of thousands of churches on Sunday hear two different sides of the national crisis. Some preachers tell their parishioners that the President is trying to save lives; others tell their flock that they should be guided by their hearts and the spirit of God. In many churches, arguments break out in the pews; families are divided whether the President is for the average family or against them. Preachers try to guide their flocks to remember God is love, almost every preacher reads the sixth commandant; of “Thou shall not kill.” They preach give peace a chance.


  In Lancaster California, a police department SWAT squad breaks down the front door of a house; they smash into a family’s house at 3AM. No one knocked; no one announced they were the police. The husband who had fallen asleep on the couch, wakes, thinking someone is breaking into his house, he reaches under the couch pulling out a 1911 45 caliber semi-auto handgun. When the first officer enters his home, he thinks they’re criminals breaking into his home, to save his family he fires on the officers, killing two of them. The third officer fires eight rounds into him, instantly killing him. The wife runs down the stairs holding a small LCP 380, the fourth officer shoots and kills her. The entire situation was a horrible mistake. The SWAT squad had the wrong house; they should have attacked the house next door. The local press screams about police brutality, trying to get the DA to charge the officers with murder. The DA replied it was just a mistake while refusing to charge the officers. The town becomes very upset over the situation. Two nights later, at 3AM, five men break into the SWAT squad leader’s home, they gag and tie his hands behind his back; they drag him to his front yard where they hang him from a large oak tree. They hang a sign around his neck saying “MURDERER."

  Every three dawns finds another member of the SWAT squad hanging from a tree with a sign around their neck. The chief swears he’s going to catch those who killed his men. Three days later they find the chief tied to the flag pole in front of the station covered in tar and feathers with a sign around his neck saying, “liar."


  In Orlando Florida, the TSA sets up screening booths in front of Disney World and Sea World. The searches turn sexual. Many young children are groped. Three child molesters had been hired by the TSA under the new non discrimination regulations. Many families refuse to allow the agents to scan and grope their families. Attendance at both attractions falls thirty percent. The CEOs of both companies fly to Washington DC to request the TSA be removed from their parks; both are arrested for interfering with law enforcement. TSA agents confiscate their homes, cars and bank accounts. They are sentenced to two years in jail without a trial under a little-known regulation recently signed into law by the President allowing police and Federal Government officers to arrest those who interfere with the new regulations.

  Chapter 15

  15,000 troops decide to take the General up on his offer and leave Fort Hood, many leave because they think the end is coming, they just want to be with their loved ones. The General understands and offers them a free return to the base with their loved ones. He promises to have suitable facilities ready for whoever returns. He tells everyone leaving he hopes they are safe, and he hopes they never have to meet on the field of battle. He tells everyone, those staying and those leaving, he hopes things don’t fall apart to the point they have to fight each other.

  Dyess AFB decides they’re sitting this one out. Their 38 B1B bombers will stay on alert in case a foreign power decides to take advantage of the internal American situation.

  Colonel Georges the commanding officer of Dyess Air Force base says, “General Cruise, we have not received any change in the alert status; we are still at DEFCON 4, unless the alert level is changed, my forces will stay where they are. We don’t want to fight our brothers and sisters. We may be needed to remind other countries not to mess with us. My bombers may be required to take part in a strategic mission.”

  “Colonel, are your bombers armed with nukes?”

  “General, we haven’t armed them yet. I hope they never have to fly against anyone with weapons of mass destruction. I wish you well. As long as you don’t attack my base we’ll get along.”

  “Colonel, if I wanted to take your base, I would already be sitting in your chair. I’m going to allow you to stay where you are. If I sense you moving your bombers and making any move to fly against my troops, I will take your base in an hour. I’ll have M1 tanks sitting on your runways. Have any of your aircraft left the base?”

  “General, a squadron of F15s decided to leave for the joint operating base in Fort Worth, there are six of them, and per their commander’s request we did arm and fuel them before they left. Please alert the base for us, the Fort Worth base is not currently responding to our radio calls.”

  “Colonel, what are the F15s intentions?”

  “Sir, I don’t know, their leader LT Colonel Franklin, call sign “Wing Nut,” said he’s not sitting on the sidelines, he asked permission to arm and fuel his planes, I gave him permission and wished him luck. They should arrive at the base in ten minutes.”

  “Thank you, Colonel. Please use this frequency to communicate with us; I hope you decide to take sides, and that side is with us. Colonel, just to let you know the Texas Air National Guard is flying combat air patrol over our military bases and the major Texan cities. I’d hate to have to shoot down one of your “Bones.”

  “General, they are very expensive, if you shoot at one, you may have just bought it, I hope you have a “Black series” American Express Card to pay for one or to repair any you might damage, even their parts are expensive.”

  “Colonel, I’m sure the Republic of Texas has a card to cover any costs, we’ll welcome Wing Nut and his Eagles to the Republic of Texas. Colonel, good luck to you.”

  “General, you too.”

  5,000 feet above Joint Operating Base Fort Worth, two F16s flying CAP (combat air patrol) get a surprise when six F15s arrive at tree top height. “F16s, this is Wing Nut, commanding flight of six Eagles, we are fully armed and requesting landing permission at Fort Worth.”

  “Wing Nut, welcome, we’ve been alerted to your visit; runway 01 is open, land straight in, winds light at 8 knots. Welcome aboard.”

  “Wing Nut and flight of six we’re hoping, you guys got six sets of boots waiting on us.”

  “Just say your sizes and they’ll be on the flight line.”

  “One 10 1/2, two 9 ½, one size 13, and don’t ask if shoe size equals anything else, one size 11 and mine is a 9 1/2 extra wide. Don’t ask how I get my duck feet into the cockpit of an Eagle. We’re happy to be here.”

  “Roger, when you land tune to 102.55, the tower will direct you. The base fire department is coming out to salute you.”

  “Roger and out.”

  Wing Nut lines up to land first, he sees five bright red fire engines on each side of the runway spraying water into the air saluting his squadron.

  Six very happy pilots land at the Fort Worth base. When they deplane; there’s a row of cowboy boots with little size tags hanging on them waiting for them. Smiling the six pilots dash to their boots, one of the linemen hands each pilot a shoulder patch for from the Republic of Texas while another starts applying the flag of Texas on their airplanes.


  Four US Marshals arrive at the Pentagon’s main entrance with an order from the
President for Admiral Zander, ordering his termination as CNO there’s also an arrest warrant. Sergeant Jose Herndiaz looks at the documents; he steps into the guard booth to contact the recently returned Major Grover.

  “Major, the people, you told us to keep an eye out for, are here, Sir, what are your orders?”

  “Sergeant, tell them the Admiral isn’t located on site, which isn’t a lie, he’s located under it.”

  “Yes sir.”

  The sergeant returns to the US Marshals, “Sirs, I’ve just learned that Admiral Zander is not located in the facility.”

  “Sergeant, where did he go?”

  “Sir, Admirals don’t inform Marine Sergeants of their plans. I can give you his aide’s number, but there’s nothing else I can do for you at this time.”

  “Sergeant, why not let us in and we’ll search the facility ourselves?”

  “Sirs, there are 6,500,000 square feet in the Pentagon; the two of you will spend years searching the facility.”

  “Sergeant, thank you, we’ll return with more people and a search warrant.”

  “Sirs, I suggest you get a warrant from a military judge. Otherwise, it might not be honored, US Military facilities operate under the US Military justice code.”

  “Sergeant, when we return with a search warrant, and more manpower, you will allow us entry, is that clear?”

  “Sir, your statement is clear. However, you cannot give me orders because you’re not in my chain of command. Now I must ask you turn around and leave this facility.”

  “Sergeant, we will return with enough force to search the Pentagon, the days of you people thinking your shit don’t stink are over. You’re all going to tow the new line.”

  The marshals leave calling the President’s Chief of Staff on their way back to DC. “Sir, we were refused entry, we were told the Admiral wasn’t at the facility. Sir, the guard, informed us they won’t honor a court issued search warrant.”

  “RTB, (return to base) I’ll talk to the President, he’ll issue the Admiral a direct order. The President will order the Admiral to report to the White House in person, we can hand him a letter of termination and the warrant at the same time.”

  “On the way.”


  155 of the Navy’s 230 war and amphibious ships made it to sea. There are debates taking place on every ship; fights break out between those who are for and against the President. The one ship, that suffered the most damage is one of the ten nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. A running battle among the crew on the USS Nimitz causes heavy damage to the ship’s equipment. The battle rages inside the giant ship which has 3,360 compartments for three hours. The revolting crew members want the ship turned around. They oppose the fact the Captain and most of the crew refuse to sign the new loyalty oath. The battle rages compartment to compartment, with over 100 compartments damaged and set on fire. The revolting crew breaks into the small arms lockers, arming themselves with M16 automatic assault rifles. The Nimitz loses power when the revolting crew breaks into the engineering spaces, killing 50 of the engineers. They’re able to SCRAM the nuclear reactors. The Captain of the Nimitz places a call for help, the USS Wasp, which is carrying 1800 US Marines responds. Helicopters bring Marines from the Wasp to the Nimitz. The Marines board the disabled carrier, after a three-hour bloody battle the carrier is back under command of her captain. There are 473 damaged compartments on the 1,000 foot long ship; it takes three days for her to regain full military power. Admiral Zander reads the report of the battle on the ship he once commanded the fifth fleet from. He’s sick thinking about the damage to the proud ship, he decides there’s no reason for the fighting. The last thing his beloved Navy needs is a civil war inside his ships. He sends a message to every ship’s Captain; they are to allow any crew who want to leave to do so. A one-time offer, to go home, is made to the crews on every ship. Many of the captains disagree with the offer; however, they’re trained to follow orders, which they carry out. Of the 155 ships which surged, 3,400 people want to go home. The East Coast ships have 1900 of those who want to go home. Admiral Zander decides to put them on the flight deck of the USS Nimitz, who’ll take them to Miami where a stream of small boats will bring them ashore. Many are even unhappier with the news they are going to Miami and not back to Norfolk. On the west coast, three ships carry the people to the port of Long Beach, those, who were based at Pearl Harbor, are further upset to be dropped off so far from home. The two cities were chosen due to the limited military bases in each city. Admiral Zander ordered the ships returning the crew to stay at General Quarters; they are free to fire on any ship that looks like it’s going to intercept or attack the fleet bringing the crew back to the states. The ships announce to all that they will fire on any ship or boat that approaches the Navy vessels with a hostile intent.

  The President hears about the returning ships; he orders the US Coast Guard to intercept the Navy ships and return them to be under the President’s control. The USCG knows none of their ships are a match for the Navy’s battle force ships. When the USS Nimitz sails to Miami, the USCG ships sail to Jacksonville, Florida. They tell the President it was just a small navigation error. They inform the President the Coast Guard had hoped to meet the Nimitz at sea; however they missed it; these things happen in naval encounters. The President having no military background doesn’t know he’s being had. He accepts the missed opportunity, telling the four star Coast Guard Admiral to do better next time. The Admiral rushes out of the White House thanking his lucky stars the man didn’t have any idea what he’d just explained was total bullshit.


  People are fed up with the government trying to micromanage their lives. The latest new regulation, which has Middle America angry, is one issued by the Department of Education mandating that all schools close to honor Muslim holidays. Barry’s Bar and Grill in Norcross Atlanta is a favorite local bar and restaurant many locals hang out at. On Friday evening, the locals are downing beers while watching the “talking heads” on television talking about the newest regulation. Saying how good it is to honor one of the world’s oldest and most peaceful religions. Many in the bar say they are pulling their children out of the public schools. A man in a dark gray suit says looks up from his beer, saying, “You do remember that the President has signed an executive order mandating the end of home schooling don’t you? You have to either enroll your children into public or an approved private school. There are no other choices.”

  “Mister, I don’t know who you are, but my kids are not going to celebrate a Muslim holiday. We’re good Catholics and believe in Jesus. My friends and I are going to protest this.”

  “Madam, you might as well take your march to the White House, no one except for the President can change the regulation.”

  “We’ll call our Congressman and Senators. They can vote to overturn this stupid law.”

  “It wasn’t a law; it was a regulation, drafted by the Department of Education. Most of our rules are not laws, they’re regulations. Congress would have to pass a law to overturn a regulation and have it signed by the President which is never going to happen.”

  A third person, a young man in his early twenties joins the discussion, “I don’t know what you’ve got against the holiday, it’s just another day off of work and school, just like Good Friday, you should just chill out. I bet you’re all closet racists, which is why you’re against the President.”

  “Young man, I can tell you, I don’t have a racist bone in my body.”

  “If you’re against our President and his policies you’re a racist, and I refuse to sit with racists like you people. You’re disgusting, in fact, I’m going to call and report you for hate speech. I’m going to laugh my ass off when they come and empty this entire hick town.”

  As the young man gets up and reaches for his cell phone, two men jump him; they take his cell away from him while dragging him outside of the bar; they drag him screaming and yelling to the back parking lot. One says, “Wait; I’
m going to see if we can find a dark corner where one of the DHS camera won’t see us.”

  Two other men join the two holding the young man. The one who went to check for a dark corner returns in a couple of minutes saying, “The lights are out on the right-hand side of the building.”

  The other men laugh saying, “Let’s drag this asshole over there.”

  The four men drag the young man who threatened to turn them into the DHS to the right-side of the building. They beat the young man senseless, they punch him; they kick him; one pulls a knife out of his pocket; he looks the man in the eyes saying, “I’m going to cut your eyes and tongue out, you’re going to go through the rest of your life, blind, and unable to talk.”

  “Wait, please, I was kidding, I won’t turn you guys in, I swear it, please don’t do this to me.”

  The men laugh saying, you’re right you’re not going to tell anyone.”

  One of the men says, go inside and get a hot utensil, make sure it’s red hot, we’re going to burn his fingerprints off of him. Also get an ice pick, we’ll puncture his ears so not only will he be blind, he’ll be deaf.”

  The young man is begging and crying; he throws up on two of the men, which pisses them off even more. They hold him while the man with the knife inserts it in the corner of his eyes popping them out. The young man screams until he passes out. One of the men holding him opens his mouth, they grab his tongue while another cuts it off. The one who ran to the kitchen returns holding a pad of heavy oven mitts, he’s carrying a glowing metal rod. “Barry laid this in the grill he uses to cook the steaks; he said it’s hot enough. They put the iron against his fingertips burning his fingers. The last thing, they do, is push the ice pick into his ears until they bleed. They drop him to the ground. All kick him in the ribs and the balls before someone carries him to the river bank three blocks behind the bar. He’s found the next morning by three kids playing by the river.